Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 874


Never stop fighting!

In the space of consciousness, Alan can't remember how long.

I can't remember how many knives I've gotten on myself, or how many knives I've slashed on the opponent.

Because he threw himself into this battle with the other self, and enjoyed the joy of this simple challenge and transcendence.

As a traveler who has traveled through countless worlds, Alan's initial interest in combat actually has a very close relationship with the first teacher magician Hisoka.

It is also this perverted and distorted value that made him start from nothing. He had a subversive cognition of this dangerous activity with dual stimulation of the mind and senses, and gradually regarded it as a One of the goals pursued in a long life.

It's just that as his strength grows, he starts to lose the fun due to the lack of evenly matched opponents.

But now, in this space made up entirely of spirit and consciousness.

Alan has lost all of the great powers and abilities he gained through accumulation.

You can only fight with your virtual self in the most primordial and purest way.




Countless times...

Every time When the Zanpakutō successfully breaks through the opponent's tightly guarded fiercely slashing at him, he will feel a burst of heartfelt excitement, as if he had eaten a spicy delicious food. Although he was sweating profusely, he couldn't wait for another bite. .

It's an addictive feeling.

Similarly, the pain that comes from in the depth of one's soul will make this feeling even stronger.

Clang! clang! clang! clang!

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the Zanpakutō colliding, the half of the soul in the virtual world suddenly stopped the movement in his hand, pursed his lips and asked with a smile: "You know the battle between us is over. How long did it last?"

"How long?" Alan's eyes flashed with a strong fighting intent.

"It's almost 48 hours! During this period, more than 90% of your soul will inevitably be completely blurred, and it is only one step away from the final transformation. That is to say , if you can't beat me in the last few minutes, then this battle for dominance is my victory." The answer was revealed meaningfully.

"So what? Do you think you've got the best chance?"

Alan didn't mean to panic at all, but let the Zanpakutō drink out of his body. of blood.

You don't need to ask to know that he is about to open his first hole card.

"Isn't it?" Xu asked with a sneer.

"No! Of course not! Because in the next minute, I will completely defeat you. Swallowing - the end!"

Blurred with the last word , Alan turned the Zanpakutō that was stained with his own blood and inserted it directly into his chest.


A terrifying spiritual pressure rises into the sky!

In just a few seconds, everything within a radius of several hundred meters in the consciousness space was shattered, and then turned into nothingness.

He is also covered with pure black body armor carved with various human and animal bones

"hmph! Is it the swastika of Death God's Zanpakutō? If so, then I'll be a little more serious too. Soar—giant dragon!"

tone barely fell!

Kuro suddenly released the Zanpakutō in his hand, and an amazing unimaginable spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from his body.

The entire body has changed from the original human appearance to a shape similar to half-dragon human.

Not only has a pair of horns grown on its head, but four of them have also changed into the shape of claws, and there is a thick and strong tail behind the buttocks.

The most important thing is that behind him there are a pair of wings like dragon wings.

"Oh? Is this your complete body? It doesn't look bad." Alan commented with a slight glint in his eyes.

"Trust me! You won't have the slightest chance."

Speaking, he spread his wings violently and dived down like an arrow from the string. The destructive power is amazingly flickering.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

Just for a moment!

Every line of sight that could be reached was completely destroyed by this blow, and even the ground and sky were torn open one after another to the endless void.

Thanks to the solution, Alan's movement and reaction speed have been greatly enhanced, otherwise it would be absolutely unbearable.

Looking at the sky and the earth that were cut in half, Alan sincerely praised: "It's an amazing flicker of formidable power! From the perspective of destructive power alone, it should be far beyond the ten-edged power. The face of the king of virtual flashes."

"Of course! Because I am the king of the virtual circle not just in name only, but also in reality! After I get rid of you, I will immediately go to the Aizen and his ten blades devoured them all, and then went to the Soul Realm to eat up all the Death Gods, as well as the Spirit King hidden in the palace." Xu grinned, revealing a cruel and bloodthirsty expression.

Devouring powerful souls is an innate desire and instinct.

Although there are very few people who resist and despise this primordial savage behavior after getting sanity, this obviously does not include him.

"no! You don't have this chance! Because I'm here to defeat and devour you and complete a transcendence of myself. Now, listen to the voice of infinity, because this is yours Home."

After saying that, Alan raised the Zanpakutō in his hand high, injected a lot of spiritual pressure into it, and finally swung an amazing sword in an imposing manner.

"Tear him apart! Giant dragon claws!"

Xu raised his two sharp front claws and flew head-on, and the end of each claws released no less impressive In the virtual flash of the formidable power just now.

When the two collided, a violent explosion quickly swept through everything around, and the entire space of spirit and consciousness collapsed.

After all this is over, both parties can only stand on endless void.

The only difference is that Alan is still intact under the protection of his armor, but his upper limbs have been disappeared.

To be precise, the Death Rule that had been given to Zanpakutō was completely decomposed, swallowed, and became a part of him.

" is this possible?! I clearly blocked it!" There was an unconcealed shock and panic on Xu's face.

Because he discovered that his super-speed regeneration ability did not have the arm that was cut off by the magic cultivator.

"Hehe, you're surprised, aren't you? This is how I got the Zanpakutō from the Power of God of death! From now on, you face death itself. even more how you're just a It represents the emptiness and the emptiness of negative feelings in my heart. The previous battles have made me thoroughly understand your habits and thinking patterns. You must know that in fighting this thing, in addition to innate talent, experience is also a very important part .And you who have just been born, what you lack the most is experience."

When talking about this remark, Alan didn't mean to show mercy at all. Death Power, constantly chasing after another.

Almost every attack can cut a piece of flesh from the opponent more or less and integrate it into itself.

Under the ebb and flow, the power of the void begins to weaken rapidly.

After a while, the balance of power between the two sides changed as Heaven and Earth turned upside down.

"Damn! You guys have calculated everything from the very beginning?" Xu asked sharply.

Alan nodded with a playful look on his face: "That's right! I am the hunter, you are the prey, this has been determined from the very beginning. It's just that you failed to grasp the opportunity to change your identity, only Thinking about winning by delaying time finally gave me enough preparation time. Otherwise, if from the very beginning you choose to return to the blade and spare no effort, the outcome between us is really hard to say. You must know death It's not a Zanpakutō that can be unleashed anytime, anywhere, and it takes a while to unleash her full formidable power."

"That's why you keep attacking so madly, no matter what. No matter how badly you are injured, and you don't take a step back, you just make me mistakenly think that you want to go all out."

"Yes! My Zanpakutō is called death, and the biggest feature of death is fairness. With great power, there is also a corresponding price to pay. But now it seems that it is all worth it. As long as I devour you, I can break the limit between Death God and Void, and at the same time obtain two kinds of power completely. In this way, the cost of using the death swastika will become relatively manageable. Well, the chat is over, it's time to send you off."

Alan came to the other side in a flash. Behind him, he stabbed in directly from the back of his heart.


The sharp blade pierced through the chest instantly, and dazzling blood spurted out along the bloodletting slot.

Although the collapsing jade is still providing energy continuously, trying to repair the fatal wound, but unfortunately the supply is far behind the consumption.

In the end, the extremely weakened virtual could no longer maintain its own existence.

Feeling the new power in his soul, Alan subconsciously clenched his fist, chuckled and muttered to himself: "This feeling is really great. It really is the only way to fight with yourself. The enjoyment of the highest level."

"Be careful! You have used Swastika twice in a row recently, and death has begun to erode your soul."

A slightly obvious The indifferent girl suddenly appeared out of thin air.

I saw that the space of consciousness that was destroyed by the accumulated battle just now returned to its original state.

And on the slightly desolate and desolate ground, there was a loli wearing a black Gothic dress.

She has black hair and black eyes, and there is no expression on her beautiful and delicate little face, just like a piece of ice that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

You don't need to ask to know that this little fellow is the Zanpakutō in Alan's hand - death.

"Yo! You're finally willing to speak? I thought you could only communicate with me with a sword." Alan quickly released his swastika and teased with a smile.

Black hair Loli immediately subconsciously frowned when she heard this sentence: "Aren't you worried that your soul will be eroded by death?"

Alan laughed and shook the head: "no! Don't worry! Because according to the current rate of erosion, by the time the equality contract takes effect, I am afraid that I have already combined the three forces of Death God, Void and Quincy into one. When the time Come devours Spirit King and Yohabach again, and Death Rule can no longer have any effect on my soul."

"I don't understand! You obviously have other cards to use, such as Soul coherence, why must must take such a risk?" The black-haired loli raised her head and asked with a puzzled face.

"Because it's not the time yet! The reason why the hole card is the hole card is to exceed the opponent's expectations when you make a move. Whether it is Aizen or Yuhabach, they are the ones who are good at gathering intelligence. , and then think about and find the opponent's weakness. I must kill one of them every time I show it, otherwise the second time will not be effective." Ai Lu explained casually.

Why is Shigekuni Yamamoto, who is known as the strongest Death God in the corpse and soul world, so powerful, but he did not have any dazzling performances from the beginning to the end of the original plot?

The answer is simple!

His power has long been thoroughly studied by his opponents, and he has made targeted arrangements.

So unless Alan intends to use his physical power to crush his opponent, he must learn to hide himself.

Like Ichimaru Gin, he completely hides his swastika - the ability of the God Killing Spear, and then launches a fatal blow when the time is right.

"so that's how it is! No wonder you can get along with guys like Aizen and Ichimaru Gin, so you're both a kind of person." The black hair loli unemotional complained.

"hahahaha! No, you are wrong, we are not the same kind of people. At least, I don't have the habit of aloof and remote to treat humans as ants."

After saying this In other words, Alan extend the hand prank the black-haired Loli's ruthless little face like a prank, and then the whole person disappeared into the space of consciousness.

Meanwhile, within the Formation of the Naagh Lan Prairie, the fighting has reached a fever pitch.

Vernarasas controlled Alan's body, constantly suppressing the giant draconian whose appearance had completely turned into a giant draconian.

Sakura and Artoria are on the side to help prevent this terrifying guy from rushing out of the Formation and causing a devastating impact on the entire Outland.

This is also the reason why the blurred location was chosen here.

Outland Draenor was originally the homeland of the broken orcs. Even if a certain map was accidentally completely destroyed, it would not have much impact on the main world.

"Sakura! How many hours have passed?" Verna Razas asked loudly without looking back.

"It's only two days and two nights in a few seconds! Should you try to pull Alan out of the spiritual world? I feel like his soul can't hold it anymore." Sakura There was intense concern in his tone.

Just when Verna Razas was about to answer "yes", Xu, who was in the form of a giant draconian, suddenly stopped.

Following the hard steel skin and armor covering its body surface, it made a crackle sound on the spot, shattering and collapsing at a speed visible to naked eyes.

By the time everyone reacted, Alan had completely returned to his normal posture, except for the piece of collapsing jade inlaid on his chest, which looked no different from usual.

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