The driver was very busy, but the driver was very busy.

"Uncle, let me drive."

When they got to the garage, Lin Tian smiled.

His driving skills are at the master level, and he can drive a tank easily.

Luo Hongchuan nodded: "Okay, then you drive, you and Bingning sit in the front and we sit in the back."

"Lin Tian, ​​there should be no need for bodyguards to follow, right?"

Lin Tian laughed: "Of course not."

It would be difficult for Luo Hongchuan and the others to get into trouble if he was by their side. And if something happened to him even when he was by their side, it would be useless even if the entire bodyguard team went out together.

Soon Lin Tian and the others set off.

Luo Hongchuan had given the order, so the bodyguard team naturally did not follow.

"Bingning, does your uncle have children?"

Lin Tian asked.

Luo Bingning nodded: "Yes, my uncle has a son who is five years younger than me and just graduated."

Xu Yin said: "Lin Tian, ​​if Guo Meijia doesn't admit it, you should take action without any scruples."

"But don't kill her, it's better to let the law punish her. Husband, she must have gained some benefits in the company."

Luo Hongchuan nodded slightly: "I knew she gained some benefits a long time ago. We are all family. I turned a blind eye before. Just don't go too far."

"Who would have thought that she would not only gain some benefits, but she would actually viciously murder our whole family."

Luo Hongchuan and Xu Yin were extremely angry.

If Lin Tian hadn't discovered it, Guo Meijia's chance of success would be very high.

If the two of them died, the company would belong to Luo Bingning. What if Luo Bingning was seriously ill and died?

Xu Yongjun was Luo Bingning's uncle. If Luo Bingning was seriously ill and dying, she would definitely leave a will to give the company to Xu Yongjun.

After Xu Yongjun got it, if he got into trouble again, much of the huge wealth of the Luo family would be in Guo Meijia's hands.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Tian and his friends arrived.

Xu Yongjun and his friends didn't live that well, but their home was also a villa, and they made a lot of money with the Luo family.


Hearing the noise outside the house, Xu Yongjun opened the door of the villa.

"Sister, brother-in-law, why are you here?"

Xu Yongjun said in surprise.

It's past ten o'clock in the evening now. Luo Hongchuan and his friends pay more attention to health preservation, and usually go to bed at this time.

Xu Yin said, "Meijia is here?"

Xu Yongjun nodded.

"She's here, she's going to take a shower now. Sister, brother-in-law, please come in. Hey, Bingning, why don't you get out of the car when you come?"

Xu Yongjun said with a smile.

Lin Tian and Luo Bingning also got out of the car, and Luo Bingning called out, "Uncle, he is my boyfriend, Lin Tian."

"Hello, uncle."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Xu Yongjun was puzzled. Luo Bingning brought her boyfriend back to see him, so she shouldn't come so late.

And she came empty-handed.

Even if young people don't know etiquette, Luo Hongchuan and the others definitely know it, so they shouldn't let Lin Tian come empty-handed.

"Brother-in-law, please come in."

Xu Yongjun guessed that Luo Hongchuan and the others had something to do.

Soon Lin Tian and the others arrived at the villa.

Xu Yin took out her mobile phone and clicked on a video: "Yongjun, take a look at this, this is a video just taken."


"Sisters, you guys are free to do as you please."

Xu Yongjun watched the video.

Soon his face became very ugly. His wife actually tried to seize the Luo family's property and wanted to get rid of him.

"Hubby, why haven't you come up yet?"

"Eh... Sister, brother-in-law, you came so late."

Guo Meijia's voice came from the second floor of the villa.

"Change your clothes and come downstairs."

Xu Yongjun said in a deep voice.

Guo Meijia quickly changed out of her pajamas and went downstairs. She asked in confusion, "Brother-in-law, what's the matter with you guys coming here so late?"


Xu Yongjun stood up and slapped Guo Meijia in the face. Guo Meijia was stunned.

"Xu, you dare to hit me."

"I'll fight you!"

Guo Meijia came back to her senses and shouted angrily.

"Pa!" "Pa!"

She usually made trouble for Xu Yongjun to give in, but he wouldn't give in at this time. After a few slaps, Guo Meijia became obedient.

"Xu Yongjun, why?"

"With the support of the Luo family behind you, you abuse me like this?"

Guo Meijia covered her face and accused.

Xu Yongjun said coldly, "What's going on between you and Wu Zongxian?"

Guo Meijia looked at Xu Yongjun.

Xu Yongjun must have definite evidence to beat her like this.

"Who told you to ignore me all these years?"

"I slept with him, if you want a divorce, then divorce!"

Guo Meijia said coldly.

Lin Tian's eyes showed surprise.

Lust, there is this layer? They didn't expect it, and didn't ask Master Wu about it.


Xu Yongjun was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Guo Meijia was actually having an affair with Wu Zongxian behind his back.

"You and he conspired to seize the Luo family's property, and you also wanted to kill me, Guo Meijia, you are so cruel!"

Xu Yongjun gritted his teeth.

" such thing."

Guo Meijia said hurriedly, her expression was panic.

Seeing her appearance, Xu Yongjun immediately made a judgment that what Master Wu said was true, Guo Meijia had such a plan.

Xu Yin said: "Wu Zongxian just talked about the Feng Shui thing, I didn't expect you to cheat on Wu Zongxian."

"What Feng Shui killed people, there is no such thing. Don't talk nonsense, Feng Shui killing people is just superstition."

Guo Meijia sneered.

If she admitted to cheating, she would divorce, but she didn't admit this.

Lin Tian smiled and stepped forward.

He instantly pressed Guo Meijia's acupoints.

Then he performed the Great Memory Technique, and with the help of the Great Memory Technique, Guo Meijia remembered it not long after.

"Uncle, have you done a paternity test?"

Lin Tian asked.

Xu Yongjun shook his head: "No."

"I suggest that you do one to confirm it at that time."

Lin Tian said.

He just used his god-level sense of smell, and there was Wu Zongxian's scent in the room of Xu Yongjun's son in the villa.

Wu Zongxian had recently entered Xu Yongjun's son's room, and when he entered, Guo Meijia did not enter.

What did Wu Zongxian do alone in Xu Yongjun's son's room?

He stayed there for quite a while.

"Who are you? Stop talking nonsense here. Xu Yongjun, the son must be our son."

Guo Meijia said.

Luo Hongchuan stood up: "Yongjun, you keep an eye on her. The police should come and take her away tomorrow."

"Listen to Lin Tian's paternity test."

"We'll go back first."

Xu Yongjun said bitterly: "Brother-in-law, I'm really sorry. I introduced the surname Wu."

"I will resign tomorrow."

Luo Hongchuan shook his head: "There is no need for you to resign. You were also kept in the dark. You are also a victim."

"We'll leave first."

Lin Tian and his friends left the villa soon.

Driving away, Luo Bingning said: "Brother Tian, ​​how could you suspect that your uncle's son is not his own?"

Lin Tian said: "I suspect that the Wu family has a trick up their sleeve. Guo Meijia went to him, they should have known each other before."

"With Wu Zongxian's means, it shouldn't be difficult to rape Guo Meijia and make her pregnant."

"Guo Meijia went directly to Wu Zongxian to ask him to set up a formation to kill people, how did she know that Wu Zongxian had such ability?"

Luo Hongchuan narrowed his eyes: "Lin Tian, ​​what do you mean, the mantis stalks the mantis, and the oriole is behind, Yongjun's son, it is possible that he is Wu Zongxian's biological son?"

Lin Tian nodded: "I have such a guess."

Xu Yin took a deep breath and said: "If this is true, the Wu family has set up a big game."

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