Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 851

"Wow! It's dangerous! But I didn't let these dwarfs do any damage."

After a short fight, Ichigo Kurosaki sat on the ground and gasped heavily. , but there was a certain intense satisfaction in his eyes.

Although getting the Power of God to death was an accident, he didn't hate the responsibility to protect everyone from monsters.

Especially after defeating the terrifying Great Void with his companions a few days ago, he felt that his strength seemed to have been greatly enhanced. When dealing with these ordinary Voids, the feeling was not as good as before. Tired.

After resting for a few minutes, the boy who possessed the three powers of Death God, Quincy and Void at the same time took a deep jump, stepped on the roof and quickly returned to his body.

"How's it going? Has everything been resolved?" Kuchiki Rukia hurriedly asked.

"Ah! It's all done! It's just four ordinary dummies, it's a piece of cake for me."

Kurosaki Ichigo took the Yoshimura Putting it into the mouth of the lion puppet on the side, he raised his hand and stretched out a thumb.

"Very good! Well done!" Kuchiki Rukia forced a smile.

Because just when the household just went out, she received a piece of information from the Urahara store that the people who came to arrest her had already set off from the Soul Society.

After all, lending the Death Power of God to an ordinary person is a big sin, and even a member of the Kuchiki family, one of the four great nobles, must pay a painful price for it.

Now her only hope is that the other party will not anger the innocent person in front of her for this.

"You seem to have something on your mind?"

Ichigo Kurosaki obviously sensed something was wrong with this partner, and lifts the head asked in an uncertain tone.

"No! It's nothing, I'm just a little worried. We must be vigilant to prevent similar situations from happening again. Kia made a random excuse.

In fact, she was ready to run.

As long as they leave this place, the people who come to arrest them will not find a single household, and they will not regard it as a target that must be eradicated.

When the time comes, let go of all your faults, and everything will return to peace.

"That's right! But don't worry, even if there's another big virtual like that, I'll be sure to defeat it. By the way, I may have to go out later, if you're tired, you can do it yourself. Eat first and rest early."

After saying that, Kurosaki Ichigo hurriedly pushed open the door and rushed out, not realizing what troublesome incident he was about to get involved in.

Watching the boy who looked more and more like a Death God disappear out of sight, Rukia Kuchiki immediately jumped out of the window with a small bag on his back, and ran in the opposite direction. go.

Because of extreme fear, she ran very fast, and she ran from the setting sun to the night when the moon was in the sky, just trying to stay away from Kurosaki's house as much as possible.


A very familiar voice came from behind.

"Yo! long time no see! Rukia!"

The next second...

Asanii Renji fell from a telephone pole The top jumped down, raised the sharp Zanpakutō in his hand, and cut it fiercely.

bang! ! ! !

A crack was cut out in an instant on the asphalt road.

Fortunately, Rukia hadn't lost her fighting instinct and avoided this dangerous blow.

Of course, this also has to do with Assani Renji's deliberate acting.

You must know that the two of them are childhood sweethearts who grew up together.


Rukia stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"It's so ugly! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I can't believe you'd become the pathetic person you are now, exactly like those human beings. Obediently and honestly come back with me, otherwise I will let you go, and Captain Kuchiki won't let you off either." Asanjing Renji's tone was filled with undisguised sadness and disappointment.

"Big...big brother?"

Rukia slowly turned her head and saw Kuchiki Byakuya standing behind her, the expression on her face was still the same ruthless.

"Rukia! You made Kuchiki's family lose face this time." Kuchiki Byakuya ruthless reprimanded.

Although in his heart he desperately wanted to protect the only young sister left by his wife, but the identity of patriarch prevented him from doing so.

Otherwise, the Kuchiki family, one of the four nobles in the Soul Society, would become a shame and a laughing stock for the entire noble circle.

Before this, he had already aroused the dissatisfaction of many people by marrying a commoner.

After all, the human world is a feudal dynasty, and it only takes about two hundred years to become full of evils.

The ruling class, in particular, tends to become extremely arrogant and arrogant, and does not treat the commoners at the bottom as human beings at all.

And the world of souls that has been maintained for thousands of years, this phenomenon will only become worse.

This can be seen from the central forty-six rooms, which function almost as the Elder's Council in Rome.

What is even more unbelievable is that the thirteenth Gotei team, which holds the highest martial power of Seireitei, has not had a Captain with a commoner background successfully promoted to the highest power in the central forty-sixth room for two thousand years. mechanism.

There is no doubt that this group of nobles who hold power is playing with downright clan politics.

It is estimated that in their eyes, the non-aristocratic Captain of the Goting Thirteenth Team has the same status as their own watchdog, and does not deserve to have the decision-making power over major events.

So Bai Zai, as a member of the noble family system, must always pay attention to his words and deeds, otherwise he will be suppressed and excluded.

Just as he subconsciously clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves, Asanei Renji had already started posing with a Zanpakutō to attack Rukia.

Not for anything else, just to let the dead wood Captain behind him not do it himself.

Otherwise, with Captain-level strength, I am afraid that a single blow will cause terrifying fatal injuries.

Although his attack also caused Rukia to bleed, but as long as you look closely, you will find that basically all of them are superficial wounds that can be completely recovered with just a little treatment.

When Asanjing Renji was about to end this farce and captured the childhood sweethearts and brought him back to the Soul Realm for trial, a spirit arrow with a blue glow flew over directly.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough, and he jumped two steps in time to avoid the blow.

Otherwise, it will look battered and exhausted, even if it doesn't take any serious damage.

"Two big men actually took weapons against an unarmed woman. Even I, as a passerby, can't stand it. Please, you Death Gods, can't you be a little bit ashamed?"

Accompanied by a sharp taunt, Ishida Yulong slowly walked out of the darkness, gently pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose, and held a bag full of things in the other hand,

"Who is this guy?" Asanjing Renji narrowed his eyes and asked.

Because he belongs to the relatively young Death God, he has not participated in the war against Quincy, and he has never even heard of the name of Quincy, so he did not recognize that kind. A very representative spirit arrow.

"Me? I'm Rukia Kuchiki's classmate, someone who hates Death God." Ishida Yulong replied with a blank expression.

But Kuchiki Byakuya undoubtedly recognized the identity of the opponent's Quincy, and a strange rays of light flashed in his eyes, but he did not remind his Vice Captain.

"Hey! Such an answer doesn't count as answering my question!"

Asanjing Renji, who has a typical rectal personality, was quite dissatisfied with the answer just now, and raised her head slightly. The Zanpakutō aimed its sharp tip at the stranger who suddenly appeared.

"My name is Ishida Yulong, please give me more advice." The young Quincy boy finally reported his name.

Asanjing Renji, who was about to start, suddenly showed an unexpected look: "en? Why are you willing to say it again?"

"It's nothing. No matter how much I hate you Death God, at least let you know who is the one who defeated you."

Ishida Yulong has obviously learned the highest realm of provocation by self-taught. He was trembling with anger, the blue veins on his forehead were protruding one by one, and gnashing teeth roared: "I must kill you!!!!"

tone barely fell!

He swooped out and attacked the guy who didn't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

Although Captain and Vice Captain enter the world, they will be sealed with 80% of their power.

But even so, Ishida Yulong, a half-hearted Quincy apprentice, can't compare.

even more how, Asanjing Renji's battle method was originally relatively wild, with the obvious fighting style of the Eleventh Division.

Unless the strength is obviously stronger than him, it will inevitably be completely suppressed.

In less than a minute, Ishida Yulong was pressed on the ground and rubbed repeatedly, and the last knife was deliberately cut only a few centimeters away from the key point. Scarlet's blood donation instantly disappeared from the wound. flowed out.

Obviously, this Quincy young man had completely failed to pretend, and fell into a pool of blood with a face of pain.

It is estimated that he has not realized until now that the gap between Death God and Death God is sometimes larger than the gap between people.

Especially the Vice Captain of the Goting Thirteenth Team, which often means that he can hang everyone from the third seat to the tenth seat.

And the battle strength of a Captain alone is equivalent to 90% of the battle strength of the entire team, or even higher.

"hmph! You're too embarrassed to brag at this level? I'll make up for the last knife to end you now! Before I die, keep in mind that the person who defeated you is Renji Asanjing. "

Renji is undoubtedly a very vengeful person, and he directly returned the other person's humiliating words just now, and then raised his Zanpakutō fiercely and slashed it down.

bang! ! ! ! !

But before he could cut anything, the arriving slowly Ichigo Kurosaki finally descended from the sky and successfully saved his good friend.

Next, an almost childlike fight broke out between the two.

Especially as Vice Captain Asanei Renji, he actually fought back and forth with a rookie who didn't even know the beginning of Zanpakutō.

Alan, who was sitting on the treetops not far away to watch the game, couldn't help covering his face and complaining: "Is this guy really Vice Captain? How can I feel that I can't compare to the fourth of the fifth team. The seat."

"Do you need me to come out to end this farce?" Sakura asked with a faint smile.

"No! Don't worry, wait until Kuchiki Byakuya starts. And... it's not just us who are watching, Urahara Kisuke and Shifengin Yoichi are also there." His eyes turned to the black cat hidden in the shadow not far away.

He still pays great attention to this third-party force, which is independent of Seireitei and Aizen.

If you count the masked Legion behind it, in fact, the high-end battle strength mastered by Urahara Kisuke is almost the same as that of Gotei Thirteen.

"Alan, if I don't need to take action, then I will go back to Azeroth to cultivate the power of Death God." Artoria offered to retreat.

She doesn't plan to get involved in the battle prematurely until she has mastered the energy of the spirit child.

"No problem! You go back first! It's enough to have the two of us here." Alan nodded slightly, and directly activated the teleportation ability to send the Dumb King away.

The moment the transfer was just completed!

Byakuya Kuchiki finally couldn't stand the clumsy performance of Asanjing Renji, and directly broke the huge Zanpakutō in Kurosaki Ichigo's hand with a flash step forcibly.

It was followed by another flash step, tearing open the opponent's soul with the Zanpakutō.

No surprises!

This family, who was full of self-confidence a few seconds ago, fell headfirst to the ground, his face full of shock and disbelief.

Because he didn't even see how the other party shot from the beginning to the end.

Just as Kuchiki Byakuya flung the blood on his knife very smartly and was about to insert it back into the sheath, a dazzling light flew out of thin air from a distance.

Different from the playful arrows of Yulong Ishida before, this time not only the speed is so fast that naked eyes can hardly catch it, but the formidable power is also dozens or even hundreds of times higher.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by loud noises and explosions, Dabai's cold and arrogant image was completely disappeared, and replaced by the embarrassment that even the feathers were torn to pieces.

"Hey! You guys! What do you want to do to my lovely students?"

Sakura came out from under the dark tree with a spear made of spirits .

She undoubtedly prefers a long-handled weapon that can be thrown and melee combat more than most Quincy masters condense spirits into the shape of bows and arrows.


Ichigo Kurosaki and Yuryu Ishida opened their mouths at the same time, completely unable to believe the beauty of this normally smiling gentleman The female teacher turned out to be a Quincy master with special power.

It is not difficult to see from the terrifying blow just now that its strength far exceeds the limit that one can imagine.

"I can't believe that in this world, there is still a Quincy of this level. Who are you?" For the first time, a serious expression appeared on his face.

"Me? My name is Sakura, a math teacher at No. 1 High School. Why, do you want me to help you with math?" Sakura fiddled with the spirit weapon teased in her hand.

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