Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 848

"Just...just kidding? After the 80th ghost, after giving up singing, can still achieve this formidable power?"

"Isn't the real terrifying that he only tried once Has it been successful?"

"Unbelievable! You obviously have such strength, but why do you still want to take classes with us!"

"Yes! Monsters like this should be born early Graduation?"


Accompanied by the students' voices of shock, envy, or jealousy, Aizen finally couldn't help clapping and clapping. He smiled and praised: "Although I have long heard about your exaggerated learning ability in ghost ways. But after seeing it with my own eyes, I realized that the word genius is not enough to describe your talent. Tell me, how did you do it? After watching it only once, you can perfectly imitate the 81 of the Binding Road - the void?"

"It's very simple! Observe the influence and changes caused to the surrounding spirits when you chant incantation. After all, whether it is sword technique, flash step, white fight or ghost path, it is essentially realized through the control of the soul over the spiritual child. The singing of ghost road is closer to a way of coordinating and guiding the spiritual child. So It was never necessary, but an auxiliary technique that is easy to simplify and use." Alan blunt's answer.

Different from those "students" in the same period, he paid great attention to the research and study of theoretical knowledge.

Before getting into the ghost world, I had read all the books on the related principles.

In fact, under the influence of the supremacy of strength, most Death Gods are not interested in the principles and technical aspects, so that the true spirit technique institute clearly records a lot of precious knowledge and experience in books For students to borrow books, but no one cares.

But Alan is different!

When he learns a new power system, he must first understand the principle of its effect, and then think about whether there is improvement, or the probability that it is combined with the ability he already has.

So in the first two months after entering the True Spirit Technique Institute, I read almost all the books in the library here.

"Are you going to control the spirits directly over the singing? It seems that you are better than I thought. How about you, do you want to come to my fifth division after graduation?" Aizen solemnly An invitation was issued.

To be precise, he could not bear to use the Bengyu he made to do an experiment to break the boundary between the virtual and Death God on the young soul in front of him.

The reason is simple!

Alan's soul has an enormous amount of energy that ordinary Death God simply cannot match.

Once the boundary between emptiness and Death God is broken, an emptiness of the same magnitude will be created immediately.

The new life born when the two collide with each other will inevitably surpass any previous experiment.

But Alan is obviously not a fool. He understands how dangerous this guy who looks "amiable" is in front of him, and immediately refuses without thinking: "Sorry, Aizen Captain, I'm afraid I'll betray your kindness. Yes. Because in my mind, the 11th Division that is in charge of the battle is the first target. The second is the 10th Division who recommended me to enter the True Spirit Technique Institute."

"Oh? You like it very much. Fight?" Aizen asked in surprise.

In his opinion, people like this who are interested in the incomprehensible and extremely boring ghost theory should belong to the kind of relatively quiet research personality.

“en! That’s right! Victory against a formidable opponent is the most enjoyable and enjoyable thing for me. When I find a way to let Zanpakutana begin to understand, I will go to the execution of Captain Zanpakut I believe it will be a very interesting fight."

After saying that, Alan's face showed a longing expression, and at the same time he touched the shallow handle hanging around his waist. beat.

The reason why his Zanpakutō hadn't awakened was not because of lack of strength, but because the huge energy carried by his soul had not been completely digested.

In fact, as early as after he completed Death God's cultivation and application of spiritual sons, he vaguely heard a voice constantly echoing in his mind.

As long as you get the Wuming Zanpakutō sent by Team Zero, you can complete the first solution in minutes.

"so that's how it is! I didn't expect you to be a fighting maniac too. It's such a pity." Aizen's tone revealed strong regret.

"Sorry to disappoint you." Alan bent down slightly.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. It's the Gotei Thirteen team anyway. Come on, take this opportunity and let me see how much potential you have. Pay attention, the next one will be Eight The ghost way after the tenth..."

In the following time, Aizen completely showed his charm as a big boss, continuously teaching high level ghost way.

For a while, the whole practice ground was full of fireworks, which opened the eyes of these students.

Many people changed their previous stereotypes and began to gradually become interested in ghost ways.

As for Alan, who has long been called "monster" by other students, he naturally accepted all the ghost stories and copied them into his own brain.

By the end of this class, Aizen's mouth was slightly raised, and she left Maou Spirit Technique Academy with a very happy mood, and walked on the streets of Seiringei.


A guy with short purple hair and a fox face walked out of the dark corner and asked with a smile: "Aizen Captain! Did you encounter anything worthy of joy? You actually show this. A vice expression."

Aizen responded meaningfully: "Ah! Isn't this Ichimaru Captain. I did meet a very special and interesting person just now. You know? His soul is like a Unexplored mines. I'm curious what interesting results would have been if that happened to him."

"Aiya! You are as bad as ever. It seems that The newcomer, who is known as a genius, is going to be out of luck." Ichimaru Gin's tone meant taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"no! How can this be called bad intentions, I am helping him develop his full potential. Of course, this thing can't be done for the time being, because too many people are paying attention to him. But that's ok , the most important thing we don't lack is time. At least until we find the broken jade hidden by Urahara Kisuke, let him live a little longer. Even more how, I also want to see what his Zanpakutō is. It looks like it."

After saying this, Aizen continued to walk forward without looking back, and gradually disappeared at the corner in front of her.

Ichimaru Gin stood on the spot and pondered for a long time before continuing to return to the territory of his third division.


Time flies, six years have passed in a flash.

What everyone didn't expect was that Alan, the monster, actually stayed obediently and honestly at the True Spirit Technology Institute for six years, and had no intention of graduating early.

Of course, it can also be said that in the cafeteria of Zhenyang Spirit Technique Institute, he let go of his appetite and ate white rice for six years, and finally even wanted to pass grade repetition for another year.

But they were kicked out by the angry teachers.

During these six years, no one knows how strong Alan has become, only that after five months, he no longer came to class, but began to study, explore and cultivate on his own.

And in the second year, he invented two brand new ways, known as one of the students with the highest innate talent in ghost art since the founding of the Shino Spirit Technique Institute.

The only problem is that these two ghosts, anyone else trying to master but himself, has failed, not even secret mastermind Aizen.

Obviously, they who don't understand the Origin Magic theory at all, no matter how they learn it, it is impossible to learn it.

Today is the day for the graduation assessment. Alan picked up his own nameless Zanpakutō early and came to the front of Chuanjiemen.

He knew that with Aizen's character, he would definitely make some noise in this assessment.

"Alan, are you nervous? You must know that Xiaojian has given you a different entry test." Caolu Baqianliu came out of the corner and asked with a smile.

"It's not so much nervousness, it's more appropriate to look forward to it. I hope that the test given by Captain Zaraki will not be too disappointing, otherwise I will be sleepy and dozing off." Alan casually replied.

"hahahaha! Good! That's the imposing manner! Let me see what you've learned in those six years. Open the door! Send him where he's supposed to go." More Mu Jianpachi grinned excitedly.

From that bloodthirsty expression, he could not tell that he wished he could personally go on the field and become the person in charge of the assessment.

But unfortunately, Seoringei's rules do not allow Captain to take a shot at a freshly graduated student in person.

So the only thing he can do is to arrange a strong enough opponent.

tone barely fell!

The huge piercing gate slammed open.

Alan walked in without any hesitation.

After a short period of darkness, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he found that he had actually appeared somewhere in the virtual circle. There were more than 40 Killian Daggers densely packed around.

When they realized that the Death God appeared in front of them, they immediately launched a frantic siege, and some even released an amazing red virtual flash of formidable power.

If you were an ordinary graduate, you would be 100% dead if you encountered such a scene.

But Alan is obviously not an ordinary graduate, which has long been the consensus of all the Captains and Vice Captains of the Gotei Thirteen.

"Forty-three Kilians? I'm really underestimated."

Alan chuckled and used the flash step to avoid the one after another formidable power. With a virtual flash, he suddenly pulled out the Zanpakutō, and with a single blow, he split the middle of the nearest big virtual rush.

The speed is so fast that only a little afterimage can be seen faintly.

Followed by the second, third, fourth...

For these, the lowest basic force, which does not even have self-awareness and relies entirely on instinctive actions Fake, Alan didn't even use his best ghost tricks, and just relying on flash step and sword technique, he lost more than 30 of them in less than a minute.

"Really beautiful flash step and sword technique. It seems that this level of assessment seems a little easier for Alan-kun, doesn't it? Zeraki Captain!" Aizen stared at the screen Said the battle screen passed back.

"hmph! Don't worry! This is just an appetizer! The exciting things are yet to come." Zaragi Kenpachi grinned, revealing a set of sharp white teeth.

"Damn it! You lunatic arranged for him an Achukas-class dagger, right?" Hitsugaya Toushiro's face changed drastically.

It should be known that although they are all illusory, the strength of Kirian and Achukas is completely two completely different dimensions.

The latter can be almost as easy as blowing off dust, and the former can be easily killed and swallowed.

Almost any Achucas-class Void can compete with the swastika Captain in terms of strength.

But Zaraki Kenpachi responded nonchalantly: "What is this! He is my chosen opponent! If he can't defeat even a trifling Achukas class, then he might as well die earlier. ."

"Asshole! You are murdering!" Hitsugaya Toushiro's eyes flashed with rays of light of anger.

After all, Alan entered the True Spirit Technique Academy with his letter of recommendation.

Just as the two of them were talking, one was much smaller than Kirian, covered with an emerald green shell, and the surface of his hands, feet and tail were covered with spikes and a hard shell. He got out from the bottom, and let out a deep, hoarse laughter: "hehehehe! Death God? I can't believe that you would dare to come to the virtual circle alone. But that's fine, I should be able to complete the evolution by eating you."

"Achukas class? so that's how it is! You are the real examiner. If that's the case, then I have to be a little more serious."

Speaking, Alan raised his head Hand dazzling electric light.

"The Sixty-Seventh Dao - Lei Ming San!"

bang! ! ! ! !

The unknown Achukas-class Void was hit in an instant, and the spiritual structure of the entire skin shell was immediately destroyed and shattered, leaving large traces of being scorched and steamed.

But unfortunately, Daxu is worthy of being Daxu, and the terrifying super-speed regeneration ability only took two or three seconds to completely restore the wound to its original state.

At the same time, provoked, he quickly opened his mouth to fight back.


red's phantom flashes out!

Its formidable power is dozens of times stronger than the formidable power of Kili'an Daxu.

"81 of the Binding Path - Break the void!"

Alan without the slightest hesitation Use the ghost path to erect a wall.

But unfortunately, although this thing has good formidable power when dealing with breaking the road, it is still a little worse than the virtual flash of the Achukas-level big virtual.

After a brief resistance, the wall collapsed unexpectedly.

Xu Shan took Yu Wei and bumped straight into the face.

Alan didn't have time to think about it, and immediately used the flash step to avoid the blow from the side.

Kyachukas Daxu also obviously has quite a lot of combat experience, he immediately fell on all fours like an animal, and instantly disappeared in place using a technique called "Ring Zhuan".

The next second...

It appeared directly behind Alan, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit down fiercely.

But unfortunately, this bite only ended up with an afterimage.

Alan also used the flash step high level application skill "Kangchan" to go around behind Daxu, raised the nameless Zanpakutō he had just received, and slashed it down.

Clang! ! ! !

This blade seems to be slashing on some kind of metal, making a harsh sound, and finally failed to destroy the hard shell wrapped around the body surface, leaving only a white mark.

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