Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 871

In order for Kurosaki Ichigo to completely sever the connection with the Soul Society, Alan spent the next few minutes detailing the dark history of Seireitei and Gotei Thirteen.

For example, use the corpse of Grandfather Ishida Yulong to do research;

For example, create an immortal human named Bavint, and then kill him to the last one, trying to cover up the crime he committed in this way.

As a matter of fact, as long as you look over the records of the Soul Society on the surface, it is easy to see that Death God is never an organization that represents justice and order.

Live experiments, kill a witness to silence them, fight for power, fight against dissidents, establish hegemony...

All the things that tend to cause modern people's disgust and disgust, they have done it almost all over the place .

And Alan is not just making things up. Almost everything can be fully evidenced.

When I heard the end, Ichigo Kurosaki frowned even more on the face that had the word "unhappy" written on it, and gnashing teeth asked, "Why are these contents exposed? Kia never mentioned it to me?"

"Do you remember her last name?" Alan asked with a faint smile.


Kurosaki Ichigo was not a fool, he immediately realized something.

Alan's meaningful nodded: "That's right! Deadwood! One of the Five Great Families who founded Soul Society and Seireitei. Do you think that as a vested interest, she will tell you this kind of scandal. Outsiders? In addition, do you know what kind of state the Spirit King of Supreme is in the mouth of Death God? Why did it become like that?"

"You know?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was obviously shaken, and he didn't even want to mention Rukia's name.

To be precise, after the end of the battle in the Soul Society, he never saw each other again, let alone said a word.

Alan no doubt noticed this, nodded with a smile: "Of course! Not only do I know, but I know it in great detail.

This matter goes back to the appearance of the Soul Society. In the past, even in the distant era when the fire of human civilization was just ignited.

At that time, the world of the soul was not as clearly divided as it is now. Part of the great cycle.

But then, for some unknown reason, the Void suddenly started eating human souls, causing serious problems with the cycle.

If it goes on like this, then the entire The world will eventually become an incomparable gigantic void, and then fall into eternal darkness and stillness.

The will of the planet underfoot will not allow the world to become that way, so the savior Spirit King came into being.


He used the power of annihilation to kill the most powerful virtual heads, preventing the most terrifying ending.


The annihilation here , refers to the power of the Quincy.

Actually, the bloodline flowing in the body of the Quincy is the ability that is truly inherited from the Spirit King. The so-called Death God is just a group of ungrateful and dark-hearted people. Just a rebellious generation.

While the Spirit King was fighting to protect the world, the ancestors who founded the five nobles of the Soul Society secretly colluded and wanted to separate the Three in the way that was most beneficial to them. The Realms.

In order to achieve this goal, they need the power of Spirit King, Supreme.

Among them, the ancestors of the Shiba family pretended to persuade the Spirit King, and the ancestors of the Tsunayashiro family joined together Several other people took the opportunity to seal it in the Crystal Coffin, forcing it to sacrifice itself, and created the current world with the power of omniscience and omnipotence as a wedge.

Afterwards, the ancestors of Tsunayashiro's family did not know about it. Don't worry, I first cut off Spirit King's arms, took a long time to dig out the heart, cut off both legs and feet, chopped all the internal organs to pieces and separated them from the body, making them look like a human being tools.

And these five people finally established the corpse soul world and became the later five nobles, and they are also the source of all Death God.

How about it, does it sound right? Very dark and ironic?"

Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends were shocked when they heard this remark speechless.

Because in their inherent cognition, the king who can be enshrined as Supreme by Seoringei and all Death Gods should be a monarch who holds the power of life and death, and has a powerful and majestic monarch. .

What about the real situation?

This monarch has long been murdered by "chaotic thieves" as a tool to connect the Three Realms.

What's even more ridiculous is that those nobles also keep on saying that their power and status are bestowed by the Spirit King.

Simply the biggest joke in the world!

" could this be! Don't those people feel ashamed and guilty?" Chadu Taihu, who has always been taciturn, couldn't help but ask loudly.

"Shame? Guilt? Sorry, these things are really nothing in the face of the temptation of power, power and wealth. Oh, yes, I happen to have a book here that records the highest power in the Soul Society. If you are interested, you can take a look at the judgment of the 46th Office of the Central Office of the Agency. Believe me, after reading it, you will understand how dark Seireitei is. Of course, Aizen is not a good thing. During the experiment, there were not many humans, Death Gods, Nuts and Quintessentials killed."

After that, Alan put a book about the size of half an adult and nearly forty centimeters. The thick giant book was taken out of the pocket and thrown in front of the group of youngsters.

This is what he took from the archives in the central forty-sixth room with the help of illusion's perfect hypnotic ability.

Anyone with a sense of justice can't help but feel the anger from the heart after reading the content.

Ichigo Kurosaki only turned over a dozen pages, and his face began to change from white to red, and from red to black: "These bastards are doing this, is there no one to resist?"

"Resistance? Do you think those ordinary souls with low spiritual pressure in Ryuhun Street can possibly beat Death God of Gotei Thirteen? The first team captain, Yamamoto Motoyanagi, is a typical noble. Pai, the second division Captain Shabee is a nobleman, the former Captain Sifengyuan Yeichi you know is also a nobleman, the sixth division Captain Kuchiki Byakuya is a nobleman, the eighth division Captain Jingle Chunshui is a nobleman, and the thirteenth division Captain is a nobleman. Team Captain Ukitake Shiruro is also a nobleman. Apart from this, the fourth division Captain Uno Hanaritsu and the seventh division Captain Komamura Zuojin were both subdued and recruited by the chief captain himself. That is to say, Gotei Thirteen More than half of the Captains in the team are on the side of the nobles."

Alan used the bloody facts to express the fundamental reason why Sereitei's domination level can be maintained for more than 2,000 years. reason.

Without him!

Because the nobles hold the sharpest knives in their hands, whoever dares to disobey it should just kill them all.

At this time, they didn't talk about maintaining the balance of the Three Realms soul, and just cleaned up all the threats.

"What about you? Since you know that Aizen is not a good person, why are you still with him?" Kurosaki Ichigo lifted the head and asked.

"My idea is very simple! First use Aizen's hands to destroy the entire Soul Society, and then get rid of him, wouldn't it be enough."

Alan didn't hide anything. Fang Fang stated his plan.

In his eyes, Death God, Void, and Quincy are not much different in essence. They all pose a huge threat to the human beings in this world, and they should all be destroyed without leaving a single one.

As for the theory of soul balance that the Death Gods believe in, they can also deceive an ignorant fool who doesn't believe a word.

At least the destruction of Soul World should never affect the present world.

even more how, even if it affects.

Alan holds the "Five Elements", a tool that can change the rules of the world at will.

at worst Just take it out and use it, just strip the world out of that ridiculous system.

According to his idea, there is no need for the world to be as complicated as it is now. It is good to cut it into two halves. One half is the real world, and the other half is the world of the dead.

The soul of the human after death directly enters the world of the deceased and decomposes into the most basic spiritual child, and then re-enters the present world to form a new soul in the baby's body,

This is the most perfect solution.


There is no Death God!

No Quincy!

All are equal before death!

"In other and Aizen are not in the same group!" Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Having never had any innate talent for crafty plots and machinations, he suddenly found that his original black-and-white view of the world was so naive and ridiculous.

Alan laughed and shook the head: "no! Of course not! In fact, the three of us were a gang."

tone barely fell!

He walked straight to Artoria and Sakura's side, clearly expressing his position.

"What?! know Sakura teacher?" Inoue Orihime stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

"That's right! To a certain extent, I should be regarded as Sakura's adoptive father. You must know that when I met her, she was only about five or six years old, and she was still less than one meter tall. Little one." Alan jumped out of his pocket a photo of Sakura when he was a child and put it in front of everyone.

"Wow! It's so cute!"

Inoue Orihime was instantly attracted by the little loli with light purple long hair in the photo, giving a pitiful feeling.

"Damn! Don't show my childhood photos in front of my students!"

Sakura flew into a rage out of humiliation and snatched it as fast as she could Tuck it into your pocket.

It is estimated that her current feeling is probably no different from "social death".

Altolia hid and snickered while covering her mouth.

You don't need to ask to know that the King of Dull Mao has learned badly from someone, and has brought a little black-belly attribute.

"Don't get excited, it's just an ordinary photo." Alan shrugged innocently, and then each minding their own business said to these youngsters in front of him: "Okay, this is the end of the Q&A session. Now, can you trust me?"

"Probably. I'm a little confused right now. Also, are you really sure you can safely separate that mighty phantom from my soul? ' Kurosaki Ichigo asked in an uncertain tone.

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think I'm putting up such a big battle?"

Alan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, directly activating the incomparable gigantic under his feet. An array of imprisoned souls.


A dazzling white light soared into the sky, completely blocking the surrounding space together.

Afterwards, he activated the ability of his Soul Soul Fruit and pushed the opponent's soul out of his body with a stab of his finger.

"If that's the case, let's start!"

Ichigo Kurosaki was undoubtedly impatient, and went straight to the center of the array, letting the ropes tie him up. .

You have to know that during the time when the Soul World became a void, he caused a lot of damage to his companions, so he was always very afraid of a similar situation happening again in his heart.

Even when I had nightmares at night, I would dream that after I became a phantom, the scene of the massacre in Kakuza-cho was full of blood of innocent people, including the two youngers at home. sister.

In addition, unlike in the original plot, Urahara Kisuke instructed the masked Legion to come forward to help him master the ability of blurring, Kurosaki Ichigo naturally hopes to eradicate this unstable factor as soon as possible and completely.

"Hehe, I like your directness. Arturia, take the others outside, it's not going to be a little mess." Alan instructed without looking back.


Without saying a word, Duma Wang immediately pulled Inoue Orihime and Chadu Taihu to leave this dangerous area that could become a battlefield at any time.

After they arrived at a safe place, Sakura immediately injected the prepared medicine into her student's neck.

It's only a short period of time!

Kurosaki Ichigo thumped and knelt on the ground, letting out a heart-piercing scream.

“ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!”

In less than three or five seconds, a large amount of white fluid came out of the eyes, nostrils and ears It spewed out, covering every corner of the body at an extremely fast speed.

Finally, False White reappeared in everyone's sight in a complete form.

"You go first, or I go first?" Ying Ying asked Duo Mao Wang without looking back.

"Of course I'll go first! You should know, I've long wanted to find an opponent to test my strength."

Altoria's soul left her body instantly , walked straight to the "virtual white" exuding madness and tyranny all over his body.

Like Alan, she is wearing a white uniform made of special spirits and has considerable protection, holding a typical European-style Knight two-handed sword in her hand.

"Be careful! This is no ordinary Vastord-class face." Alan reminded in a low voice.

"I won't lose!" Dumb Mao Wang assured confidently.

Walking through different worlds, learning all kinds of powers that have never been seen or heard of, constantly getting stronger, tasting local specialties...

She is now more and more I have come to like this adventure journey that brings unprecedented freshness every once in a while.

Because in this journey, I no longer need to bear heavy responsibilities, I can do whatever I want, just close my eyes and enjoy it all.

Thinking of this, Artoria took a deep breath, raised the Zanpakutō in her hand, and spit out two words from her mouth: "Swish—"

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