After returning to the villa, Lin Tian and the others returned to their respective rooms.

Lin Tian took out the laptop from the system space, and he quickly checked Wu Zongxian's whereabouts.

It didn't take long for Lin Tian to find out that Wu Zongxian had boarded a plane to Europe, and the plane had already taken off at this point.

"That's good."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

If Wu Zongxian had an accident in China, someone would take care of him and send him to the hospital in time, and he might have ended up in a vegetative state.

If he went abroad and no one cared, he would definitely die.

"There are many disputes in the rich family."

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I just arrived."

"Fortunately, Bingning's parents are still very good people."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

As long as there is nothing wrong with Luo Bingning's parents, the rest of the things are just minor problems in Lin Tian's eyes.

"By the way, maybe Wu Zongxian has already done a paternity test."

Lin Tian first hacked into the network of the plane that Wu Zongxian was on, and then he hacked into Wu Zongxian's mobile phone.

Wu Zongxian was on an international airline, and there was a network on the plane.


Lin Tian found the paternity test report in Wu Zongxian's mobile phone.

"There is a parent-child relationship."

Lin Tian turned to the end of the paternity test, and when he saw the result, he sighed. Luo Bingning's uncle is a bit pitiful, raising someone else's son for so many years in vain.

"Guo Meijia is very cruel, she murdered for money and even killed her own husband; Wu Zongxian is even more skilled, and he also let Guo Meijia give birth to a son for him."

"Neither of them is easy to deal with."

Lin Tian shook his head secretly.

After cleaning up the traces, Lin Tian put away the laptop.

"Huh? Nearly 60 million fans."

Lin Tian opened the Huayin APP and took a look.

Before the last live broadcast, he had nearly 40 million fans. The live broadcast of flying on leaves was so explosive that his fans increased greatly.

However, his recent increase in fans is not only due to the live broadcast, but also the impact of Typhoon Hague.

It has been revealed online that when Typhoon Hague approached the coast of China, he went to Zhenhai Tower in Fuzhou.

And he also erected a Zhenhai Monument there.

This news has been widely circulated on the Internet.

"These guys actually asked me to talk about Feng Shui on the live broadcast. Can I talk about it? This is superstition. We have to talk about science."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

He quickly uploaded three stock videos.

One each for erhu, guqin, and suona.


In the villa, Luo Hongchuan lay down on the bed, but he did not go to sleep immediately. Instead, he checked his phone first.

"Master Lin sent a video."

Luo Hongchuan said.

Xu Yin leaned closer and said, "Husband, Master Lin is Lin Tian, ​​you still call him Master Lin."

Luo Hongchuan said seriously, "In private, we should not make any changes in the future, and we should remain the same as before."

"We should continue to call Master Lin."

Xu Yin's heart moved: "Are you afraid of eavesdropping?"

Luo Hongchuan nodded: "Didn't Bingning say that they have spies from Dongying Country to install eavesdropping devices."

"We should be more careful about our words and deeds in the future."

Xu Yin pointed to Luo Hongchuan's mobile phone, and Luo Hongchuan said: "Our mobile phones have been processed by network experts."

"Watch the video."

Luo Hongchuan clicked on one of the videos.

After watching the three videos, Xu Yin smiled and said, "Suddenly I feel that Master Lin's music seems to be better than before."

Luo Hongchuan smiled.

His mood has changed. Now that they know that Master Lin is his son-in-law, his favorability is directly maxed out.


General Hospital of Imperial Capital Military Region

"How is Elder Xu?"

The second elder arrived at a intensive care unit in the hospital late at night.

"Second elder, after our rescue, Elder Xu is temporarily out of danger, but Elder Xu's physical function has declined, and I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for too long."

Director Cheng of the hospital sighed slightly.

The second elder said: "Old Xu has made great contributions to our country's aviation industry, and we must try our best to save him." (PS: Old Xu is fictional.)

"Do you have any other ideas?"

Director Cheng said with a move in his heart: "Second elder, Elder Yang was in a bad condition at the beginning, but he survived."

"I heard that the person who treated Elder Yang was a young man. Young people have active minds and may have some ideas."

The second elder nodded slightly: "I have also heard about Elder Yang's situation. Will Elder Xu be fine for the time being?"

Director Cheng said: "Don't worry, it's okay for the time being, but the most optimistic estimate of Elder Xu's condition is that he can only hold on for a month."


The second elder sighed.

Dean Cheng hesitated to speak.

"Dean Cheng, if you have anything to say, just say it directly."

The second elder saw that Dean Cheng's expression was not right.

Dean Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Xu said he still wants to work. He said lying down is just a waste of the country's money."

"Living longer is meaningless."

"It is meaningful for the country if he works one more day."

The second elder frowned, "How can he still work in this situation? You have to persuade him well."

Dean Cheng said helplessly, "Second elder, you know that if Mr. Xu insists, we can't persuade him."

The second elder came to the bed.

An old man with sparse white hair was sleeping on the bed, his brows slightly wrinkled, and he was not sleeping very peacefully.

"Mr. Xu is only 82 years old this year."

"If he hadn't overdrawn his body, he would definitely have no problem living to 90. The country owes him a lot."

The second elder said softly.

"Second elder, don't say that. Father doesn't regret it."

The son of Mr. Xu next to him said.

"Take good care of Mr. Xu. I'll think of a way to see if Mr. Xu can live another two or three months." The second elder said. He didn't dare to say more. Dean Cheng had already said that he could only live for a month at most. The second elder came out of the hospital with a heavy heart. Mr. Xu had made great contributions to the country silently, and he was still thinking about contributing to the country before his death, but he could do nothing when he saw Mr. Xu lying in bed. "Xiao Zhao, remember to take time to visit Mr. Yang tomorrow." The second elder ordered. "Okay, chief." In a blink of an eye, it was the next day. The second elder woke up early because he had something on his mind and arrived at Tianshui Nursing Home at 7:30. The old man went to bed early and got up early. Mr. Yang also got up early and was eating breakfast at this moment. The second elder entered the house. "Mr. Yang, you have a good appetite. You look very good too. "

The second elder said with a smile.

Old Yang stood up and said, "Second elder, you are a busy man. What's the matter with you coming here at this time?"

"Old Yang, let's sit down and talk."

The second elder talked about the situation of Old Xu, "Old Yang, you are more familiar with Xiaolin's situation. Do you think Xiaolin can help with Old Xu's situation?"

Old Yang ate a dumpling and said, "Second elder, I think you must also understand Xiaolin's situation."

"Can't you just call Xiaolin directly?"

The second elder coughed lightly, "I know a little bit. But you are familiar with him, it may be better for you to contact him."

"He is in the imperial capital now, can you ask him to see Old Xu?"

Old Yang was silent for a while and said, "Second elder, even if you are for your son, I won't make this call."

"If you want to call, call yourself."

"But Brother Xu has dedicated his life to the country, he deserves it. "

Soon, Mr. Yang called Lin Tian.

"Xiao Lin, it's like this--"

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