Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 849

No defense?

Alan was stunned as he stared at the Zanpakutō in his hand.

Because as far as he knows, this nameless Zanpakutō is actually the "shallow beating" that he received at the Zheno Spirit Technique Academy.

It's just that when you graduate, you need to return it to complete the secondary processing, and then you will have the ability to do the initial solution and the swastika solution.

But with such a weapon imprinted on its own soul, it can't break the shell of an Achucas-level Void?

Just kidding?

Achukas Daxu undoubtedly noticed Alan's reaction, and immediately raised his fist and slammed it away, and then frantically said with a smile: "hahahaha! Did you see it? Stupid Death God With your poor power, you can't pose any threat to me at all. Today, I'm going to eat you here."

"Turtle shell, phantom flash, ringing, super speed regeneration... "

"The Achucas-class Void is much more difficult to deal with than I thought. It seems that to kill you, I am afraid that you need to complete the initial solution."

Accompanied by In a rather helpless tone, Alan slowly got up from the ground, shook the dust on his body, grabbed the hilt of the sword and whispered: "Listen to the voice from the end of all things, death is coming!"

tone barely fell!

The original ordinary nameless Zanpakutō instantly changed its shape. Not only did the blade become longer and narrower, but it also glowed with a chilling ash-gray light, and there were many more on the hilt. Out one after another little skull.

Obviously, this is the Zanpakutō that he used his soul to condense, a terrifying weapon that can kill anything, even himself.

As everyone knows, the form and ability of Zanpakutō are closely related to a person's soul essence.

For example, Ichimaru Gin is eager to get rid of the powerful Aizen, so his Zanpakutō is the most suitable for assassinating dive spear; Renji's Zanpakutō is Sheomaru in the form of a wild beast.

Aizen always likes to trick others into applauding, and his Zanpakutō is an illusion with full hypnotic power.

Alan didn't know whether it was because he killed too much, or whether he believed that death was the last justice in the world.

In short, his Zanpakutō's name is death, giving the enemy the true death that is eternal and cannot be resurrected.

Anyone killed by this sword will have their soul completely absorbed and decomposed and become a part of death.

Achukas undoubtedly felt the Death Aura coming from the blade, his eyes suddenly became vigilant, and cautiously probed: "Look at the costume, you should be a student of the True Spirit Technique Academy, right? Why? Will I be sent here?"

"Of course because of the graduation exam! Killing you is my exam content. After all, I'm too strong, and ordinary exams are meaningless."

Speaking, Alan gently slits his fingers with the sharp blade, letting the donated blood roll down the side to the tip of the knife.


Zanpakutō suddenly showed a red like donating blood, and began to release a harsh sound all around.

In less than a few seconds, all the ghosts that were moving within a radius of dozens of kilometers were all dead.

Not only that!

The soul energy generated after their death was absorbed by the brain, and attached to the blade flash to form a layer of anti-ash-gray death aura.

【Not good! ]

Achukas Daxu sensed the danger, and immediately wanted to use the ring to quickly open a safe distance.

It's a pity that it's still a little too slow.

I saw Alan holding the knife in both hands and holding it high above his head, then standing there and slashing down.

bang! ! ! ! !

A death slash instantly tore the ground, chasing it directly from behind, tearing Achukas Void alive in half from the middle.

It didn't even have time to let out a scream, and the whole body quickly decayed and died, and finally turned into a spiritual child to be absorbed.

Just one hit!

An Achukas-level Void that even Captain needed a swastika to deal with was easily killed.

When it was completely absorbed, Zanpakutō, the hilt of death, the eyes of a small skeleton were slowly lit up, flashing a chilling red light as if alive.

Everyone who saw this scene through the big screen of the Technology Development Bureau in Seo Lingting all opened their mouths in disbelief. They couldn't believe that Alan would wake up such a horror Extreme Zanpakutō.

It is important to know that the biggest difference between Death God and Void and Quincy is its responsibility to maintain the balance of the two worlds and prevent imbalance and destruction caused by the disappearance of too many souls.

But Alan's Zanpakutō completely destroys the soul, and then transforms it into some kind of death slash that ignores defensive power, which is completely contrary to the duty of Death God.

"I'm afraid that youngster is going to be in big trouble..." Jingle Chunshui muttered to himself while holding the hat.

"Yeah! With the character of the teacher and the Central Room No. 64, I will never allow this dangerous Zanpakutō to be used recklessly." Shiro Ukitake agreed with a solemn expression.

In contrast, Aizen's reaction was just the opposite, and he had already become excited in his heart.

It's just that his acting skills are better, and no one can see it.

Just as the gate was about to open again, a reflective membrane suddenly fell from the sky, directly wrapping Alan on the ground and slowly pulling it into the air.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Hisugaya Toushiro took two steps forward, staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"It's another Achucas Daxu! No! It's not right! Maybe it's a Vastod class!" Nemuri quickly confirmed the situation and gave an answer.

"Damn it! How could this be? Open the gate of traversal quickly! I'm going to bring him back!" Zaragi Kenpachi roared furiously.

After all, this assessment was arranged by him, but the result was nothing but such an unexpected situation.

"It's useless! It's too late! Once the anti-membrane arrives, it will form two completely isolated spaces inside and outside, which cannot be broken by any attack. Give it up, we seem to be put together this time. ." Nie Yuli explained impatiently.

"Captain, what should I do now?" Ichimaru Gin still kept smiling and asked.

"Um...Send two search teams to check the situation first, and then it depends on the situation. Remember! No one should act rashly until they get an order." Yamamoto Motoyanagi said briefly. A decision was made quickly after that.

Obviously, from that intriguing attitude, it is not difficult to see that this old fogey does not intend to spend too much time and energy on this matter.

I even wish Alan died in Daxu's hands in private, so I don't have to worry about how to deal with such a terrifying Zanpakutō.

In contrast, Hitsugaya Toushiro seemed very anxious, and quickly formed the first search team as the Captain of the tenth division, reached the virtual circle through the boundary gate, and began to search around. Look for Alan's trail.

The other search team was led by Zaragi Kenpachi, who hacked to death whatever they encountered along the way in the virtual circle, until they received a notice of forced return, and then they returned reluctantly. Soul Realm.

Just when the Captain ordered this matter to end, no one knew that Alan, Ichimaru Gin, and Toxian had surrounded Alan and ordered the one to be destroyed by incompleteness. The jade transformed Daxu put away the anti-film.

"I'm really flattered by the three Captains at the same time." Alan laughed at himself with a smile.

Although he had long expected that the other party would act at this time, he absolutely didn't expect to use this method of anti-film to directly force himself to another unknown place, and then take Next step.

"You don't seem nervous, and you're also surprised?" A playful expression appeared on Aizen's face.

"Nervous? If nervousness is useful, then there is no need for Zanpakutō. As for the accident, when I first met Captain Aizen at the Mayo spirit technique institute, I knew you were very good to me. Interested. You must know that a person's eyes, expressions and words can deceive people, but the soul will never deceive people."

Alan unceremoniously dismantled the other party's disguise, and began to contact the left behind In Artoria in Azeroth, prepare for the worst.

Although doing so will lead to the bankruptcy of the next series of plans, with his current strength, if he wants to deal with these three guys at the same time, the odds of winning are really poor.

"Hahahaha! Did you hear that? Silver! My guess was right! The reason why he didn't graduate after waiting for six years is because he was avoiding us." Aizen couldn't help but exclaimed laugh.

"You can actually see through the true face of Aizen Captain, you are really a terrifying junior." Ichimaru Gin touched the chin meaningfully.

Alan ignored the fox-faced guy's ridicule, and blunt asked: "You brought me here, shouldn't you just kill me? If that's the case, it shouldn't cost so much. Kung fu is right."

"Kill you? No! No! No! I won't do that kind of boring thing!" Aizen shook the head with great disdain. "On the contrary, I am ready to help you break down the boundaries between Death God and the void, and help you transcend yourself to become stronger. How about you, do you want to join my team?"

"Join yours Team?" Alan deliberately pretended to be interested.

"That's right! I'm researching a treasure called Bengyu, and I'm about to succeed. At that time, I will use its power to become a god! Then conquer the virtual circle and completely destroy that old-fashioned, The old-fashioned, hierarchical Seireitei replaces Death God with a new order."

When speaking of this remark, Aizen's tone was so contagious and provocative that it seemed like Dong A fool like Xian Yao suddenly showed an expression of yearning and anticipation.

And the Ichimaru Gincheng House on the side is much deeper. No matter at all times, he can maintain a very fake smile, and he even doesn't forget to applaud his boss to cheer him up. It's just a standard dog. The shape of the legs.

"Sounds good. And...I don't seem to have a second option, do I?" Alan spread his hands out of frustration.

He himself does not hold any position on the war between Aizen and Soul Society.

Because both sides are essentially dog bites dog hair.

It goes without saying that the Soul Society, which has been established for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, has long since become a kind of strict clan system. The outer soul is basically in a state of self-destruction and no management.

If this were a human country, the people at the bottom who couldn't survive would have risen up and overthrew it long ago.

It's a pity that ordinary souls are not even ants in front of the Death Gods.

even more how, the old man of the chief captain also established the true spirit technique institute, and selected potential souls from the bottom to enter the Gotei thirteen team, completely preventing the lower level from appearing to be able to compete with Seo Lingting. the powerhouse.

What about Aizen on the other side?

Massacre tens of thousands of souls to make Bengyu!

That one's own colleagues are experimenters, trying to break the boundaries between Death God and the void.

It can be said that both sides are jackals of the same tribe, and no one should blame anyone.

"Smart choice! Congratulations! From now on you are one of us. You know I am quite optimistic about the unique power of your Zanpakutō!"

Having said that, Aizen turned her attention to the death that had always maintained the beginning.

"Death Power? Sounds really scary. Please advise me in the future!" Ichimaru Gin smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"No! It's me who should ask for more advice, Ichimaru Gin Captain." Alan extended the hand and shook the fox.

Compared to the enthusiasm of these two people, Dongxian just asked coldly: "What is the real power of your Zanpakutō?"

"It is death Absolutely and use death that cannot be resurrected! I can continuously increase the death energy of this knife through killing and devouring. When the opponent's spiritual pressure is not as high as the total amount of soul stored in this knife, it will be swung out. Slash ignores all defenses and kills instantly." Alan blunt said his Zanpakutō abilities.

Of course, only part of it died, and there was another part he didn't intend to tell anyone.

Aizen thoughtfully nodded: "so that's how it is! The kind of piercing sound you released before is to collect spirits by killing the weaker virtuals around you, really An amazing Zanpakutō. Fortunately, you joined us, otherwise, even if you return to the Soul World, I am afraid that you will be banned by the Chief Captain and the central sixty-four room."

"Aizen Captain, I suddenly feel that this sword can be very useful." Ichimaru Gin reminded in a low voice.

"en! I know! As long as this Zanpakutō is used properly, even the Captain may be easily killed. Alan-kun, I will start relying on your strength from now on. .But before that, I have to get a little insurance."

tone barely fell!

Aizen pulled out her Zanpakutō and gently released her fingers and recited, "Break it! Illusion!"


This Zanpakutō with perfect hypnotic ability was completely released.

Just when he thought that Alan had completely turned into a pawn in his hands, he didn't even notice that Alan's pupils had become the shape of an eternal kaleidoscope...

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