Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 870

With the departure of Alan and the two Ten Blades members, the ordinary persons who fainted because they couldn't bear the terrible spiritual pressure, soon woke up one by one.

About a few minutes later, police cars, fire trucks and ambulances came one after another and began investigating the unidentified coma that affected tens of thousands of people.

In the end, the official gave a statement that it was caused by an unknown chemical gas leak.

Although some people suffered some minor injuries when they fell, the turmoil soon subsided as no one died and there were no repercussions.

Of course, compared to the ordinary person who doesn't know the seriousness of the matter at all, the Soul Society side has exploded.

Especially when, in the future, there will be hundreds of middle-level and high-level Daxu composed of broken-faced Legion. Under the leadership of Aizen, they will launch an attack on the Soul World a year later, no matter how they are filling the vacancies. The thirteenth team of the Gotei in the captain's position, or the nobles who were fighting for power in the forty-sixth room in the center, all gasped in unison.

In addition to the terrifying strength shown by Alan, and the third piece of unfinished jade in his hand, which is also the most terrifying piece, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

Some have even begun to suggest that they should seek help from the Zero Division, which is guarding the Palace of the Spirit King.

But in the end, all of this was intercepted by the new Captain Jingle Chunsui, who replaced Yamamoto's old man.

As one of the four Captains who have held the position of Captain for the longest time, and also a member of the noble group with vested interests, he is very clear that the meaning of the existence of the Zero Team is to protect the link of "Spirit King" Wedges for Three Realms.

As for the life and death of Soul Society, after being promoted to Team Zero, it has nothing to do with those five people.

Because compared to the stability of the existing world order, the survival of the Trifling Soul World is not worth mentioning.

even more how, Aizen has long been eyeing the hidden Spirit King palace.

And the people in Team Zero already know this.

The reason why they haven't appeared is because they haven't found a way to deal with the two terrifying Zanpakutō of illusion and death.

If these two knives appeared alone, with the strength of the five members of Team Zero, there is no need to worry too much.

The problem is that now the owners of the two Zanpakutō are allies.

Once Alan and Aizen work together, perfect hypnosis and Death Rule, just thinking about it makes people shudder.

You must know that the person who was killed by death has not left any survivors so far, and even Yamamoto Motoyanagi, who is known as the strongest Death God, has not been able to withstand a knife.

"Ai, this time it's really a big trouble."

Kyoraku Chunsui, dressed in white as the captain, sat sighed in the team room of the first team, with a face full of expression. A helpless expression.

Although in the eyes of some people who are keen on power, his succession as the captain of the Gotei Thirteen is simply a good thing in the sky.

But in fact, only he knows that this position is now a hot potato, or sitting on a volcanic crater that may erupt at any time.

If he could, he would rather bring his stubborn teacher back to life.

Unfortunately, as Alan said, those killed by death have no chance of resurrection at all.

They will be completely erased from the spiritual level, and even the Zanpakutō will be decomposed cleanly together, and even a little scum will not be left behind.

"What do you think we should do now?" Urahara Kisuke subconsciously touched his empty left arm, his eyes flashing with cold rays of light.

There is no doubt that having his left arm chopped off by Alan's sword caused a considerable mental and psychological blow to him.

You must know that in that case, the "genius" didn't even have time to open the solution.

If the target was not the arm but the neck or the chest, it is estimated that there is no such person as Urahara Kisuke.

Kingle Chunshui drank the wine glass and responded with a wry smile: "What can I do, I can only find a way to fill the vacant Captain positions. Fortunately, Mr. Jiro, the head of the sparrow, has already Promise me to take the position of Captain. Apart from this, the Eleventh Team's Madarame also seems to have mastered the swastika, and theoretically can take the place of a Captain. After all, the current Seireitei is not as calm as it seems on the surface. "

Urahara Kisuke looked thoughtful nodded: "That is to say, the Soul Society is temporarily unable to recruit people, right?"

"en! The biggest problem is the confrontation between the commoners and the nobles. I have to say that the guy named Alan is really powerful. With just a few words, the contradiction that Sereiting has been trying to cover up has been revealed, and the entire Gotei Thirteen Team has been transformed from The internal division began to split. Coupled with this Captain's mutiny, the fifth, third and ninth divisions have become popular, and it is a miracle that there has not been a large-scale rebellion until now."

In saying At the time of this remark, Jingle Chunshui's tone was full of bitterness, he directly picked up the wine bottle, raised his head and took a sip fiercely.

He feels like a captain sitting on a leaky and broken boat now. Although he tried his best to plug all the holes, the actual effect was only to slow down the sinking a little.

"What about Team Zero? Haven't they responded yet?" Urahara Kisuke obviously didn't give up and continued to ask.

"I've already sent the news, but I haven't heard back yet. Maybe they are thinking about countermeasures, or there may be other enemies to guard against. In short, it may only be up to us at the moment." Jingle Chun Shui took a deep breath to give the worst conclusion.

"Understood! Since you can't spare any manpower, I'll take some action with the Masked Legion first. In any case, I can't just watch the third collapsing jade appear."

Having said that, Urahara Kisuke slowly stood up from the ground, used the bauble in his hand to open a gate through the realm, and returned to the store in the present world without looking back.

Looking at the vanishing door, Jingle Chunshui threw the empty wine bottle aside, looked up at the sky outside the courtyard, and muttered to himself: "Old fogey, you have chosen. A happy and heroic way of death, but it left me with a mess. Facing this kind of internal trouble and outside aggression, what should I choose?"


At the same time, on the map of Outland on the other side of the Dark Portal, Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends were stunned as they watched the massive invasion of the burning Legion demons ahead, as well as the spectacular picture of the Alliance and Horde allied forces resisting bravely. The pupils were dilated to the limit and the mouth opened wide in shock speechless.

After several minutes, Orihime Inoue couldn't help but shivered and asked cautiously, "Old...teacher, where is this place? Is it the foreign world?"

"Uh... Barely so. Don't stand stupidly, come with me."

Sakura directly cast tenth-level magic, summon created a huge giant dragon, and then took the lead in jumping on the dragon back.

Kurosaki Ichigo and the others followed suit, riding up and grabbing the bulging spurs on the dragon's back.

After everyone was seated, this giant beast with red scales all over his body rose directly into the sky, flapping his wings and soaring in the sky, which exudes strange and gorgeous rays of light .

Looking at the hellfire peninsula where crimson seems to be blood dyed red, and the creatures on the ground with different shapes such as evil orcs, demons, giant worms, aliens, wild boars, etc., these young girls are completely Fascinated by this shattered world.

Once beyond the border, the vast mushroom woodlands of Zangarmarsh, and the beauty of countless glowing spores, once again took everyone's breath away subconsciously.

Especially the girl Orihime Inoue, her eyes widened, as if she wanted to imprint all this firmly in her mind.

After waiting for the giant dragon to fly over this lush area of water and grass, the field of vision suddenly widened, and an endless beautiful prairie appeared in front of it.

It is clear that Naagh Lan is the final destination of this trip.

Sakura found a relatively empty place, and motioned for the red giant dragon that summon came out as a mount to slowly lower its height, and finally landed on all fours.

"It's unbelievable! Teacher, who are you?"

Kurosaki Ichigo bent down and held up a pool of clear river water, feeling the icy cold from his skin tactile.

Obviously, this is by no means a place like Seireitei that is entirely composed of spiritual sons, but a real world, and you can even see schools of fish swimming in the river.

"Don't ask so many questions, you just need to know that I'm here to help you get rid of the emptiness in your body." Sakura replied casually.

At this moment, she has walked to the huge bound array that has been portrayed in the middle of the clearing, and carefully examines every link.

After confirming that there is no problem, this is satisfied nodded.

Just when she was about to call Ichigo over, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, smashing a big hole on the ground with a bang, startling several youngsters.

When the dust slowly dissipated, everyone could see that it was a girl in armor with long golden hair.

And above the girl's head, there is still a small tuft of hair that stands tall.

"You... who are you?!" Inoue Orihime was obviously nervous and asked cautiously.

"My name is Arturia Pandragon! Alan's guardian Knight! Welcome you." The Dumb King smiled and introduced himself.

"That guy still guards the Knight?" Kurosaki Ichigo pulled out the corner of his mouth slightly.

It is not difficult to see from the boy's reaction that he was quite unhappy when he was beaten to the ground by Alan in the Soul Society.

But Artoria responded with a disinterested smile: "Alan is not as bad as you think. At least in my eyes, he is a pretty good person."


"Perhaps. So where is he now?"

Ichigo Kurosaki didn't want to argue too much on this issue, and immediately changed the subject.

Since the end of the World War I in Soul Society, the Bai Xu who is exactly the same as himself in the consciousness space has become his scourge.

Whenever I want to use the swastika, I will involuntarily recall the bloodthirsty, brutal and tyrannical appearance after the blur.

So when Sakura suggested that he could hire someone to help clear the white emptiness in his body, he agreed without the slightest hesitation and didn't think too much about it at all.

No way!

Under the preconceived notions, Kurosaki Ichigo has always felt that emptiness is a bad thing. Monsters who feed on human souls must be destroyed ruthless.

I didn't realize that the Void in his body was actually a mixture of the powers of Death God and Void, a treasure with infinite potential that could help him break his own limits.

"Here, he's already here." Arturia pointed to the sky above her head.


A dazzling lightning flashed across his head, and then Alan appeared out of thin air in front of everyone, even waving to say hello: "Yo! Ichigo, long time no see. "

"We don't seem to know each other that well!" Kurosaki Ichigo rolled the eyes angrily and complained.

"One time, two times familiar. Trust me, we will deal with each other often in the future." Alan smiled and patted each other's shoulders to show closeness.

In any case, if the other party actively cooperates, the success rate of extracting the virtual white will inevitably increase greatly.

For that alone, he should be grateful.

"Before extracting the emptiness from my body, I still have some doubts. I don't know..." Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his nose with a sorry expression on his face.

"Ask what you want! As long as it doesn't involve some secrets, I'll tell you the answer." Alan shrugged indifferently.

Hearing this sentence, Ichigo Kurosaki immediately relaxed and immediately asked: "Why on earth did you and Aizen betray the Soul Society? The so-called Three Realms balance in Death God's mouth is true. Is it?"

"Hehe, what I did with Aizen should not be called a betrayal, but an uprising. I believe you should already know that Seoreitei, who rules the Soul World, is a What kind of organizational structure is it? Simply put, it is a group of ancient aristocrats who act wilfully with power tens of thousands of years ago, and do not give the lower classes any room to rise. The most important thing is that they have no room at all. Fulfill your due responsibilities and obligations, and let the gangsters and gangs breed on the outskirts of Liuhun Street. Hundreds of souls starve to death every year due to lack of food, and countless more are killed by fighting. Tell me , as a regime, are Seoreitei and Gotei Thirteen qualified?"

Alan blunt raised a question that no modern person could avoid.

Perhaps for those souls who lived in the ancient world hundreds of years ago, this situation has long been accustomed to.

But for people who have received modern education, the ruling model of the Soul World is completely unacceptable, and it belongs to the remnants of feudalism and tyranny.

"so that's how it is! I understand!" Ichigo Kurosaki looked thoughtful nodded.

In his eyes, this should belong to the "falling curtain movement" and "Meiji Restoration" similar to the history of the island country, and most of the vigilance and anxiety in his heart disappeared all of a sudden.

Although that's not the case at all...

But at least in the eyes of this group of youngsters who haven't seen too much social evil, the hostility to Aizen and Alan is less so. big.

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