Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 850

as everyone knows , being too arrogant and arrogant has always been a common problem for villain bosses in all anime works, and Aizen Soyousuke is no exception.

This can be seen from the fact that he clearly knew that Ichimaru Gin was an undercover agent, he tried every means to kill him, and he was still willing to take him with him.

Because in his opinion, this is quite an interesting thing.

Similarly, Aizen also sees that Alan is not really interested in his own plan like Dong Xian Yao, but just has an indifferent attitude, and it is very likely that he will be in a certain future in the future. a special time bounce.

But the problem is he doesn't care!

He even took the initiative to teach Alan the cultivation method on how to get from solution to solution.

In this way, for a long time after returning to the Soul World, Alan followed Aizen like a shadow, and also took the pseudonym Imai Yuto, and became Wufan. Team's third seat.

With the incredible complete hypnosis of the illusion, this man played the entire Sereitei's thirteenth Gotei team and the nobles of the central forty-sixth room to applaud like a fool.

Alan, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, finally understood how Aizen's extremely abnormal arrogance and confidence came from.

Whoever lives in this state for hundreds of years will inevitably regard everything around them as dolls and chess pieces, and think that he is the god who is qualified to transcend everything and change everything. .

But unfortunately, Aizen obviously doesn't know that Alan is not from this world, and has a lot of insight and power beyond this world.

By replacing the soul version of the eternal kaleidoscope with the life energy, Alan successfully offset the impact on his soul after the essence of water and moon was first resolved.

In fact, he spent half of the six years at the True Spirit Technique Institute working on this, and now it's finally coming in handy.

The station of the fifth division, Aizen is sitting face to face with Alan at a tea table, Vice Captain Hina Morita is like a valet, getting up diligently and pouring tea for the two of them, looking towards his home Captain's eyes were full of naked and unabashed admiration.

This poor girl doesn't know that the powerful, gentle and considerate "Aizen Captain" she admires actually only exists in fantasy.

"Alan-kun, have you seen it? Most of the people in this world of corpses are like her, pitiful and pathetic, forever immersed in their own fantasies and unable to extricate themselves, and don't know what it is. It's true. Because Seoringei in reality is so desperate, everyone subconsciously hopes to seek solace from the illusion."

Aizen's mouth was slightly upturned, and a contemptuous smile appeared. In this way, in front of Hinamori Tao, without hesitation, she expressed her inner evaluation of the Fifth Division Vice Captain.

But what's even more ironic is that after hearing it, Hina Mori Tao not only did not feel angry, sad, painful, and desperate, but blushed and showed a very happy expression.

Obviously, she is currently under the influence of illusion, and it is estimated that she should hear another similar compliment.

"In front of your Zanpakutō, who in this world can tell what is real and what is unreal? Sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, when these perceptions are systematically disrupted, anyone will inevitably confuse the world with the illusory."

Speaking, Alan stared with a little pity With young forest peach.

As a normal person who has never believed in God, never chased stars, and is not even interested in idols, internet celebrities, etc., he cannot understand this kind of abandoning all self-esteem and bottom line at all. Lick the dog" mentality.

I don't even understand why an individual with an independent consciousness has such a strong admiration for another individual with an independent consciousness.

In his view, this is a kind of mental illness, a kind of mental distortion and morbidity.

If there is no maddening fanatical worship, even if Hinamori Tao is hypnotized, it is absolutely impossible to become what it is now.

Aizen chuckled and shook the head: "no! You are wrong! The reason why a person can be deceived by false illusions can only show that there is an extreme desire in his subconscious, but he is not there. What I got in reality. But you are different! You are the only one I have ever met, the only one who doesn't care about everything around me. Even the first time we met, you saw through my disguise and saw the one hidden in the mask The real me below. So you're special, and I'm more interested than Tōsen and Yin."

"I'm really flattered to hear you say that."

Alan picked up the bowl and took a sip of High Level green tea, a specialty of Soul Society.

And these teas were taken a few days ago by Aizen personally taking him to the forty-sixth room in the center, and Zhengda Guangming took it from the private collection of those great nobles.

The Seiroitei core area, which seems to be heavily defended, in the eyes of the secret mastermind, is like coming and going as you want, just like your own backyard, just take whatever you need.

"Hehe, I feel more and more that you and I are the same kind of people now. In addition, I have found the Bengyu hidden by Urahara Kisuke, and it is now hidden in Kuchiki Rukia's soul. Inside."

When mentioning this matter, even the blue-stained eyes, which were indifferent to emotion and anger, flashed with some kind of excitement and anticipation.

You must know that when Bengyu was created, he had already developed a strong interest in this kind of treasure that can break the boundary between Death God and the virtual, and worked tirelessly in the following time. Research, and even created his own incomplete collapse jade.

In his opinion, as long as he can combine the two incomplete pieces of collapse jade into one, he can complete all Death Gods in the entire corpse and soul world, and even create the Three Realms split Spirit King. beyond.

"Oh? So what are you going to do?" Alan asked with a faint smile.

As a person with a very bad taste, he is quite looking forward to seeing how the other party will react when he witnesses the extremely miserable state of "Spirit King".

In fact, this is why he always has an indifferent attitude towards Aizen destroying the Soul Society.

Whether it is the World of Souls or Death God, its very existence is an original sin, established through a series of vile, dirty and betrayal means.

The common supreme ruler of the world, the soul world, the virtual circle, the broken world, and the hell, the former savior of the world, the Spirit King, is just a poor tool man.

It's a pity that, as the dark history of the great nobles in the soul world, very few people know the true state of the Spirit King.

"It's very simple! Find Rukia Kuchiki! Then bring her back. Although I have made corresponding arrangements, in order to be safe, I must add an insurance policy. After all, Kisuke Urahara is nothing. Ordinary things, but the person who first created Bengyu, he has wisdom that is not inferior to mine. No matter how careful you are when dealing with such people." Aizen said lightly fiddling with the teacup in her hand.

"Understood! I'm going to take a trip to the world right now."

After saying that, Alan completely ignored Young Mori Tao who was beside him and walked straight out.

Because he knew that in the eyes of this girl, he was still sitting there without moving.

This is the most terrifying part of Zanpakutō-illusion, making it impossible to tell what is reality and what is illusion.

If he hadn't spent years developing spiritual eyes that could make him immune to the initial solution, he probably wouldn't be much better than those hypnotized guys now.

Holding the document issued by the central forty-sixth room, Alan easily passed through the gate to the streets of Kakuzacho in the present world.

Looking at the prosperity of the information age around him, he couldn't help but sigh with a smile: "I really like modern society more than the dead soul world, which is a pool of stagnant water. The next step is to retrieve it first. What about my original body, or should I go to see the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo first? Or should I go to see Kisuke Urahara, the R&D genius?"

"Shouldn't we come first to find him? Me?"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, Sakura, dressed in a professional skirt, slowly walked out of the alley.

Although the years have not left any marks on her face, her whole person exudes a mature and capable temperament.

"Have you become an urban professional woman?" Alan turned around and looked up and down his "daughter" in surprise.

"Of course! I am now a teacher at No. 1 High School. After all, in modern society, if you don't have a serious job, it would be very troublesome to hide your identity. From the look of you, it seems that you have Got the power of Death God, right?"

Sakura looked quite happy to meet again after a long absence, and even took the initiative to hold Alan's arm as before, posing as an endearing little bird.

Although she is over forty years old in terms of biological age, and her mind has been fully mature since the last world, she has always maintained the unique youth and vitality of a girl in front of Alan.

"Yeah! I've learned all about Death God's research on Soul Power. What about you? Have you obtained the power of a Quincy?" Alan asked while stroking the girl's hair.

“en! Got it! Although Ishida Ryusen is a little tricky to deal with, he chose to teach me how to use this after getting his blood and proving that I also have a Quincy bloodline. Power. And not only that, I recently gained another kind of power, like this..."

I saw Sakura suddenly taking out the first magic dress that Alan gave her back then - Moon Spirit liquid, and then pour a lot of soul energy into it.

The next second...

This ordinary magic dress instantly began to change shape, and in just a few seconds it became a silver sword, and the edge flickered With a high density of spiritual sons, it is estimated that it is not inferior to any Zanpakutō in the battle against the soul.

Not only that!

In the next minute, it takes on a series of completely different forms, such as guns, spears, staffs, animals, plants, and more.

Almost every form will change in the form of the spirit, and form a unique ability.

"Completebring? Have you been in contact with that Death God named Rukia Kuchiki?" A surprised expression appeared on Alan's face.

"Yes! She came to No. 1 High School as a transfer student not long ago, and spent all day with that kid named Kurosaki Ichigo. Does this power have anything to do with her? ?" Sakura subconsciously frowned.

After all, the realm of the soul has always been a field that she has not studied in depth, and she has not even fully understood the power system of the Quincy, not to mention the uncommon and unpopular things like present.

"Of course it does! Bengyu is hidden in her body! The biggest feature of Bengyu is that it will guide out the hidden power in a person's soul according to a person's subconscious desire. If it is People with no spiritual pressure may have any influence, but for you with a strong soul, it will inevitably cause uncontrollable changes. But strictly speaking, this is not a bad thing." Alan touched the chin explained patiently.

"No wonder when I was in class recently, I always felt that some kind of strange power was pervading the classroom." Collapse Jade?"

"Take Collapse Jade? No! It's not in its full state yet, and has no value to be captured. Let's go, let's go back to Azeroth first, and put all the information about Quincy Sort out the power system of Death God, and help Arturia to gain the skills to fight with spirits. Otherwise, in this world without magic power, it would be too much of a loss to fight only by life energy and consuming the magic power stored by oneself. ."

Alan made a quick decision, and the teleportation started disappearing from this world without a trace.

About a few hours later, he regained his body and put on his casual clothes. He appeared in a local most famous cooking house with Sakura and the Dummy King dressed in normal clothes, while tasting the food. Food, while enjoying the scene of the battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Xu in the sky outside.

It's a pity that most of the ordinary people around can't see such a wonderful live broadcast at all. Only when the destructive power of the surrounding buildings is fought will it cause a burst of panic.

"How long has he been in this state?" Alan whispered, tossing a piece of fried shrimp into his mouth.

"It's probably been a while. To be honest, the first time I saw my student fighting Xu, I was shocked." Post replied.

"Yeah, then it seems that it's not far from the beginning of the good show. By the way, I almost forgot to ask, how does it feel to be a teacher?" Alan turned his head and stared at the girl with a playful expression. Eye.

In his memory, when Sakura went to school, his grades were not good. Although he had not yet reached the level of failing, he was far from reaching the level of excellence.

Because during that time, she spent all her momentary energy on learning magic and other things that could quickly improve her strength, and had no interest in boring and useless mathematics.

The reason why I didn't drop out of school and stay at home is thanks to Alan's persistence.

But who would have imagined that after several decades, Sakura, who did not like to study, actually chose the sacred profession of teacher as her identity in modern society.

"hmph! Don't underestimate me! I have studied several degrees in education for this profession." Sakura rolled the eyes angrily.

She's not a fool, knowing that Alan was trying to make fun of her childhood embarrassment.

As for Artoria on the side, she has long been immersed in the sea of food, and she only knows how to devote herself to eating, and her posture is comparable to that of Alan in the cafeteria of Zhenou.

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