Even though Miyamoto Weiguang's fist was about to hit Long Zhuo's face, he remained calm.

The reason was that Lin Nan was standing there, and he would not let him die no matter what!

As Long Zhuo expected, the situation stopped before the true qi touched him.

At this time, Miyamoto Weiguang was like someone holding his acupuncture points, and he kept walking forward without moving.

"I can't move, what's going on."

Seeing Miyamoto Weiguang's ferocious face, Long Zhuo insisted on standing up.

Close to his face.

"I didn't expect you to have a trump card. To be honest, I lost this time, but it still can't change your fate of death. Don't worry, after you die, the martial arts world will know that you beat me."

Miyamoto Weiguang struggled for a moment, but it was still useless.

"What's the matter, what did you do to me."

Long Zhuo was also very frank, "It's not what I did to you, but my nephew-in-law."

Hearing this, Lin Nan came over at this time.

"Uncle, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Nan was still thinking about finishing it early and joining Lu Miaomiao as soon as possible.

Long Zhuo said to Gong Ben Weiguang: "I'm afraid you won't accept that you are short-sighted. If you were me, would you bring an ordinary person to capture the Huajin warrior?"

"But I can't feel the flow of true energy on him! He can't be a master warrior who can perfectly control his true energy without being discovered by outsiders!"

"Look, you are quite smart now."

It would be a pity if Gong Ben Weiguang believed Long Zhuo's words.

"Don't joke, you said that guy who hasn't even grown all his hair is a master master, don't joke, I'm afraid his hidden energy is terrible."

But when Lin Nan walked to where Gong Ben Weiguang's eyes could see, it was the strong true energy in Lin Nan's hand that restrained him and made him unable to move.

"You...you are really a master warrior?"

Gong Ben Weiguang couldn't speak at once, mainly because he was too shocked.

Although he didn't know if there were any Grandmaster-level warriors in China, there were none in Japan.

You have to know that in an era where the power of transformation is king, a Grandmaster-level warrior can disrupt a country by himself and still get away with it.

Unless nuclear weapons are activated and both sides perish together.

"Surprised! My nephew's son-in-law."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. You are at the end of your rope now. It's up to me to die."

Long Zhuo dared not underestimate Miyamoto Weiguang again. If Lin Nan hadn't been there this time, he would have died.

So this kind of dangerous person must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a big trouble if he harms the society in the future.

At this moment, Miyamoto Weiguang was relieved.

After all, he had done so many evil things, and he deserved to be in this situation now.

If he had honestly practiced in Japan after returning to the Miyamoto family and didn't compete with Miyamoto Musashi, I'm afraid it would be a different situation.

But it's too late to say anything now.

"Things have come to this point, so you don't need to worry about it."

Just like that, Miyamoto Weiguang ended the secret method ahead of time.

His skin became shriveled in an instant, and Lin Nan also felt the miracle at this moment. It only took a moment for the organ to go from vigorous to withered.

After confirming that Miyamoto Weiguang was dead, Lin Nan also retracted his true energy, and the body fell to the ground.

Lin Nan released his true energy and felt the pulse from a distance, wanting to study what this secret method was.

At this time, Long Da had been helped up by Long Er and Long San. Since Miyamoto Weiguang's main purpose was to save people, the damage to Long Da was relatively low.

Slowly walked to Lin Nan and the others, pointing at Miyamoto Kawakyo and the other two who were shivering in the corner.

"What should we do with the young master? Should we solve one more?"

This is naturally necessary.

Long Zhuo pointed at Miyamoto Kawakyo and said, "Let's go with him! His cultivation is too high. It's not wise to let him go back to the mountains."

After hearing this, Miyamoto Kawakyo, who happened to be at the door, had no reason not to run.

Taking advantage of Lin Nan's distraction, Long Zhuo's exhaustion of true energy, and Long Da's injury, he ran out as much as he could.

The other two brothers did not struggle anymore, after all, Long Zhuo had said that he would send them back to Japan.

Leaving Long Er and Long San to guard the two, Long Zhuo also followed Lin Nan out.

When he went out, he saw that Miyamoto Kawakyo had reached the end of the corridor on this floor.

But it was not a problem. In front of Lin Nan, this distance was almost nothing.

At this time, Miyamoto Kawakyo had already seen his brother at the end.

His intuition told him that his brother could save him.

Unfortunately, before he could say the word "help", Lin Nan had already appeared in front of him.

He strangled his throat with true energy, and with just a slight movement, a fresh life was gone.

Miyamoto Kawakyo wasTerrified.

"Don't move, please don't move, I will agree to any conditions you have, please let my brother go."

At this time, Long Zhuo came over slowly.

"You are not qualified to negotiate with me, nephew-in-law, just kill him."

Just when Lin Nan was about to take action, Miyamoto Kawasaki once again successfully stopped him.

"If you kill my brother, everyone in this building will be buried with him."


Long Zhuo also became interested.

"I want to hear how you let everyone in the building be buried with him."

Miyamoto Kawasaki was not panicked at all, "If you want to give my brother back to me, we will talk again."

Long Zhuo was not afraid. Lin Nan was here, and he could not escape even if the king of heaven came.

At Long Zhuo's signal, Lin Nan threw Miyamoto Kawasaki to Miyamoto Kawasaki, and stumbled into his brother's arms.

After repeatedly checking that his brother was okay, Miyamoto Kawasaki stood in front of him.

"My name is Miyamoto Kawasaki, and I'm the owner of this hotel. I'm also from the Miyamoto family, the largest family in Japan, and I'm here..."

Seeing that he was too long-winded, Long Zhuo interrupted him directly.

"You're talking nonsense, let's get to the point."

Miyamoto Kawasaki wanted to eat this man, but he had to bow his head under the eaves.

"There is a poison gas bomb in this hotel, which contains the latest virus developed by Japan. It can be transmitted in the air and has an 80% mortality rate. There is no antidote yet. As long as we get into trouble, the poison gas bomb will explode immediately. It connects all the rooms in the hotel, and then we will die together."

As soon as these words came out, Long Zhuo was furious.

I didn't expect Japan to be so vicious. I didn't go to trouble them all these years and let them destroy the country.

They actually wanted to develop such a disgusting thing to retaliate against China. It's really damned.

Seeing the expressions of Lin Nan and others, Miyamoto Kawasaki knew that he had them in his hands.

So he put forward his own conditions.

"I'll stay here. As long as you let my brother take these brothers away from China, I won't let the gas bomb explode here. Otherwise, we'll all perish together! I believe that if the guests of a hotel get infected, the whole city of Shanghai will be infected in less than two days."

In fact, Miyamoto Kawasaki knew that this was a bad idea, but it was worth it to save the lives of his brother and these brothers.

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