Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 868

There is no doubt that the broken face of the ten-blade level is basically no different from the natural disaster for the ordinary person class in this world.

Although neither Ulquiorra nor Nelly Elle did anything on their own initiative, nor did they use the "soul sucking" ability to kill humans and steal their soul energy like Yami did.

But it's still like the end of the world.

The bustling and noisy commercial street has turned into a dead silence in just a few minutes.

"Humans... are really fragile." Ulquiorra looked at the fallen ordinary person on the ground around him, and said expressionlessly.

"We seem to have caused quite a commotion." Nilu scratched her nose in embarrassment.

As a Vastord-level Void who is not keen on fighting and devouring her own kind, the biggest difference between her and the other Ten Blades is her rationality.

According to the original words she once said: "We have changed from human to virtual, become wild beast, and then become a face to regain reason. Rational people need to have reasons to fight. ."

So being sent to the world by Aizen, Nilu was actually a little overjoyed in her heart.

Because in her opinion, a relatively rational human world is much better than an empty circle full of barbarism, tyranny, killing, betrayal and plunder.

But now that she sees how much trouble her spiritual pressure will bring to mankind, she is immediately filled with guilt and annoyance.

Just as the two Ten Blade members were trying to find traces of Alan in Kakuza-cho, they suddenly found a man with a white and green striped hat and a dark-brown skin in tight clothes. The woman came over.

They are none other than Kisuke Urahara and Yoichi Sifengin who came here specially to feel the horror of spiritual pressure.

In addition to the two of them, Giro Tezhai, Tsumiya Yu and Hana Kari also follow closely from behind.

Obviously, this time, the Urahara store was dispatched collectively.

The head of the store manager held on to his hat and asked with a serious face: "You should be the broken faces that Aizen made out of Bengyu, right? Why did you come to this world? What is the purpose? "

"We are Ten Blades! Aizen-sama personally selected and assigned the number to the strongest face. You should be the first Death God Kisuke Urahara who created the Hakutama, right?" Cerciola asked calmly.

"Aizen actually mentioned me to you?" The manager raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Because this is the first time he has seen a real face in the strictest sense.

The desire for Devouring Soul in the bones has been completely abandoned. Whether it is reason, thinking or logic, it is extremely clear. It is completely different from the experimental products and semifinished products made before. .

"That's right! Aizen-sama has warned us all to be vigilant when encountering you." Ulquiorra's hand was already on the Zanpakutō at his waist On the hilt of the sword, it was obvious that he was ready for battle.

And Nilu turned her attention to Sifengyuan Yeyi next to her, her eyes full of alertness.

"so that's how it is! I'm really honored to have that guy from Aizen treat me specially. So two Ten Blades, can I trouble you to go back to where you should be? It's not where you should come. Otherwise... I'll have to take coercive measures."

When he said this remark, Urahara Kisuke suddenly pulled out the Zanpakutō hidden in his walking stick, The initial solution was performed without the slightest hesitation.

"Wake up - Hong Ji!"


Dazzling red light soars into the sky!

Feeling the other party's soaring spiritual pressure, Ulquiorra refused expressionlessly: "I refuse! I won't leave until I finish the task given by Aizen-sama."


"Really! That would be troublesome..."

Urahara Kisuke's eyes flashed with dangerous rays of light.

Just as he was about to launch a tentative attack, Chuanjie suddenly appeared out of thin air, followed by Captain Toushiro and Vice Captain Matsumoto Ranju from the Soul Realm. rushed out.

Especially Xiaobai, as soon as he entered the world, he immediately noticed the terrifying power hidden in the bodies of the two ten blades, and immediately asked loudly: "Urahara! What is going on?"

"It's a broken face! That guy Aizen used the power of Bengyu to take all the powerful virtuals in the virtual circle under his command. What you see in front of you is exactly Yuwastedt. The broken face formed by the evolution of the rank giant. Be careful! But from the perspective of spiritual pressure, they have far exceeded the level of most Death God Captains." Urahara Kisuke warned in a serious tone.


"Xiaobai", who had just been beaten by Ai Ran not long ago, his face changed greatly, and he did not turn his head to instruct: "Matsumoto! The Technology Development Bureau requires this area to be blocked! By the way, apply for the lifting of restrictions!"


Ranju, who realized the seriousness of the situation, immediately began to recover from the turmoil. to contact Seireitei.

When the battle between the two sides was about to break out, a slightly lazy voice suddenly came from an alley not far away.

"What are you doing? Are you going to fight?"

tone barely fell!

Alan slowly left the shadow of the tall buildings blocking the sunlight, and appeared in everyone's line of sight with a very relaxed attitude.

"Ai - Lun -"

It is the so-called enemy that is particularly jealous when they meet each other.

As soon as Toushiro saw this guy who deceived and betrayed him, he was instantly furious, and his eyes flashed with rays of light of anger.

In addition, the friend of childhood sweethearts was seriously injured by Aizen, and he now has the heart to hack each other to death.

"Yo! Captain Hitsugaya, and Vice Captain Matsumoto, you guys are still in the same spirit as always."

Alan raised his hand to say hello as if he was nothing. Didn't see the atmosphere of the moment with swords drawn and bows bent.

"Lord Alan!" Nilu hurriedly lowered her head and bowed.

Ulquiorra not only made the same move, but also explained in a low voice: "Master Aizen thinks the Soul Society will take some action against you, so let us follow you by your side. After listening to the dispatch."

"Got it! Relax, don't be so nervous. Now there is at least a year before the war, even if it is a fight, there is no need to rush it."

As Alan spoke, he passed through the gap between the two and went straight to the group of Death Gods, smiling and proposing: "I believe you shouldn't want to go to war at this time, right? Since that's the case, then Why not give me a face, everyone put away their weapons. I promise, whether it is me or the two of them, it will never cause damage to the world."

" You mean...a temporary truce?" Urahara Kisuke narrowed his eyes cautiously probed.

He had undoubtedly learned about Alan's Shikie and 卍kie's abilities from his friend Yoichi, and his eyes never left Zanpakutō's "death".

"Ah! That's right! It's easy to talk to smart people. It will take at least a year for Aizen Captain to fuse the two pieces of collapse jade, and you can completely solve the problems faced by the Soul Society. Especially It's those disgusting nobles, without the stubborn old fogey's persistence of the Chief Captain, with the strength of the Goting Thirteen and the Masked Legion, it shouldn't be too difficult to kill them all, right?" Alan harboring malicious intentions hinted.

The reason for harboring malicious intentions is that the nobles of Seiringei are not as useless as many people think.

On the contrary!

They have been able to rule the Soul Society for so many years without being overthrown, but they still have two brushes.

Although there is no way to compare with a big boss like Aizen, there is no problem with dealing with a normal Captain-level Death God.

Especially for those families with profound background, they often keep several Zanpakutō that can be swastika, all left over after the ancestors died.

So if a fierce battle between the Goting 13 and the nobles really breaks out in the Soul Society, 80% of them will evolve into a protracted battle with blood flowing into a river in the current state.

No matter who becomes the final victor, it is absolutely impossible to resist the invasion of the broken face Legion.

The most important thing is that only in this way can the members of Team Zero hidden in the Palace of the Spirit King show up in advance, and then find opportunities to defend them separately.

"Aizen knows about the Masked Legion?"

Urahara Kisuke obviously saw through the other party's sinister intentions, and didn't answer the words that might have serious consequences at all. Take the opportunity to find out more useful information.

In his eyes, Alan is much easier to deal with than Aizen.

"Hehe, whether it's Death God blurred or broken, it's all created by Captain Aizen. Do you think he doesn't know? It's ridiculous that the one headed by Hirako True Son A bunch of idiots, they thought it was a secret that they were hiding in this world." Alan taunted with full firepower, and tried his life to draw hatred for Aizen.

Because he had already sensed, there were several spiritual pressures mixed with Void and Death God hiding in the vicinity.

You don't have to ask to know, it must be a member of the Masked Legion.

It is unknown who it is.

After all, Alan has never met Hirako True Son, Sarakizuki Hiyori, Yachomaru, Liuche Kensai, and he doesn't even know what their spiritual pressure looks like.

"Hey! Who do you call an idiot?"

A short woman with three words "displeased" written all over her face jumped from the top of a skyscraper down.

Golden's short hair is tied into two sky-high braids, with densely packed freckles on his face, and he's wearing a very casual-looking deep red tracksuit.

Combined with her irritable temper, it can be basically determined that she is Saraki Hiyori.

Not long after the short-statured woman landed, Hirako True Son in a white shirt and trousers also appeared on the roof of the building, covering her face helplessly and complaining loudly: "Hiyori Don't we say we can only watch and not shoot?"

"Shut up! This bastard compares us to idiots, how can we be in one ear and out the other. Today, no matter what I have to give him some color."

Hiyori roared and made a provocation all his life, and completed the initial solution of the blur and Zanpakutō at the same time in midair.

"Cut him off - Orochi!"

In less than a second, the unicorn-shaped phantom mask was already worn on the face, The Zanpakutō in his hand instantly became wider and longer, and there were uneven serrations on the blade.

She didn't mean to show mercy at all, she just wanted to cut Alan in two.

"Insolent! How dare you offend Lord Alan!" Ulquiorra raised his hand with a flash of Wang Xu.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

I saw the dazzling light penetrate Heaven and Earth in an instant, forcibly blasting Hiyori out, rolling on the ground like a tattered rag doll, and crashing more than a dozen cars in one go Just barely stopped.

An incomplete and defective product like her can't compare with a completely mature broken face.

even more how, the spiritual pressure of the Vice Captain level can't be mentioned on equal terms with the Vastord level.

There is only one round, and the outcome is decided.

And this blow also made the other Death Gods present feel the power and terror of the Ten Blades for the first time.


Hirako True Son couldn't care less, jumped from a height and hugged his normally best friend.

At this moment, the blurred mask on Hiyori's face was completely shattered by Wang Xu's flash, and half of his body was severely torn and burned.

If it wasn't for the powerful defensive power brought by the blur, I'm afraid it would be dead by now.

"I... I'm fine! I can't die!"

The irritable loli pushed Hirako True Son away, struggled to get up from the ground, looked towards Ulquiorra His eyes were full of shock and fear.

You must know that during the time she left the Soul World, she has been exercising her abilities, and she is confident to take revenge on Aizen by taking advantage of the explosive growth of spiritual pressure after blurring. battle.

But now, Hiyori suddenly finds himself naive and ridiculous.

Because not to mention seeking revenge for Aizen, she could even win the broken face created by Aizen.

Especially the phantom flash released by the other party just now is many times stronger than his half-assed phantom flash.

"Is this the power of Aizen's strongest Ten Blades? To be honest, it really scared me a bit." Sifengyuan Ye Yi stared at two cat-like pupils and whispered muttered.

"no! Not only that! Just as Death God will gain the power of emptiness when he breaks his own limit, the emptiness will also gain the power of Death God after breaking his own limit, that is to say, what we see now It's just the level of their normal state, and on top of that, there should be at least one release of power, just like Zanpakutō's first release and swastika release." Urahara Kisuke corrected with a solemn expression.

pa pa pa pa...

Alan applauded while applauding: "Smart! As expected of you, whom Captain Aizen regards as your biggest opponent, you guessed it all at once. When it comes to the true form of the broken face. That's right! All the Zanpakutō in the hands of the broken face actually seal the power and posture of the most primordial of the virtual. When they are released, they will become their original appearance. And this process, Named Returning Blade by Aizen Captain. Trust me, you wouldn't want to see the terrifying consequences of a Vastord-class returning to the Blade in this world."

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