Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 872

bang! ! ! !

Accompanied by the dazzling golden holy light rising into the sky, King Duo Mao finally released the Zanpakutō in his hand.

Especially the blade body, which is 40 meters long and is completely composed of high-concentration compressed spiritual particles, instantly made Alan, who saw it for the first time, pull out the corner of his mouth slightly, and asked in a low voice: "This is Arturia's swastika?"

"en! It's incredible, right?" Sakura's face had a faint smile on her face.

"It's incredible! Anyone with a normal mind will probably not forge a Zanpakutō like this. By the way, what is her Zanpakutō ability? Don't tell me about the sword of the Vow of Victory Exactly the same." Alan held his forehead helplessly.

This is a "real" 40-meter long sword, without any moisture, just looking at it makes people feel panicked.

He was very curious as to how the Dumb King planned to use such a weapon to fight.

Be aware that longer weapons tend to be less flexible.

Once approached, it would be absolutely catastrophic.


Unless this 40-meter-long broadsword can be freely retracted and controlled in length like Ichimaru Gin's divide spear.

But now it seems that Artoria's sword does not have such ability.

Sakura gently shook the head: "no! The ability of this Zanpakutō after being released is speed! The speed beyond the limit! The speed of light!"

tone barely fell!

Kurosaki Ichigo, whose soul was completely controlled by "Xubai", directly waved the Zanpakutō in his hand and rushed up, starting with a swastika—Crescent Moon Sky Chong.

The terrifying spiritual pressure even distorted the surrounding space.

Just when the black half-moon slash was about to touch the Dumb Hair King!

The corner of the latter's mouth was slightly upturned, revealing an excited smile.

The next second...

The 40-meter-long broadsword instantly releases a dazzling golden light!

Before anyone else could react, Ichigo Kurosaki was slashed into the air by a knife.

Not only was the horn mask on his face forcibly chopped up by an attack that naked eyes couldn't catch, but his body was almost divided into two from the middle.


As a Vastord-class "Void", it has the ability to regenerate at a super speed.

As long as it is not killed in an instant, it will soon secrete a large amount of white mucus from the body by consuming its own spiritual pressure, and stick the terrifying matchless wounds forcibly together again.

Seeing this scene, Alan suddenly widened his eyes in surprise and exclaimed: "It's really the speed of light! But this ability should have a considerable limit, right?"

"That's right! Arturia's Zanpakutō is limited to the speed of swinging the sword, but movement, reflexes, and observation are not included. And she must stay in place when swinging the sword and not move. , otherwise just the weapon itself will become a huge burden." Sakura blunt gave the answer.

"In other words... the 40-meter blade is her attack radius, or the domain of control." Alan touched the chin, showing a looked thoughtful expression.

"Yes! No matter who it is, as long as it steps into this range, it will be locked firmly, and there is basically no possibility of escaping. But if the opponent keeps attacking from this distance, then Aalto Lia will become very passive. To sum up, her Zanpakutō - Divine Light is essentially transformed from Treasure Item - Sword of Victory Pledge, and integrated into Paladin's holy light energy, which belongs to that This kind of extreme ability with obvious advantages and disadvantages."

When speaking about this remark, Sakura's tone was filled with some kind of unwillingness and annoyance.

You don't need to ask to know that she must have suffered a lot in the previous competition.

But that's no wonder!

Who knew that King Knight, who always likes to fight head-on, would evolve such an unreasonable power.

"Hehe, this is really in line with her stubborn character." Alan commented with a smile.

Is Arturia's Swastika powerful?

The answer is very powerful!

Even when he entered the range of 40 meters with the attitude of Death God, he was not sure that he would be able to take much advantage.

After all, the speed of light is the fastest speed known in physics.

Far beyond any known nerve conduction velocity, both physical and spiritual.

Therefore, in the Absolute Domain of 40 meters, the God of the Supreme Being equivalent to the Supreme after being released, anyone who steps into it will be instantly hit by hundreds of millions of high-speed slashes.

It's fine if it doesn't break the defense at all, even if it's only a little bit of superficial wound every time, it will be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades and cut into crumbs.

In the same way, the shortcomings are also very obvious.

That is, once out of the 40-meter limit attack range, the weapon in Artoria's hand will not only be unable to exert its terrifying speed advantage, but will also appear cumbersome because it is too long.

"Bastard! What did you do just now?" Ichigo Kurosaki asked sharply.

"What did you do? I just slashed you with a sword, that's all." Arturia raised her chin slightly and replied in a very arrogant tone.

Obviously, she was quite satisfied with her awakened Zanpakutō.

Especially as an experienced Knight, no one knows better than her what it means to wield a sword intent at the speed of light.

"Wang Xu's flash..."

Just as the virtualized Kurosaki Ichigo raised his hand and began to gather his spiritual child, another golden light fell from the sky. Unable to reflect the speed cut down.

bang! ! ! ! !

After a loud bang, the earth was directly divided into two halves after the violent shaking, and a terrifying gully with a length of 60 to 70 meters and a depth of 200 to 300 meters appeared within everyone's sight. .

You don't need to ask to know that this gully was cut by the 40-meter-long sword in the hands of King Duma.

As for the blurred Kurosaki Ichigo, he has fallen to the deepest part of the ravine, and his whole body is covered with white mucus secreted from his body, forming a round sphere.

"It's about to start." Alan's eyes flickered with expectant rays of light.

"Start? Start what?" Inoue Orihime asked curiously next to Ichigo's body.

"Blur! Truly complete blur!" Alan gave the answer without looking back.

Just when Orihime Inoue wanted to ask questions, a roar like a wild beast suddenly came out of the white sphere.

Following the surface of the sphere, countless textures like spider web cracked instantly, and finally burst with a bang.

At this moment, Ichigo Kurosaki no longer maintains a human posture, but completely incarnates into a virtual form, that is, the one who attacked Kurosaki Isshin after being transformed by Aizen. appearance.

"Kill you! I'm going to kill you all person!" Xubai roared, showing one's ferocious appearance.

"Nice job! Arturia! I didn't expect to force this guy out so quickly." Alan smiled and clapped his hands in praise.

Sakura on the side shouted at the strange pattern in the middle of the bound array: "Lol! It's now! Bind him!"

"As you wish, sir ."

Accompanied by the answer of send cold shivers down one's spine, an illusory and translucent shadow appeared out of thin air, swiftly waving a strip of thick and powerful tentacles towards the blurred black Saki Ichigo.

Although the latter waved his sharp claw violently and tried to cut off these nasty things, but for some reason, his attacks all passed through the middle of the tentacles, as if they were not hitting an entity, but Like a false phantom.

But when the tentacle touched the body of the virtual Kurosaki Ichigo!

All the tentacles have become solid, and they are wrapped and bundled into the shape of a zongzi at a very fast speed, and the tighter the hoop, the tighter the hoop...

" Ah Ahhhh!!! Let me go!" Xubai struggled desperately to get out of the current predicament.

Unfortunately, no matter how much spiritual pressure he released, he couldn't shake those tentacles even a shred.

"Lol! How long can you hold him?" asked Sakura blunt.

"According to the current intensity, it will not exceed two hours at most!" The huge tentacle monster called Lore immediately gave a relatively accurate estimate.

As one of the few 100-level Guardians in the city of the sky, Eleontiyo, it is the species with the strongest ability to bind Spirit Physique in the entire "YGGDRASIL" game.

Let's not say it's a trifling Warstord-class big virtual, even if the Death God of the zero team is here, they will suffer a big loss even if they don't know how powerful they are.

Sakura immediately showed a satisfied expression when she heard this sentence: "Very good! Keep it up! Remind me when I can't hold it anymore."

"Understood! "

Just as he was speaking, Luo Er's sturdy tentacles tightened a little again, and even the white mouth and horn mask were completely blocked.

Because according to his judgment, the virtual creature can release an amazing virtual flash of formidable power through the horns on its mouth and mask, so it must be restricted.

And Alan unceremoniously took out the Bengyu and came to the front, using the ability of the soul and soul fruit to start stripping the empty part of Kurosaki Ichigo's soul.

This move undoubtedly greatly stimulated "Xu Bai", causing it to use all means to interfere and resist.

The terrifying spiritual pressure erupted wave after wave like a nuclear explosion, making Inoue Orihime and Chato Taihu nervous and uneasy, who were standing outside watching the play.

Alan had already ignored the outside world at this time, and focused all his energy and attention on the process of stripping, for fear that the part belonging to Death God and Quincy would be accidentally destroyed.

Be aware that the soul, this thing, is very delicate and fragile.

In the world of One Piece, the aunt Charlotte Lingling embarked on a simple and rude development path because she could not control the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit, which is to squeeze the human soul directly. Press it into energy, and then reshape it according to your own will.

Can Alan be different.

He prefers to perform subtle operations.

With the help of the dual power of Death God and Quincy, the entire peeling process is like an extremely precise surgical operation, and the "Xubai" is completely removed from Kurosaki Ichigo's soul by little by little. It was extracted from it, and then absorbed into the collapsing jade.

Wait for the moment when the last step is completed!

Bengyu immediately burst into dazzling brilliance.

At the same time, Kurosaki Ichigo's last trace of blurring was also disappeared. The whole figure seemed to be weak, and fell to the ground on his back, gasping for breath.

After a while, he got up from the ground and asked, "Did you succeed? I really don't want to feel the void in my body anymore."

Feeling the hand The powerful power contained in the collapsing jade, Alan meaningful nodded: "Ah! That's right! It succeeded! Boy, you don't have to worry about losing control now, you can use the power in your body to your heart's content."

"Very good! Many thanks! I owe you a favor this time."

Knowing that the hidden danger has been cleaned up, Ichigo Kurosaki's mood suddenly became relaxed.

After all, he was too worried recently that the blurry runaway would hurt the two younger sisters at home, and he couldn't even sleep soundly, and he would wake up immediately if there was a slight disturbance.

Now, I can finally go home and sleep peacefully.

"No! It's me who should say thank you. Without your help, I'm afraid I'd risk turning against Aizen ahead of time and kill a top-ranked Ten Blades to achieve my goal." Alan responded with a smile.

Ichigo Kurosaki also noticed the familiar crystal in Alan's hand, and asked in an uncertain tone, "Is this the Bakuyu you made?"

"Yes! This one is completely different from those made by Aizen and Urahara Kisuke. It is made of empty souls, which can maximize the emptiness in a soul's heart. In other words, if the If this thing is thrown into a crowded big city, it can create hundreds of big ghosts in minutes; if it is thrown into the corpse soul world, there will be a huge number of ghosted Death Gods in an instant; if it is thrown into the virtual circle, Immediately, a Wang Xu who is not just in name only, but also in reality will be born."

Alan spoke the terrifying power of this virtual collapse jade in simple and clear language.

"Then how are you going to use it?" A nervous and worried expression appeared on Kurosaki Ichigo's face.

"For myself, of course! I plan to split my soul to create a virtual equivalent of my own strength, and then completely defeat it and devour and fuse it, thus breaking the critical point between Death God and the virtual. Although This is quite risky, but as long as you succeed, you can get several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times of strength."

Speaking, Alan once again got rid of the shackles of the body and stood in the posture of the soul. The center of the huge bound array, cautiously embedded the Bengyu into his chest.


bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Indescribable spiritual pressure spewed out.

In just a few seconds, a huge hole appeared where he was inlaid with the collapsed jade, and a white mask in the shape of a human skull appeared on his face.

And the collapsed jade is like an ornament, floating in the center of the void.


It's finally starting!

"Damn! He... is he crazy?"

Seeing the scene of send cold shivers down one's spine in front of him, Ichigo Kurosaki felt that his whole body was in disarray. A controlled slight tremor.

He couldn't imagine how terrifyingly catastrophic results would ultimately be if a Death God like Alan got out of control.

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