Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 859

"So, you are waiting for me here today?"

As an unprecedented "leader of villains" in the entire Soul Society, Uzhihualie's brain is obviously not stupid, and in an instant I understand that this is a trap against myself, a killing game.

But instead of feeling nervous or anxious, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing the same smile as Zaragi Kenpachi.

In just a few seconds, that crazy first-generation Kenpachi, the sword technique Master of the entire corpse and soul world Gotei 13 second only to Captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shogun, finally came back.

"No! Correct me! I'm not waiting for you, but he is waiting for you." Aizen condescendingly pointed at Alan standing in the center of the room.

"Oh? One-on-one duel? Are you sure you want this youngster to be my opponent?" Uno Hanarii lifts the head with a surprised expression.

"youngster? Hehe! I hope you can say something like this after you fight with Alan-kun. You know that he only took less than five seconds, and he was not using his best slash. In the case of Pakuto and Onigiri, he killed all the nobles in the central forty-six rooms alone." Aizen responded with a very playful tone.

Hearing this remark, Uzhihualie immediately subconsciously clenched the Zanpakutō hanging at his waist, stared into Alan's eyes and asked, "Is this true? You killed the Central Four Room Sixteen? Why do you do this? If you really have such strength and talent, you can stand up and be a Captain."

"Captain? Gotei Thirteen? Sorry! I don't have the habit of being a dog for others. Stop talking nonsense, Captain Unohana, I believe your heart is starting to get excited now? In that case, why not let us Is fighting to solve all contradictions? After all, violence is the ultimate means to solve problems! The so-called justice, morality, rules and laws are all built on the basis of violence. If there is no support for violence, all these are just jokes That's it."

Speaking, Alan's whole body instantly erupted with amazing spiritual pressure, and his two arms were entangled with a high concentration of compressed spirits, emitting dazzling white lightning.

"This is...Soon coax?!"

Uozhihualie's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

As the first-generation Kenpachi of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, she has lived for almost a thousand to hundreds of years. Knowing that this is a kind of Corps Head and commander-in-chief of stealth maneuvers, only the Captain of the Second Division can master it. a special combat technique.

Simply put, it is a combination of Shirai and Dao Idol, a continuous strike with high speed and amazing formidable power on the enemy without using the Zanpakutō.

The original inventor was none other than Sifengyuan Yeichi, known as the "Shining God".

However, since she was found to be seriously injured and fleeing, there is only one person in the entire Sereitei who still masters this skill, and that is the current Second Division Captain, Smash Bee.

But Mao Zhihualie had never heard of it, and who had Brobee taught this skill to?

"Soon coax? No! Please don't get me wrong, this is not an instant coax mode, but a fighting technique I created with reference to the instant coax. Simply put, it is to break the lock and sleep. The limitation of the spirits and spiritual pressure can flow at high speed inside the soul to the greatest extent, so as to generate power that is several times, dozens, or even hundreds of times higher than usual. As for the compression ghosts wrapped around the two arms, it is also my original creation. It's a kind of breaking way, and its formidable power even exceeds the overwhelming majority Captain Zanpakutō's swastika solution. Be careful, if you don't pay attention to the key points, you will be killed instantly."

Alan side As he said that, he tore off the sleeves of the death tyrant suit and leaned forward slightly.

If it is in the world of Naruto, any ninja who sees this move will quickly start to seal and prepare to use the avatar technique.

Because this is a typical pre-action before launching a Teleportation Technique or a high-speed thrust.

Whether it is the famous copy ninja Kakashi, or the third and fourth generations of Raikage, they are very good at using similar thunderbolts to instantly kill targets.

It is a pity that this is the world of Death God, and no one realizes what will happen next.

In fact, Alan's two modes of combining ghost and spirit control skills actually refer to the forbidden technique Eight Sects Dunjia, Lei Dun armor and Chidori series of ninjutsu.

He replaced the original chakra and life energy with spiritual sons, and carried out a lot of dangerous experiments, and finally barely completed the research and development, which is still in the experimental stage.

The destructive power that can be caused, as well as the improvement of one's own strength and speed, is far above the instant coax.

Of course, the danger is especially high when the price is cultivation.

Especially the knots and the sleep of the soul are the two most important points of the soul.

Once it is destroyed, it will lose the power of Death God, and even the Spirit Physique itself will dissipate within half an hour.

Alan nearly crippled himself several times when he was developing it.

Fortunately, he swallowed and absorbed tens of millions of soul energy, and Aizen was there to help him, and finally he survived the crisis again and again.

Uozhihualie slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō hanging from his waist, stood there and sighed slightly: "As expected of a genius whom the Captain looks up to! It's only a few short years of work. , have you developed this dangerous combat mode quietly? If so, let me be the first to ask for advice."

tone barely fell!

She took a step forward and swung the first knife at an extremely fast speed - a horizontal slash.

Just as the cold light blade was about to slash at his waist, Alan instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

【Not good! I'm careless! ]

Uozhihualie has a lot of fighting experience, and suddenly realized that this is a super-high-speed movement method, even far above the advanced application skills of flash step - air cicada.

Before he could react, a terrifying strange force came from behind.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

She flew out instantly, rolled on the ground and destroyed everything along the way, and finally hit a wall and barely stopped.

It hurts!

Severe pain!

As if all the bones were shattered by the blow.

"Captain?!!! Run fast, Frozen Cloud!"

Seeing that his Captain suffered a big loss, Toru Yongyin couldn't care less, and immediately released Zanpakutō and rushed go up.

But just two steps away from running out, she suddenly felt a hand pinching her neck from behind, and then the owner of the hand warned in an emotionless tone: "Don't be darling. Move! Otherwise, I guarantee that within 0.01 seconds, you will become a dead body without any life."

"Go back! Yongyin! This is not a fight you can intervene in. ”

With the superb replied treatment, Uno Hanaritsu quickly got up from the ground with chilling excitement and frenzy on his face.

At this moment, she has completely ripped off the gentle and calm disguise in normally, and untied the braids on her chest, revealing the true face of "the wicked" that has never been seen before in the Soul Society.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it. It is such a woman who thinks that she is beautiful, mature and has long black hair, but the blood vessels are flowing with the same battle as Zanaki Kenpachi. blood.

"Yes! Captain!"

Toru Yuyin was soaked with sweat at this time, and hurriedly put away his weapon and retreated to the door.

Alan's move just now made her realize that if the other party wanted to kill her, then she had absolutely no room for resistance.

The gulf-like strength gap made her feel fear and despair from the bottom of her heart.

"he he he he, I really didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise before you pulled out that peculiar Zanpakutō. It seems that apart from Zaraki Kenpachi, The second man who can satisfy me has appeared." Uno Hana Li licked his lips and said with a bloodthirsty expression.

"Then what are you waiting for? Now that you feel pleasure, you should embrace it. Even more how, I also want to see, known as the greatest villain in the history of the soul world, known as master With eight thousand Sects, what kind of ability do you have." Alan raised his hands wrapped in high-density compression ghosts and sent an invitation.

"It's a great honor! For a man like you, I allow you to call me by another name, Unohana Yachiryu. Come on! Let's fight happily! Let's leave on each other happily The mark of pain! I hope the color of the blood on your body will be as bright as mine!"

After saying that, the woman who had completely entered the fighting state revealed the scar on her chest that was stabbed by the sword eight, and instantly It turned into an afterimage and attacked again.

Unlike the last tentative attack, she was quite serious this time.

The speed, strength, and formidable power of sword technique all increase geometrically.

"Well said! The joy of battle! It is to make the opponent bleed, and at the same time the opponent has the ability to bleed himself. But I doubt that you can do this in your current state."

Alan followed suit with his advantages in speed and reaction, turning into a first-class of light to meet him.

When one of the arms wrapped around the high-concentration compressed ghost collided with the Zanpakutō, a terrifying energy shock was released.

bang! ! ! !

The terrifying shock wave directly knocked the unsuspecting Hana Lie out.

But before his feet landed, Alan's second strike had already arrived.

Although she completely abandoned her defenses, she raised her Zanpakutō to pierce the opponent's chest fiercely, and achieved the purpose of perish together.

But Alan changed his direction halfway through the sprite jet, just brushed past the sharp blade, and then fiercely hit that pretty face with his fist.


Uzhihua's head was down like a cannonball hitting the ground, smashing a big hole in response.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! It turned out that all the things he developed were to create this interesting combat system. See? Dongxian! This is the biggest difference between Alan and you and Yin. There are all kinds of fantastic ideas in his mind, and he has the ability to put them into practice." Aizen commented enthusiastically from a high place.

As someone who is quite interested in technology, it's easy to see how much potential the combat mode Alan is showing right now has great potential.

Especially when you get Bengyu and go to the virtual circle to form a broken-faced Legion, this combat system can be used as a template directly to teach all the big virtuals after the broken-faced, so that they can obtain Far beyond the power of Death God.

"I admit it! He is indeed a once-in-a-century genius, especially in ghost ways. But the problem is, he always has an indifferent attitude towards our ideals and plans, So I don't think he is loyal." Dong Xian, who had just arrived from other places, expressed his opinion.

"Loyalty?" Aizen smiled playfully. "No, you're wrong. Loyalty has never been the thing I value most. The thing I value most is talent."

"But what if he betrayed one day?" Dongxian frowned. asked.

"Betrayal has a price! Do you think in this world, who can give Alan the price to betray us? Or who can give him what I can't give? So let it go Your stubbornness and prejudice, he will be the most effective helper in our entire plan."

When talking about this remark, Aizen's eyes never left the two who were fighting.

Alan's very mature and close-to-body combat without any superfluous movements is obviously not something that can be thought of out of thin air, but the result of continuous improvement in countless battles.

What makes him puzzled is that Alan has not left the Soul Society over the years, nor has he participated in any battles that can be called "fierce".

This also means that these white-playing skills are likely to be derived from memory during his lifetime.

For a while, the secret mastermind became very interested in who Alan was before his death.

At the same time, Unohana also realized that in her current state, she really couldn't help Alan with high-speed mobility.

Even her proud skills such as "Scimitar Slashing" and "Dark Sword" are of no use.

Because these slashes are based on the fact that the opponent has no time to react.

But now, Alan's speed has reached the speed that even if Zanpakutō is only a few millimeters away from himself, he can dodge with no difficulty.

And rash attacks will also lead to rapid countermeasures.

Once you are hit by the fist wrapped around the high concentration of compressed ghosts, you will be seriously injured and fall to the ground in an instant.

As for ghosts...


Uunohana finally believed that the title of the best innate talent student in ghost arts in the history of Shino Spirit Technique Academy is not an exaggeration, but a more apt description.

No matter what kind of ghost she uses, Alan can give up her chant or defend or counterattack within a fraction of a second.

In short, no matter what kind of ghosts, it can't help him.

Not only that!

Even high-level techniques such as anti-ghost killing, double chant, and later chant are used in pure fire, and there is no weak spot at all.

At the moment, the Captain of the Fourth Division, the first-generation Kenpachi of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, all his clothes have been torn to shreds by the explosion and impact, and only a few key private parts remain. A few tattered rags hang.

Especially with the hundreds of scars that are almost horrible to see by anyone who sees it.

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