Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 858

Ichimaru Gin left soon after playing his part.

Because he has to do a lot of things for Aizen in the future, he doesn't have much time to waste on such boring things, but just glanced at the complicated Matsumoto Ranju from the corner of his eyes before leaving. .

He understood that from the moment he made his choice, there was no turning back.

Even if the assassination of Aizen is successful in the end, the nobles who rule the Soul Society will never let go of their executioner whose hands are covered in blood.

So Ichimaru Gin has been restraining his strong feelings for Matsumoto Ranju, for fear that this fatal weakness will be discovered by anyone.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that Aizen knew this very well from the very beginning.

I'm even looking forward to what interesting actions he'll take when and where.

Not only Ichimaru Gin, but also Urahara Kisuke, Masquerade Legion, the entire thirteenth guardian team including the chief Captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saikuni, as well as the fusion of Quincy, Xu, Death Ichigo Kurosaki, an experiment of the power of the three gods.

What Aizen does is really a bit of fun with people.

He never seemed to think that such a reckless enemy would one day have to be in order to pay a painful price.

"Imai's third seat, what are you thinking?"

Ichimaru Gin, with a fox-faced face, walked over with a serious face.

Obviously, Alan has successfully won the "little white" Captain's favor and trust through his decisive act to save him just now.

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking, who has the ability to kill Captain Aizen silently. Although Captain Ichimaru is good, please give me to speak bluntly, he doesn't do that. Strength." Alan hinted casually.

To be honest, he still has a good impression of the Captain of the tenth division who helped him enter the True Spirit Technique Academy.

After all, there are not many normal-minded guys in the entire Goting Thirteenth Team Captain, and "Xiao Bai" happens to be one of them.

"You mean...Ichimaru Gin still has a helper?"

Hitani Bantoushiro's expression changed slightly, and he immediately touched the chin and fell into contemplation.

From this nervous reaction, it is not difficult to see that in his mind, Ichimaru Gin has been completely confirmed as one of the murderers.

Alan's meaningful nodded: "That's right! Not only is there, but there are more than one, hidden among the Captains. So this time is not so much an invasion by accident, but rather a The rebellion caused by the Gotei Thirteenth Team."

"What? Other Captains got involved too! Damn it! Who could it be?"

Hitani Bantoushi Lang was startled first, and then immediately realized that this probability is quite large.

"Sorry, I'm just a small third seat, I can't worry about this kind of thing." Alan pretended to be indifferent and shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't you want to find out the truth and avenge the dead Aizen Captain?" Hitani Banyu Shiro subconsciously frowned.

"I'm not interested! When I joined the 5th Division, I just wanted to avoid getting involved in such troubles. Before, I was already at the limit of helping Hina Mori Tao Vice Captain."

Said After all, Alan ignored "Xiao Bai"'s ugly face, turned and left the funeral scene.

He has already disclosed all the information that should be disclosed.

As for whether Hidani Bantoushiro can jump out of the game set by Aizen with his own abilities, it is none of his business.

even more how, Uno Hana Lie seems to have noticed something and has returned to the team room of the fourth division ahead of schedule.

If there is no accident, the next step should be to go to the central room forty-six to confirm the situation.

What Alan has to do is to arrive at the battlefield ahead of time and wait patiently for the sword technique Master to arrive.

Obviously, due to his intervention, the original plot has long been fragmented, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

The only thing that is certain is that this time in the world of souls will be more severe than in the original plot.

“How was my funeral going?”

Alan had just stepped into the central room forty-six with one foot when he saw the Aizen Sousuke in high places.

The secret mastermind is obviously very interested in this upcoming battle, so he took time out of his busy schedule to come to the scene, intending to witness the process and results of the battle with his own eyes.

After all, Uno no Hana is one of the very few in Gotei Thirteen who can make him feel troublesome.

"Funeral? It should be quite grand. You must know that many female Death God have left sad tears." Alan responded with a sneer.

I have to say that, watching a group of people cry sadly against a cloud of air, he is already quite good at acting without laughing directly.

Aizen also seemed to think this matter was quite interesting, and immediately showed a playful smile: "It sounds like it's very interesting. By the way, did the letter I left work? ”

“en! It worked to a certain extent. Vice Captain Hinamomo slashed at his childhood sweethearts friend with a knife without even the slightest hesitation. Like I said before Yes, as long as you are willing to hook your fingers, she should abandon the Soul World without the slightest hesitation and choose to follow in your footsteps." Alan gave the answer without thinking.

"What about Hitani Ban Toshiro's choice? Did he kill Hinamori Tao?" Aizen asked with interest.

Alan shook the head lightly: "No! I stopped her."

"Oh? Why? Don't you think it's a great thing to let a couple of childhood sweethearts kill each other. Interesting thing? And this is the best result for the young Mori Tao. You must know that the child is completely hopeless, and even if he survives, he will always curl up in my shadow."

When saying this remark, Aizen's eyes flashed with contempt for all life and emotion.

But Alan obviously had a different point of view, and immediately retorted: "No, you are wrong. In this world, there is no pain and longing that can't be washed away by time. Maybe Vice Captain Hinamota will be very happy. Living in your shadow for a long time, but with the ebbing of time, she will always come out and be reborn. Of course, if you continue to exert influence, that is another matter."

"So, are you repaying the kindness of Hitani Ban Toshiro ten years ago?"

Aizen obviously doesn't want to waste time on those pieces that have lost their value, and lifts the head looked into Alan's eyes.

In his mind, a hundred young peaches are worth less than the youngster standing in front of him.

"That's right. The debt I owe has to be repaid, and I don't want to be called an ungrateful. Even more how, isn't that part of your plan?" Alan asked meaningfully. road.

Aizen immediately couldn't help laughing when she heard this sentence: "Hahahaha! That's right! It seems that you are the person who understands my thoughts the most. You have several points of odds of winning in the battle?"

"About 70%. After all, without using the Zanpakutō, it's hard to guarantee that there will be no surprises in a duel with an experienced Death God like her. "Alan gave a relatively conservative answer.

He has seen the appearance of Zaraki Kenpachi spare no effort, and he can probably already estimate the strength of Uno Hanaru.

The only uncertain factor is the other party's "eight thousand stream" sword technique that claims to master all Sects.

Just as the two of them were talking, a chaotic footstep sounded from far to near.

About a dozen or so, two silhouettes appeared at the entrance of the central forty-sixth room.

They are none other than Uno Hana Lie and Toru Yuone who just arrived from the 4th Division.

"Welcome! Captain Unoka! You know I've been waiting for you for a while."

Alan slowly stepped out of the darkness so that the other party could see him clearly s face.

"Imai's third seat! Why are you here? Also, what's going on with those corpses behind you?" Uno Hanaritsu narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Imai's third seat? Aizen Captain, haven't you released illusion's hypnosis?" Alan asked without looking back.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Speaking, Aizen raised her hand and snapped her fingers.



Alan's original appearance was completely revealed in front of Captain and Vice Captain of the 4th Division.

Although it has been ten years since that special graduation exam, when Hana Lie recognized him, he was stared wide-eyed in shock: "Alan?! You are the one who disappeared ten years ago. In 2009, he was hailed as the most innately talented student in ghost arts ever at the Shino Spirit Academy."

"I'm flattered that you can remember it so clearly. That's right! That's me. In fact, I never disappeared, I was just recruited by Aizen Captain with special means." Alan replied with a smile.

"Aizen?" Unohakali lifts the head and stares at the man sitting on the seat of the highest authority in the central forty-sixth room, and suddenly understands everything. "Captain Aizen, no, you shouldn't be called Captain anymore. A disobedient sinner, Sosuke Aizen."

"Hello, Captain Uno Hana. I didn't expect you to realize it so quickly. The problem is really more difficult than I thought. If you don't mind, can you tell me what is not doing well enough to make you suspicious?" Aizen probed with a smile on her face.

"It's a corpse! Although the corpse doll is almost to the point of being fake, in the eyes of my doctor, I still found some abnormal things. In addition, the central room forty-six most The strange order I issued recently, so I came here to confirm it." Uno Hanaritsu blunt gave the answer.

Aizen suddenly realized nodded: "so that's how it is! I almost forgot that before you became Captain of the Fourth Division, you were first Kenpachi, a lunatic who enjoys fighting and killing. . With your knowledge of corpses, even insignificant weak spots are bound to be found. Also, it's not a corpse puppet."

tone barely fell!

He instantly dispelled the illusion in the central forty-six room, revealing corpses and bloodstains everywhere.

"Dead... dead? You slaughtered all the magistrates and sages! How did you do this? You couldn't see or feel anything just now..."


Hu Cheyongyin opened his mouth in surprise, not knowing how to describe the shock in his heart at the moment.

That is the forty-sixth room in the center!

The highest authority in the entire Soul Society!

Even the highly respected Captain never violated any of their decisions in the future.

But now, these ancient nobles, who were established almost at the same time as Seireitei, were all slaughtered as recklessly as livestock, and there was absolutely no majesty in normal.

"It's very simple! In fact, the people in the forty-sixth room in the center are already dead, and the corpses are there. It's just that I didn't want them to show their true state until now. "Aizen explained with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Hu Toru Yongyin's face was full of doubts and confusion.

"You'll understand right away. Look good! Break it, illusion."

Aizen completed the Zanpakutō's initial solution in front of the other party, and then said casually. : "My Zanpakutō-illusion's real ability is complete hypnosis."

It may be due to the fact that he is obviously a little excited because of the first time he has shown his true colors in front of outsiders. , did not even notice that at the moment when Zanpakutō began to unravel, Alan had already closed his eyes in advance.


Tiger Toru Yuyin seemed to realize something, and immediately asked excitedly: "But you didn't say that illusion belongs to the Water Element. Zanpakutō, is the ability to create illusions through fog and water to disrupt the enemy? It even gathered all the Vice Captains to show us their original solution."

"no! Yuin! That's probably the case. Hypnotic ceremony."

Compared with the innocence of his own Vice Captain, Uno Hana Lie obviously has more keen observation and intuition, and suddenly broke the secret of illusion, the Zanpakutō.

"Correct! The complete hypnosis of illusion can not only completely dominate the five senses, but also change the posture, shape, quality, feeling, and even smell of a single object. That is to say, it can make flies and dragons In the same way, the swamp can also be made no different from the flower field. As for the precondition for launching, it is to let the enemy see the moment when the illusion is liberated. Even if I only see it once, as long as I liberate the illusion, this person will become completely hypnotized. The captive."

Aizen patiently explained her Zanpakutō abilities to two outsiders for the first time.

Because in his opinion, in this world, a person who has only seen the beginning of the illusion once, will never be able to skip the fate of being dominated by himself for the rest of his life.

So even if it is known by the other party, there is nothing at worst.

even more how, he didn't tell the other party how to relieve illusion's hypnosis.

"Even if I've only seen it once..." Uzhihualie rarely showed a solemn expression.

As a sword technique master, she knows too well how terrifying it is if all her perceptions are hypnotized and disturbed.

"Hehe, it looks like you've noticed, haven't you? Since those who have seen it once will fall into the spell, those who cannot see will naturally not be affected, which means that, From the very beginning, Dongxian is my subordinate. Finally, let me give you a compliment. You have been under complete hypnosis, and you can still find the unnatural part of my body. It's amazing, Captain Unoka. "Aizen sent compliments without hesitation.

However, it is not difficult to see from the condescending attitude that he has unconsciously placed himself above all Death Gods, and belongs to the position of "God" alone.

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