Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 860

Feeling the stinging pain from the wound, Uno Hana used replied to treat herself, while asking in an uncertain tone: "According to the ability of the lock knot and the soul to sleep, what is your current situation? The state shouldn't last long, right?"

As everyone knows, the more explosive and destructive power moves, the more unsustainable they tend to be.

Especially spiritual pressure this thing, equivalent to burning the energy stored in one's soul as a kind of oil.

Under the premise that the total amount does not produce transformation, the more intense the combustion, the shorter the duration, and vice versa.

Obviously, in the mode similar to "instant coaxing" shown by Alan, it is definitely in a state of burning that can no longer be violent, far exceeding the consumption of most Zanpakutō solutions.

So in Unohana's eyes, if the opponent can last for more than five minutes, I am afraid it is almost reaching the limit.

If it continues, maybe even his own soul will burn to the ground.

"en! According to the endurance of normal soul lock and soul sleep, it will begin to disintegrate in three or five minutes at most, turning into a spiritual child and dissipating in the air. But the question is, when will I Did you say your soul is ordinary?" Alan's face showed a faint smile.

You must know that his current Death God soul is formed after the soul soul fruit and tens of millions of aliens, monsters and wild beast soul energy have been reshaped.

Its stability and self-healing ability are far beyond anyone's imagination.

If you simply use the spiritual pressure of this world to calculate, the entire Goting Thirteenth Team, including the guys from the Zero Division, is estimated to be barely worth one third.

So let alone maintaining this state for a few minutes, even a few hours, months, or years will not make a big difference.

Unfortunately, although soul energy is a very important indicator of Death God battle strength, it is not everything.

This also involves a conversion efficiency issue.

The most obvious example of this is Kenpachi.

This guy is one of the few people with the highest spiritual pressure in the entire Soul Society, and his potential is even higher than the total Captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi.

But because Zanpakutō was not able to fully resolve and resolve, resulting in its low spiritual pressure conversion efficiency, coupled with habitual suppression of its own strength, resulting in a very high ups and downs in its battle strength. Big.

Similarly, Alan is facing the same problem now.

Even though he has completed the cultivation of Zanpakutō Swastika, he still finds that his utilization and conversion efficiency of soul energy is too low to take advantage of this huge energy reserve.

Imitating the "instant coaxing" model is actually an attempt to increase the conversion rate, but the result is not ideal.

It's like a man who has millions or even tens of millions of rounds on his back and is still fighting with an old-fashioned World War I bolt-on rifle.

What Alan needs now is a "Phalanx" close-in gun that can pour out tens of thousands of rounds per minute.

Currently the most promising candidate for this is Bengyu, who can break the boundary between Death God and the void.

"In other words, you can maintain this battle mode for a long time, right?" Unoka's eyes flashed with strange rays of light.

"That's right! If you don't want this battle to end prematurely, please feel free to explain it. Because now you can't kill me, or even really threaten me. ." Alan suggested casually.

Through the battle just now, he has almost measured the speed and reaction limit of the original Kenpachi.

Although the other party has also mastered the high level application skills of flash step, Kongchan is still more than one grade worse than himself.

As there is a saying, no matter how superb the sword technique is, it doesn't make any sense if you can't hit someone.

Uzhihua heard this remark, her face suddenly became excited and bloodthirsty, she slowly raised the Zanpakutō in her hand and responded, "If that's the case, then let you see me. The power to be sealed. Swallow - all!"

tone barely fell!

A large amount of black red viscous blood flowed out of the Zanpakutō in her hand, almost covering the entire room in the central forty-sixth room.

Anyone who touches it accidentally will find that the touched part begins to decay uncontrollably.

What starts out as just skin, then quickly expands into muscles, blood vessels and skeletons...

"Are you ready to face death?"

The spiritual pressure of this great villain in the Soul Society has skyrocketed, and the pungent blood smells all over his body.

"Is this the ability of your Swastika? By maximizing over-healing, it has the effect of causing the soul to rot itself?"

Alan looked down at those who were corroding. Black red blood plasma from own feet.

The swastika of Zanpakutō is an enhancement of the ability to understand the beginning.

This is a half-open secret of the entire Soul Society.

Uunohana's meat shizuku is transformed into a giant devil fish, and any wounded that is swallowed by it will be quickly healed, which is similar to the Summoned Beast of the Naruto world Tsunade—— Slugs are very similar.

In addition to its bloodthirsty and warlike nature like Zaragi Kenpachi, only by mastering the powerful healing ability can you maximize the fighting time by treating your opponent and yourself, so as to enjoy more much joy.

So basically it can be concluded that her Zanpakutō ability is healing.

It's just that this healing ability is magnified countless times when the swastika is released.

Eventually it went from spiritual medicine, which heals and saves, to poison that kills anything.

"Oh? Did you recognize my true ability when I first saw it? I don't quite understand why someone like you would get involved with a guy like Aizen. Together?" Uzhihua asked a question that made him very confused.

Alan replied with a smile: "It's very simple! Aizen Captain has mastered a creation that can break the boundary between Death God and the void-Bengyu, I am very much looking forward to seeing the combination of the two, How strong can you still be. And, don't you think that the soul world ruled by nobles has never changed for thousands of years, it is just like a pool of stagnant water, exuding rotten, old and disgusting Smell? I'm not like you Ancient Ones, and I'm not going to obey the Central Forty-sixth Room, no matter how ridiculous the orders they give."

"so that's how it is!" looked thoughtful nodded. "It seems that you are quite dissatisfied with the status quo of the Soul Society. If the Captain hears such rebellious remarks, I'm afraid he will not be able to help release the Zanpakutō and kill you on the spot."

"Zanpakutō" Kill me? That has to be done! I doubt how many teeth this Old Dog has left, and whether he can win by fair means or foul as he did back then." Alan ruthless taunted.

"Old Dog? Dare to use such insulting words to call Captain, you are the first in two thousand years. Don't you think you are a little too arrogant?" Flower's eyes suddenly became terrifying.

"Arrogant? I'm just telling the truth. The world of souls has become what it is now, and his old fogey, old-fashioned, stubborn, has played a key role. If he hadn't been conscious Suppressing the opposition from within, the Gotei Thirteen had already launched a coup d'etat, destroying the highest authority monopolized by the aristocracy, the Central Forty-six Room, and re-establishing a more fair and reasonable system. So in my eyes, he It is an Old Dog who barks to protect the interests of the nobles, and wants to pull the entire thirteenth team of the Guardian to be the watchdog of Seireitei with him."

When talking about this remark , Alan is extremely sarcastic, and both his tone and attitude are full of naked and unabashed contempt.

Although for the ruling class of Soul Society, Yamamoto Motoyanagi is the hero in their mind, not only defeating powerful enemies several times to ensure the balance of the Three Realms, but also never fighting for power, He will execute whatever order the Central Forty-six Room issues.

But from the perspective of the middle and lower levels of the Soul Society?

He is a thug for a vested interest group!

A complete villain!

Not only did they completely ignore the life and death of ordinary souls in the outskirts of Seiringei, but also suppressed the bottom-up wave of change again and again, and took in a large number of scum and villains whose hands were stained with the blood of innocents. The most typical example of the Gotei Thirteenth Team is this Uzuru Hanaru.

Before she became the first Kenpachi of the Gotei Thirteen Team, there were not ten thousand or several thousand unlucky people who died under her sword.

But even so, Shigekuni Yamamoto still chose to turn a blind eye, but because he was optimistic about Uzhihua's strong personal strength, he included her under his command.

It's unbelievable that a member of the underworld was recruited into the police and Army System by a certain country after killing thousands of ordinary persons, and at the same time became a high-ranking official.

But in the soul world, this has long been a normal operation.

"hmph! Then let me see if your sword is as powerful as your mouth."

Uozhihua was undoubtedly provoked, and instantly controlled the sea of blood to form Thousands of blood blades rushed to Alan's location like a tide.

She has always maintained a considerable degree of respect for the Chief Captain, Yamamoto Motoyanagi, and is completely unacceptable to a kid who is "smell of mother's milk not yet dried" talking nonsense in front of her.

"Haha, did I fly into a rage out of humiliation? I don't need to draw a sword to deal with you."

Alan sneered and disappeared into a mass of afterimages. .

Although his feet have been corroded by the blood of the black red to expose the bones, the speed has not been affected at all.

To be precise, not only was it not slower, but it was faster.

In just a split second, the whole person made several emergency turns in the midair, bypassing the blood shield created by the opponent, and then smashed it fiercely with his arm.

bang! ! ! ! ! !

After a loud bang, a large hole was blown open on the spot in the roof of the forty-sixth room in the center.

And Uzhihua's left arm is also under the tearing and impact of the high-concentration compression ghost realm, turning into a sky-filled spiritual child and dissipating in the air.

Staring at the left arm that had completely disappeared, her face changed instantly: "What?! Your speed just now wasn't the limit?"

"The limit? I just opened it up just now. Twenty percent, now it has increased by ten percent, barely reaching thirty percent, and it is still far from the limit." Alan gave a meaningful answer.

In any case, the core theory of his simulated "instant coax" combat mode is the forbidden technique based on the Eight Sects Dunjia.

It just changed from opening the protection and restriction valve of the body to opening the protection and restriction valve of the soul.

Since it is a forbidden technique that may lead to death, the formidable power is naturally much larger than the original "instant coax" formidable power which is relatively safe for cultivation.

If you turn it on 100%, you can even reach a speed comparable to teleportation to some extent.

Even Captain, who has mastered the solution, has no time to react.

"Is it just one third? It's really terrifying! But... Aizen, are you really at ease to put such a terrifying genius by your side? You know that he already has a killer now. What's your ability to die." Unohana suddenly lifts the head and stares at the secret mastermind standing at a high place.

You don't need to ask to know that she is deliberately instigating the relationship between the two, trying to sow a seed of doubt and distrust.

But unfortunately, the original Kenpachi obviously underestimated Aizen's confidence.

The latter didn't even bother to respond, just raised his chin slightly and showed a disdainful smile.

Ignoring is the greatest contempt.

He expressed his attitude in the simplest and most direct way.

"hahahaha! It's a naive provocation. It seems that you don't know Aizen Captain at all. But it's not surprising, after all, including you, the whole soul world is being played around by him. Okay, that's the end of the game, now it's time to end this boring battle. It's a bit rude to say that, but I'll tell you that your solution doesn't make me feel even the slightest threat. "

As the last word blurted out, Alan instantly increased his speed and strength to nearly fifty percent.

With the ultra-high-concentration compression ghost path wrapped around his arms, he launched a violent attack on the blood sea sharp blade set off by Unohwa.

The black red blood plasma, which is powerful enough to corrupt any kind of Spirit Physique, is constantly being crushed and evaporated under the huge impact.

About a few minutes or so, this very energy-consuming solution could no longer be maintained, and it began to collapse at a visible speed of naked eye, and finally completely disbanded.


Seeing the wounded Unohka lying on the ground, covering her mouth and coughing blood continuously, Tiger Toru Yuyin finally reappeared. Unable to bear it any longer, he rushed over quickly.

But before he could rush to the front, he was knocked to the ground by Alan's punch, completely lost consciousness and passed out.

After finishing all this, he lifts the head and asks, "Are you going to kill them?"

"no! No! I've seen Unoka's Swallowing, she poses no threat to our plan. And... the new guests have arrived."

After saying that, Aizen turned her attention to the entrance of the forty-sixth room in the center.

Two or three seconds later, a small silhouette appeared there.

She is none other than Vice Captain of the 5th Division, Hina Mori Tao who admires Aizen very much.

Behind her are the tenth Division Captain Hitani Ban Toshiro, and Vice Captain Matsumoto Ranki.

There is no doubt that the information that Alan had previously revealed by hints was finally in vain...

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