Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 847

With the recommendation from the Captain of the tenth division, Alan easily entered the True Spirit Technique Institute, a base dedicated to cultivating Death God.

As an Academy founded by Chief Captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi Yaguni in two thousand years, it was originally just a dojo where he established the sect and taught Disciple.

However, after defeating Yohabach a thousand years ago, it was renamed the True Spirit Technique Institute, and the Gotei Thirteen Team was formed at the same time.

It can be said that the old fogey, who looks a little old-fashioned and serious, is actually the founder of the current martial power system of the entire corpse and soul world.

In the current Goting Thirteen Team, more than 90% of the Death God is his discipline of grand disciples.

If it's normal, Alan certainly wouldn't mind standing up and bowing to the captain who came to inspect, just like the other students.

The problem is, it's dinner time.

For a man who has been starved and half-starved twenty-four hours a day, almost twenty hours a day, nothing is more important than eating.

Anyway, due to his large appetite, his reputation as a "rice bucket" has long been spread among this class of students.

Simply let go of yourself, eat your own food, and let others tell you.

As a result, there is a rather strange scene right now.

On one side is where many students and teachers pay respect to Yamamoto Motoyanagi, and on the other side is Alan sitting alone in the corner eating a lot, with no intention of getting up at all.

In this case, the Captain naturally couldn't see it, and without looking back, he asked Xiaobai who was following behind him: "Captain Hitsugaya, is this the one who was recommended to come in? "

"Yes! His soul is very strange! He obviously has such a powerful spiritual power, but for some reason it always gives a chaotic and incongruous feeling. But with a little training, it should be Can reach the level of Vice Captain and even Captain. In terms of aptitude alone, it should be far above me." Hitsugaya Toushiro replied without thinking.

" are right, it is indeed a very strange state of soul. I am afraid that his abnormal appetite is caused by the inability to control the too large spiritual power. Check his origin. Is it clear?" Yamamoto Yuan Liusai Shigekuni continued to ask, rubbing his beard and expressionlessly.

"I've found it out! Captain! He's from Kakuza Town, and he was buried in Ryuhun Street by the Divine Ability there two days before he was discovered. From the clear memory of his previous life Judging, it should be dead soon." Matsumoto Ranju hurriedly stood up to report.

“hehehehe! Does he have this level of spiritual pressure just after he died? It seems to be a very interesting research object. Captain, I suggest that after he graduates, it will be directly handed over to our Technology Development Bureau. ." Nie Yuli suggested with shining eyes.

"Captain, please don't be so scary. Your expression will frighten the seedlings here." Aizen stood out with a gentle and elegant smile on her face.

Because the people who are interested in Alan's strange soul state are not only the Technology Development Bureau, but also his secret mastermind who holds the unfinished collapse jade.

In fact, if it wasn't for Hitsugaya Toshiro who dispatched Matsumoto Ranki in time, the recommendation book that Alan is holding now should be from the Fifth Division Captain.

"hmph! What kind of skills do people like you know?" Nie Yuli raised his chin with a contemptuous expression.

He didn't know at all that the man standing in front of him had already far surpassed himself in technology, and even created the first technology based on the information left by the previous director of the Technology Development Bureau, Urahara. Two incomplete collapsed jade.

But unfortunately, Aizen's acting skills are really good, so good that except for a few of them, the rest all think that this is a gentle and considerate old man who is harmless to humans and animals .


Seeing that the Captains were about to quarrel again, the Captain immediately raised his crutches and slammed a pestle on the ground.

“Which team the graduates of the Shino Spirit Technique Academy go to depends on their will. If you are interested in him, please send an invitation after he graduates.”

After saying this, old fogey took the lead and turned to leave, while Captain and Vice Captain followed closely from behind.

After a while, these great characters that suffocated the students all disappeared without a trace.

After all these people were gone, a girl with short black hair quickly ran to Alan's side with food, sat down, and said in a very envious tone, "Alan-kun is really amazing. Ignore the spiritual pressure of the total Captain and so many Captains and Vice Captains, and sit here calmly and eat shouted."

"spiritual pressure? That's just the influence of the soul on the surrounding spirits. . This point was already mentioned by the teacher in the first lesson. As long as you can reach a tenth level, you will naturally not be affected by them." Alan swallowed the food in his mouth, not caring. Shrugged bladder.

Through this period of study, he has probably figured out the basic principles of Death God's use of soul energy.

At the same time, I also know that the current time should be about ten years before the beginning of the plot, and most of the plot characters have graduated from the Zhenyang Spirit Technique Academy and entered the various teams.

As for the girl around me who is only about 1.5 meters tall, she looks like a girl who has not grown up loli. Her name is Kobayashi Hitomi and she is forty-five years old. "Young" soul.

That's right!

Forty-five-year-olds can only be regarded as a baby at best for the soul world that is hundreds of years old and thousands of years old.

And through the power of the Soul Soul Fruit, it can be clearly seen that she does not have much potential, at best, she can only be stuck at the level of Vice Captain for a lifetime.

Of course, if you can master the swastika of Zanpakutō or gain the power of emptiness, that's another matter.

"That's why it's enviable! Even teachers and captains are amazed and amazed by Alan-kun's innate talent. Besides, he basically learns white play, flash step, sword technique, and ghost ways. You can learn it completely after reading it once, and it may not take long for your Zanpakutō to wake up and break the record of the fastest graduation speed of the Zheno Spirit Technique Institute." Kobayashi Hitomi's tone was full of emotion.

Because she witnessed the opponent's monster-like strength growth rate with her own eyes, and how to crush and beat those seniors who took the initiative to find fault.

Now, there is no student in the entire True Spirit Technique Academy who is Alan's opponent.

Even some instructors who mastered the beginning of Zanpakutō had failed miserably in battle practice.

So many people have begun to look forward to what kind of Zanpakutō he will show when he completes the first solution.

"Graduate? Why should I graduate so early?" Alan rolled his eyes angrily.

Just kidding!

He can get in touch with the most systematic and comprehensive soul cultivation method, and he also has three meals a day, so he shouldn't leave too early.

Otherwise, with the poor salary of an ordinary Death God, it is estimated that after graduation, he can only eat dirt.

"Huh? Alan-kun doesn't want to be the one who made history?" Kobayashi Hitomi widened her eyes with a surprised expression.

Alan shook the head without thinking: "No interest! Compared to this, you'd better worry about the ghost class later. If you can't fully use the third one this time Twelve - Huang Huoshan, it is estimated that the matter of graduating early is about to hang."

"Damn! I forgot if you didn't say it! What should I do? I'm the worst at ghost ways." Xiao Lin Hitomi suddenly screamed in despair.

Not only her, but also many students around who are not interested in ghost ways, or have little talent in this area, have also put on masks of pain.

In fact, the course of ghosts has always been a big problem for the Death Gods in the world of corpses.

Because the whole system is too complicated and requires extremely high control of the spirit, it is much more difficult to learn than simple and rude white play and sword techniques.

In addition, the level of ghosts is not a mandatory requirement for graduation, which has led many students to have a passing mentality for the course of ghosts.

After all, the Zanpakutō is the true source of Death God's power.

But the problem is, everyone knows that if you study with the mentality of being a passer, you often get a failure.

Seeing the reactions of these "student scumbags", Alan couldn't help but recall his school days. He chuckled and drank all the soup, then closed his eyes and began to digest and absorb the hoarding in his body. Those tens of millions of soul energy.

The lunch break is quickly over.

When the ghost class started in the afternoon, everyone suddenly discovered that it was not the full beard teacher who came to the class, but a Captain wearing a haori.

To be precise, it is the Captain of the Fifth Division - Aizen Sousuke.

I saw that he first glanced at all the students present, and stayed on Alan for about a second or two before he said with a smile, "I have to inform you very sorry, I was going to The teacher who came to the ghost class has something to do temporarily, so this class will be replaced by me temporarily. But please don't worry, I still have a little bit of caution about my attainments in ghosts."

【Is something wrong? I'm afraid I'm not completely hypnotized by illusion! As for a little bit of ghostly knowledge, it should be more appropriate to replace it with a million dots. ]

Alan sneered inwardly.

You must know that Aizen is one of the very few who can give up singing and directly perform No. 90 Breakthrough - the black coffin kills Captain's monster in seconds.

So treat this secret mastermind with an exceptionally strong IQ and strength, but anyone with a little brain will not take it lightly.

Just as he secretly raised his vigilance, more than 80% of the women in the students were attracted by this elegant "warm man" Captain, without exception showing respect and admiration. With an expression on his face, he used his brain to surround him, and began to ask everyone talking at once about the skills of ghosts.

It seems that all of a sudden, the "scumbags" in normally started to love learning.

Of course, if Aizen is replaced by a sexy and tall female Death God, it is estimated that the male students will respond similarly.

After all, Death God, whose spiritual power has reached a certain level, is completely different from the ordinary soul of Liuhun Street. It not only has strong Seven Emotions and Six Desires, but also can combine with each other to produce offspring.

Look at the gigantic nobles who rule the world of souls and how many descendants they have produced in the last ages.

I have to say, Aizen's kung fu is really at home. Surrounded by such a group of chirp chirp twitter twitter women, she can smile and answer everyone's questions patiently.

After dealing with all the troubles, he walked over and asked in a magnetic voice: "Alan-kun, I heard that you are one of the students in this class, in terms of ghosts. The person with the most innate talent, right?"

"Uh...well." Alan pretended to be harmless to humans and animals nodded.

Because of the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit to help cheat, most of the ghosts can be easily imitated by just watching one side.

On the other hand, the slightly more complicated ghost ways above the 60th only need to be practiced a few times at best.

Compared to the constipated learning efficiency of others around, it is not surprising that this performance is called a genius.

Actually, no one knows that in addition to studying ordinary ghosts, Alan is still trying to incorporate the Origin Magic collected from the previous world to create his own attack. and means of defense.

Especially the soul-destroying breath of the dead coffin dragon king is definitely an ultimate weapon in this world based on spiritual power.

Once the soul is destroyed, then whether it is Death God, Quincy, or Void, all will be finished on the spot.

"Oh, that's the case, are you interested in going there with me for some special training? After all, with your spiritual pressure, you can learn the ghost ways of No. 70 and above, instead of following Ordinary students are wasting time here together." Aizen smiled and issued an invitation.

"Oh? Would you like to teach me?" Alan's face showed unabashed surprise.

At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by a movie emperor and started acting with the other party.

"Of course! I have always adhered to the philosophy of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude when dealing with geniuses. Come on, let's start with the 81st Binding of the Way - Breaking the Void."

says Then, Aizen walked to the open space where the ghost training was being conducted, and began to chant incantation under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

"Heaven's Chosen, the city wall built of iron, the dragon walks, the lion roars, the tiger roars, the wolf rushes, cut off Heaven and Earth before it collapses, Binding Road 81 - cut off the sky!"



The spirits in the surrounding environment began to gather at a high speed, and in the blink of an eye they condensed into a huge and incomparably strong barrier.

This defensive ghost path can block and weaken most offensive paths below the 90th.

For the students of the True Spirit Technique Academy, the scene in front of them undoubtedly made them feel deeply shocked, and also had an intuitive understanding of the strength of the Captains for the first time.

However, Aizen turned around and asked with a smile, "How, do you think you can do it?"

"It doesn't seem to be too difficult. ."

Alan also responded with a smile, strode to the open space, gave up singing, raised his hand and tried to control the surrounding spirits.

The next second...

"81 of the Binding Road - Breaking the Air!"

bang! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, an almost identical wall rose up from the ground, standing apart from the previous one created by Aizen.

For a while, the entire practice ground became quiet.

And Aizen's pupils hidden under the glasses are even more shining with strange brilliance...

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