Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 873


Sakura turned around and glanced at the normally outstanding student, and chuckled to the head: "no! Alan knows exactly what he is doing, And I am ready to pay the price for it. This is a kind of awareness! A kind of awareness that can bet one's own life in order to become stronger is also a self-transcendence."

"If he If you fail, what will you do, teacher?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked in a serious tone.

At this moment, Alan's body has swelled to more than four meters, and the body surface is almost completely covered by the hard armor after the virtual.

The gushing spiritual pressure, even if he mastered the solution, felt as if there were ten thousand pounds of pressure on his shoulders.

Let's say it's a tough fight, it's quite difficult to keep standing.

"Don't worry! Alan has made all the arrangements."

After saying this, Sakura instantly entered the battle mode, rushing out like an arrow from the string. , collided directly with Alan fiercely who ran wild after the blur.

bang! ! ! !

The terrifying shock wave and air pressure instantly produced an explosion as spectacular as a nuclear explosion, blowing Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends thousands of meters away on the spot.

Inoue Orihime immediately used her ability to create a shield that rejected everything to resist the impact that terrifying to the extreme.

In the end, the three youngsters rolled and crawled to stop the brakes.

But the clothes on the body must inevitably become strands of cloth.

The girl had to use one hand to block the proud figure that had grown to a considerable size, while the other hand supported Kurosaki Ichigo's body.

"This...this is what Sakura teacher spare no effort looks like?! isn't this too ridiculous!" Chadu Taihu opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

I saw that at the center of the battle between the two, it has now completely turned into an incomparable gigantic crater.

Various fists, weapons and abilities take turns to create an inaccessible dead space within a radius of several hundred meters.

Anyone who breaks in will be instantly torn to shreds by the airflow, shock wave and spiritual pressure generated during the transition from attack to defense.

Because of growing up together, Sakura clearly knows how amazing Alan's strength is. Even if he abandons his body and simply exists in the form of a soul, he is almost an invincible opponent.

So she didn't have any intention of keeping her hands at all, and directly showed all her cards.

For a while, Heaven and Earth changed color.

Even the ground beneath Outland's feet was torn apart, and a large amount of natural energy, fel energy, and shadow energy were continuously gushing out.

The originally beautiful Naagh Lan Prairie became even more dilapidated than Moon Shadow Valley in less than a few minutes.

But even so, Sakura soon began to be beaten by Alan, who was running wild, and was surrounded by perils several times.

Artoria saw this scene and immediately joined the fray without the slightest hesitation.

Whether it's the Zanpakutō from Death God's ability, or the Treasure Item - the Sword of Victory Pledge, it will release the dazzling golden rays of light one after another from time to time, almost every time All can just help Sakura's most deadly attack at the moment.

"They're all too powerful! It seems that we can't help at all. Kurosaki-san, are you okay?" Inoue Orihime turned around and looked at the orange-haired man behind him. juvenile.

"Ah! It's okay! I'm just a little unwilling."

Ichigo subconsciously clenched the moonslash in his hands, his eyes flashing with a strong desire for power.

You have to know that since he mastered the Swastika, he always felt that he would not be defeated even against Captain, who represented the strongest battle strength in the Soul Society.

But now?

He had no doubt that if he rushed into that Chapter, he would be torn to shreds in minutes and turned into a pile of worthless debris.

"What do we do now? Are we just here to watch?" Chadu Taihu asked in an uncertain tone.

"Otherwise? You have also seen the strength of Sakura teacher. Even she is struggling so much now that it is no different for us to approach suicide. That person named Alan is really a monster...

" "Kurosaki Ichigo sighed helplessly and sat down on the ground.

Because of the double protection of magic array and Formation, as long as you come outside the silver translucent cover, you will not feel too strong impact.

As the enthusiasm for becoming a Death God and gaining powerful power slowly passed, he finally realized that he was not a savior, and he did not have the ability to fight against Alan and Aizen.

Let's not talk about these two people, he can't even beat the ten strongest broken faces transformed by Bengyu.

The three youngsters were obviously hit hard, and all of them were interested in talking, so they silently watched the power beyond their imagination.

Ichigo Kurosaki, who feels the most intuitive, has realized that Alan's identity is definitely not as simple as a trifling Death God.

And the power of the other party is far beyond the scope of his own cognition, and he can't even raise the slightest fighting intent.


At the same time, the Dummy King located in the center of the Formation and binding array, now has no previous call.

Because in front of Alan, who is becoming more and more blurred, as long as her thinking and conscious reactions are slowed down by half a beat, she will immediately suffer from a more terrifying formidable power than "Wang's virtual flash".

Accidentally, if you hit him head on, he'll be seriously injured and fall to the ground if he doesn't die.

In order to avoid accidents, Arturia, who has returned to her body, has long grasped Paladin's invincible skills and is ready to activate it at any time.

As for Sakura, who is at the forefront, she has already used the cold shield once, and her body and arms are densely packed with wounds torn by spiritual pressure.

She knew very well that if Alan hadn't lost his mind and fought on instinct, she would have been killed long ago.

"Artoria! It's not the way to go on like this! Alan has stored tens of millions of soul energy, and the two of us alone can't suppress him for too long." Sakura didn't look back. shouted.

"Then what do you say? Call all the Guardians of the Castle in the Sky - Eleon Tiyu?" The Dumb King asked back while avoiding the black phantom he released on the way.

"No! Those Guardians can't deal with Alan. Go and call Verna Lazas up. If anyone in this world can suppress Alan, it must be her." Sakura said without thinking out of their own ideas.

"Understood! I'll go right now! You have to hold on!"

After saying that, Artoria immediately turned around and jumped out of the battle circle, directly summon out of Dragon Sleep Temple The red dragonfly purchased after Reputation Exalted rose into the air and flew straight towards the location of the North Netherstorm map.

You don't need to ask, the map for Level 10 Northrend has already been constructed.

Unfortunately, it may be because of the consumption of thoughts, and it entered an extremely slow mode when building a copy, so although the equipment has not been updated on a large scale, there is some prestige, business Things like skill blueprints are almost done.

As a former king of ancient Britain, the whole country symbolizes the incarnation of the red dragon. When choosing a mount, King Duma will naturally regard the red dragon as the first and only choice.

Riding on this mount, which has been strengthened and modified many times, she soon came to the slumbering place of the Red Dragon Queen Vernarasas - Storm Fortress.

Because the dungeon has not been built, there is only an incomparable gigantic circular platform, and there are no buildings on it.

And Verna Lazas was lying on the center of the platform, with a large piece of Dragon Emperor's corpse placed beside it.

It can be seen that after devouring these mighty shells forged from within the Star Sea, her scales have become noticeably thicker and dazzling like red diamonds.

In normal times, Arturia would definitely stand by and admire this beautiful, dangerous, yet powerful, deadly giant beast.

But unfortunately, she can only wake it up in the fastest and most rude way.

Without any hesitation!

She directly gave the attack command to the mount under her crotch: "Use the dragon's breath!"

The next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

A scorching flame that could easily melt steel spewed out of the young dragon's mouth, immediately covering Vernarasas from head to toe.

Interestingly, the flames didn't even burn a single scale.

Just the opposite!

Instead, the scales become more and more transparent under the burning of the flame, and reflect the deep red rays of light.

About ten seconds later, Verna Razas finally felt the unusual temperature, and immediately opened his eyes to reveal two chilling pupils. 、

This move instantly startled the young dragon, and hurriedly landed on the stage slowly, bowing his head to acknowledge allegiance to the queen who created and gave him a new life.

"Altoria? Why are you here!" Vernarasas asked, ignoring the offense of the young dragon and blunt lifts the head.

She knew very well that unless there was an emergency, the other party would not come to disturb her sleep.

The King of Dumb Mao quickly explained: "It's Alan! He has already begun to use Bengyu to make himself completely blurred. Sakura and I can't suppress him, so I need your help."


"Absence? So his body is now in an unmanaged state, right?" Verna Razas raised his front paws and touched his chin.

"en! That's right! According to Alan's estimate, he will need at least a day or two. In this world, I'm afraid no one can do it except you." Artori Ya said in a serious tone.

"Ai, he's really going to make trouble for me. Well, I get it." Verna Lazas opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, yawned, and then lay down again Soon he fell asleep again.


On the other side, near the battlefield in the Naagh Lan Prairie, Alan's originally motionless body suddenly twitched one of his fingers.

About three or five seconds, the whole person jumped up suddenly and began to pose in various poses in an extremely uncoordinated state.

"You...Who are you?"

The nearest Inoue Orihime undoubtedly noticed this, and immediately asked aloud with great vigilance, also reminding the other two companions .

Ichigo Kurosaki and Taihu Chato hurriedly stood up and took the initiative to stand in front of the girl.

as everyone knows, when the soul leaves the body, the body should be in a state similar to suspended animation.

Unless you ate something like Yikunwan, a body without soul control would never move on its own.

But Alan obviously hadn't eaten anything, so the three youngsters would naturally be on high alert.


Verna Lazas obviously didn't intend to talk nonsense with the protagonists, just left a contemptuous smile, and then activated "God's heart" core ", turned into a thunderbolt into the center of the battlefield.

bang! ! ! !

Just one hit!

The blurred Alan was forcibly kicked out, fiercely hit the cliff behind, and a large number of white hard shells covered on his body shattered and fell off, and the mask on his face was seriously damaged.

"You're finally here!"

Sakura suddenly felt the pressure drop, and said hello without looking back.

Obviously, compared to Soul Power, which has just started, Alan's body is undoubtedly much stronger, even showing an absolutely crushing posture.

Verna Lazas helplessly shrugged his shoulders: "No way! With the current strength of the two of you, it is still too difficult to suppress him. Especially that collapsing jade has already put him in his soul. The virtual side has strengthened to a dangerous level."

"Is there any danger?" Sakura asked with a solemn expression.

"The danger will certainly be there. But if the situation becomes irreversible, I will pull him back. But until then, let him challenge the other self. Believe Me, this guy is definitely having fun right now."

After saying this, Verna Razas raised his fist and went up to it, fighting with the blurred and irrational Alan.

As she expected, in the world of consciousness and spirit, Alan indeed had a smile of excitement and joy on his face, holding a Zanpakutō and fighting with the split virtual.

Although both of them were covered with hundreds of large and small wounds, none of them chose to take a step back.

"As expected, it's the other side of me! It's much more difficult than I expected." Alan licked the blood that came from the corner of his mouth.

"What, are you going to throw in the towel and vote for surrender yes or no?"

Alan's appearance is exactly the same, with a confident smile.

He can feel that his power is becoming stronger and stronger under the influence of Bengyu. As long as he perseveres, the one who wins will definitely be himself.

"Surrender?" Alan sneered and looked the head: "no! I don't have these two words in my dictionary. Do you know why I chose to use Bengyu to create and strengthen your power?"

"Why?" Xu asked rhetorically.

"Of course it's to challenge the strongest self! You must know that you are the sharpening stone that I personally selected! I want to surpass myself in this battle. Come on, let's continue, Let's see who is the strongest Alan."

As the last word blurted out, Alan again turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

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