Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 869

"How many broken noodles did Aizen make?"

After realizing how excellent Ten Blades was in the aspect of "quality", Kisuke Urahara immediately focused his attention on the aspect of "quantity" .

He is now eager to know how many Vastord-level Voids, and how many Achukas and Kilian, have completed the evolution with Aizen using the Bengyu.

If the other party is really crazy enough to convert all the great voids in the entire virtual circle, then the corpse soul world can really wash and sleep.

Because the virtual circle has been suppressed and beaten by Death God and Quincy for thousands of years, it is not because the virtual is not strong enough, but because they have no wisdom and act by instinct like wild beasts .

Even if a few "Wang Xu" who break their own faces occasionally hatch, they will eventually be firmly contained within the virtual circle by the power of the Soul Society due to their lack of self-awareness and reason.

But now, Bengyu has broken this limitation, and the virtual circle battle strength, which was originally a military force, has soared rapidly.

According to the number of big phantoms counted by the Technology Development Bureau, if all of them are transformed by Aizen, even a heap can kill all Death Gods in the entire Soul World.

Especially the ordinary Death Gods, who are numerous and have not even awakened to the beginning of Zanpakutō, are simply unable to resist the power possessed by Ranmen.

Once a war begins, it will be a one-sided massacre.

Alan undoubtedly sensed the manager's worries and fears, and casually comforted: "Don't worry! Aizen Captain is not the kind of lunatic who wants to destroy the world.

He just doesn't want to. Under the control of anyone, they want to reshape the entire world in their own way.

Wastode-class like Nilu and Xiaowu, at best, will not exceed five, and basically belong to ten The battle strength of the cream of the crop in the blade.

And Achukas may be slightly more, among which the higher degree of cracking will become a member of the ten blades, and most of them will become ten The subordinate of the blade.

As for Kirian, only a very few who have mastered the special ability can get the chance to break the face.

In general, it will remain at about a hundred in the end. About the degree."

"One hundred?"

Hearing this number, Urahara Kisuke's heart sank instantly.

You must know that this is a broken face!

And the main force is evolved from the Achucas-class Great Void!

Almost everyone deals with Captain , Vice Captain , and top-ranked officers.

How many people in the entire Gotei Thirteen Team have reached this level?

"Are you afraid?"

Alan looked at this man who was known as "the most intelligent man in the world of dead souls" with great interest.

The corpse technology, the information transmission technology, the simple cross-boundary gate, the spirit converter, the props that visualize the Soul Cut knife - Divine Physique, the righteous soul technology, the virtual technology, the transformation technology ...

It can be said that Urahara Kisuke has forcibly pushed the technology of the Soul Society a big step forward with almost one person's power.

Alan is now very curious to know what method the other party can come up with to make a comeback in such an absolute disadvantage.

After all, in his cognition, this thing of wisdom has always been limited.

When the gap in strength exceeds a certain critical point, there is simply no way to make up for it with brains alone.

Urahara Kisuke no doubt noticed something, and immediately narrowed his eyes and probed: "I don't understand! Why would someone like you choose to follow Aizen?"

"Oh? What kind of person do you think I am?" Alan asked with a playful face.

"Although you keep pretending that you don't care about anything, it's actually just a cover up of a strong desire for something in your heart. Maybe I don't know what you desire for a while. What, it will never be as hopeless as she is now." Urahara Kisuke gave his own answer meaningfully.

"hahahaha! Exactly! It seems that Captain Aizen is right, you and he are essentially the same kind of person. It's a pity that the two of you have taken completely opposite paths. "

Although he was exposed on the spot by the opponent, Alan not only did not fly into a rage out of humiliation, but he couldn't help laughing happily.

Because this is not the first time he has been exposed, but the second time.

The last one who could do this was Aizen who had become the king of the virtual circle.

This is why the collaboration between Alan and Aizen has always been quite enjoyable.

The reason is simple!

Both parties know what each other wants and also know that the other party's goals do not have any substantial conflict of interest with their own.

"What exactly do you desire?"

Urahara Kisuke did not refute the statement that he and Aizen were the same kind, but chose to continue to ask.

He really wanted to find out, the unexpected factor that suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of him, the role it played in it, and the real purpose behind it.

"What I'm after has not changed from beginning to end, that is power, power beyond all, power beyond all. For this reason, I specially made this, I believe you will not feel Unfamiliar."

Speaking, Alan slowly took out the half-finished virtual collapse jade from his pocket.


Rao is Kisuke Urahara who has seen many big scenes, and the whole person shivered involuntarily.

And the remaining Death Gods like Sifengyuan Yeichi, Dongshilang, and Ranju are even more stunned.

Even Ulquiorra, who has had facial paralysis since birth, clearly expressed the strong emotions in her heart at the moment.

"Beng...Bengyu?!" Nilu called out the name of this thing with a trembling voice.

No one can keep calm in the face of collapse jade!

Through Aizen, whether it is Death God or illusory, all realize the true value of Bengyu.

This is a treasure that can make the soul evolve infinitely. Anyone who gets it is equivalent to mastering the key to evolution.

Alan was obviously satisfied with everyone's reaction, and corrected with a smile: "No! You are all wrong. This one I have, strictly speaking, is completely different from the previous two pieces of collapsed jade. Because It's made with an empty soul, and it's a semifinished product."

"Urahara Kisuke finally made it? Are you crazy?"

came back to his senses with a rare look of fear in his eyes.

There is no way not to be afraid!

Once this thing is acquired by a phantom, then the phantom will instantly become the king of the virtual circle in the true sense, and even reproduce the horrible scene of devouring all the souls in the world back then.

And this time, the Soul Society can't come up with any strength to fight against it.

After all, the savior Spirit King has long been dismembered by their rebellious rebels with original sin, and finally turned into a piece of human being sealed in Crystal Coffin.

"Crazy? No! It's just a tool I have to use in my quest for great power. To be exact, I'm going to use it to split half of my soul to create a powerful enough void before It defeats, devours, and fuses. Now, the most critical thing is still missing from this virtual collapse jade, and that is a Vastodd-level Void Soul." Alan gently fiddled with the high-concentration soul gathered in his hand. The resulting crystals explained.

"Splitting half of your own soul? Completely emptied? Do you know what it means if you fail?" Urahara Kisuke asked the Zanpakutō-Kujie, clutching the Zanpakutō in his hand.

He finally found out that the guy in front of him was more terrifying and crazy than Aizen.

Alan replied without hesitation: "It may become the most terrifying phantom in this world history, and even destroy Three Realms completely. But I will not fail! Because in my There is no word for failure in the dictionary."

"I will never let you succeed!"

Urahara Kisuke suddenly pulled out his Zanpakutō to try to destroy this unfinished void. Disintegrate jade.

But the next second...


Alan also pulled out the Zanpakutō almost at the same time and blocked the opponent's sneak attack with a very relaxed attitude. Faint smile asked: "Do you know where the biggest gap between you and Captain Aizen is? ?"

"The gap?" Urahara Kisuke subconsciously frowned.

"That's right! The gap!" Alan threw the unfinished collapsing jade into his pocket, with a hint of playfulness in his tone. "Many smart people have a problem, that is, they like to use their own wisdom to take shortcuts, and you are such a typical example. But Aizen Captain is different, he knows a truth, that is, there is never any shortcut to improve strength. Although Illusion has the perfect hypnotic ability, but he still tempers his sword technique, flash step, white fight and ghost path to the extreme, and there is no weak spot all over his body. But what about you? You have too many obvious flaws! I can even kill you with no difficulty before you can solve it, like this..."

tone barely fell!

Alan turned into an afterimage, appearing directly behind the opponent, and suddenly through the Zanpakutō, the spiritual pressure stored in death, he swung a slash that contained the Death Rule. hit.

Urahara Kisuke didn't have time to think about it, and immediately released the "Shield of Blood Clouds" for defense.

What made him absolutely didn't expect was that the shield of spiritual pressure that he was proud of didn't hold for even a second, and was completely shattered on the spot, even with one arm being forcibly Cut out, spinning in midair and turning into nothingness.

Admiring the mixed shock and disbelief on the manager's face, Alan immediately put away his Zanpakutō and sneered: "Look, this is the end of taking shortcuts.

Do you feel proud that the Divine Physique technology can be completed in just three days?

No! I can tell you for sure, this has cost you a Opportunity to become stronger.

The relationship between Death God and Zanpakutō is not simply about who belongs to whom and who obeys who, but an opportunity to explore and re-understand oneself.

In this process, the longer and deeper you explore, the stronger the power you gain.

In order to completely grasp the solution of the swastika, the residual fire katana, but It has been used for nearly a thousand years."

"The Zanpakutō in your hand may not only represent death, right?"

Urahara Kisuke is indeed a corpse soul The person with the highest IQ in the world quickly recovered from the absent state, and was keenly aware of the strangeness coming from the wound.

"Hehe, take your time to guess, anyway, I won't tell you the answer." Alan stroked Death's peculiarly shaped handle with a mysterious smile.

The greatest benefit of being a soul-soul fruit person is vividly and thoroughly reflected at this moment.

Because most of the Death God judges the ability the other party may have through spiritual pressure and the shape change of the spirit son.

But he can confuse people by directly controlling and changing these things.

Just when Kisuke Urahara wanted to ask something, Ranki Matsumoto, who was watching the play for a long time, suddenly shouted: "Captain! The space freeze has been completed! The restriction has also been approved! "

"you did good! Swastika - Dahonglian Bingrenwan!"

Toushiro, who had endured for a long time, did not say a word, and went straight into the state of swastika, waving his hand The strongest ice and snow Zanpakutō in the Soul Soul World rushed up.

In fact, he wanted to do it just now.

But considering that 80% of my spiritual pressure is in the sealed state, I finally chose to wait until the restrictions are lifted.

Otherwise it is no different from inviting humiliation to oneself.

Looking at the menacing Xiaobai and the rapidly dropping ambient temperature, Alan sighed helplessly: "Ai, you really learned your lesson forever."

"Frozen and Hundred Flowers Burial!"

Dong Shilang obviously doesn't want to say any nonsense anymore, starting with one of his strongest moves.

Accompanied by the falling snow, crystal clear and near-transparent ice flowers began to rapidly condense around, releasing low-temperature spirits.

"Sorry, this temperature is not low enough for me."

Looking at the white frost condensed on the surface of his hands and feet, Alan released a little spiritual pressure, and immediately Shatter it completely.

As Zaragi Kenpachi said, the battle between Death Gods is essentially a collision between spiritual pressure and spiritual pressure.

The side with strong spiritual pressure can unconditionally crush the side with weak spiritual pressure.

Although Alan has yet to find a way to improve the conversion efficiency of his spiritual pressure, it is definitely more than enough to bully a newcomer Captain like Xiaobai who has not mastered the solution for a long time.

"You guy..." Toushiro's expression distorted instantly.

He didn't expect in his dreams that one of his strongest moves could be cracked so easily, and he was also surprised by the power and terror of the opponent's spiritual pressure.

"Give it up. You should know that I don't want to be your enemy. In addition, as a commoner background Death God, I believe you are very aware of the corruption, filth and depravity of the nobles in the Soul World, for the sake of They're not worth their lives," Alan said, shaking off the shattered ice.

"Don't waste your energy! I will never forgive Aizen!" Toushiro growled furiously.

"Because of Hinamori Tao Vice Captain? Don't worry, I'm not going to interfere in your feud with Aizen Captain. If you want to kill him, go ahead. Trust me, you don't There will be even the slightest chance of winning."

After saying this, Alan ignored Xiaobai's reaction and immediately waved at the two Ten Blades, then led them around and disappeared into the empty seat The end of the street in the town.

Whether it was the people from the Urahara store, or the masked Legion who was already on the floor, or the Gotei Thirteen Team of the Soul Society, none of them did anything to stop them in the end.

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