Long Zhuo was a little hesitant at this time.

He didn't know whether what Miyamoto Kawasaki said was true or not. He was unwilling to let these people go back to Japan. Similarly, if it was really as Miyamoto Kawasaki said.

If he was not careful, I am afraid that the whole city of Shanghai and even the whole of China would be affected.

By then, Long Zhuo would become a sinner for all eternity.

"How about it, have you thought about it? I just need to let my brother and the others leave."

Long Da said with a stiff upper lip: "If you said there is a poison gas bomb, then there is one! What if you are lying to us?"

Taking this opportunity, Long Zhuo also agreed.

"You are right. If I am deceived by you and let them go back to Japan so easily, then it will be a laughing stock."

Miyamoto Kawasaki was not annoyed, and directly took out a palm-sized object with a red button on it.

"This is the controller of the poison gas bomb. As long as I press this button, the whole hotel will be filled with viruses in less than half a minute. You warriors with dark energy or above may be able to avoid it, but everyone below dark energy will definitely be infected by the virus."

At this time, Miyamoto Kawakami's hand was already on the button.

"I'll give you three more seconds. Either let my brother and his friends go, or let the people in this hotel and even the whole city of Shanghai be buried with them."



Seeing that Long Zhuo and the others were unmoved, Miyamoto Kawakami's forehead was already covered with sweat.


After counting the last number, Miyamoto Kawakami laughed wildly.

"Okay, okay, let's destroy them together!"

The second before his thumb was pressed, he turned his head to Miyamoto Kawakami and said, "It's my brother who is useless. I couldn't protect you from returning to the motherland."

Seeing that his brother was still apologizing to him even at this point.

Miyamoto Kawakyo shook his head, "You and I can die on the same day, month and year, no regrets, we sacrificed for the country, I believe our parents will understand."

Hearing this, the two nodded solemnly.

The Japanese in other hotels also held an attitude of seeing death as home, and they all thought that the gas bomb had exploded.

But Miyamoto Kawakyo suddenly frowned at this time.

It was Long Zhuo's turn to laugh.

"No, are you so stupid? You actually took out the controller. Don't you know that the Qi of the Huajin warrior can be released? If you can't control you at such a short distance, then the Huajin warrior is called in vain."

That's right, when Miyamoto Kawakyo shouted "three", Lin Nan had already released his Qi to control his hand.

It's just that he was too excited and didn't notice it.

Miyamoto Kawakyo was also annoyed. Miyamoto Weiguang had a precedent just now, why didn't he stop his brother.

Long Zhuo didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

"Kill them all!"

Long Da was the first to attack. The people led by Miyamoto Kawacang were far inferior to Miyamoto Weiguang's men.

Long Da could kill those people with one punch, not to mention these people.

It might take some time to kill Miyamoto Kawacang, but with Lin Nan's help, he just stood there and took the beating.

In just a minute, the ground was full of corpses.

Miyamoto Kawacang was the only one left.

He looked at his brother's body with bloodshot eyes, "You bunch of villains, all deserve to die."

The voice was so heartbreaking.

It's a pity that Long Zhuo laughed.

"Compared to you Japanese, it's just a big witch meeting a small witch. You should go with your brother!"

Just before Long Da was about to take action.

Miyamoto Kawacang shouted in advance.

"Do it."

The Chinese security guard who had been watching the situation on the sixth floor on the other side of the camera pressed the button that Miyamoto Kawacang had instructed before leaving.

He didn't know what the button meant, but since it was something the boss had told him to do, he felt that he had to do it.

As the button was pressed, a gas bomb full of viruses exploded in a small room on the basement floor, and poured directly into the pipes prepared in advance, dispersing to every room in the hotel.

The strange smell coming from the hall broke the quiet and harmonious atmosphere again.

"What's that smell?"

"I smelled it too. Isn't it something your hotel is doing?"

"I want to go out. I can't stand it."

In less than a minute, some people present had already vomited.

However, the security captain still guarded the door and didn't let anyone go out, and called Miyamoto Kawasaki on the intercom.

"Hello, hello."

"Is the boss here? For some reason, a large amount of unknown gas suddenly poured into the hotel lobby. Some people have already felt unwell. Can you open the door and let them out?"

As he spoke, the guests in each room had already gone downstairs.

They all couldn't stand the gas and wanted to go out, but unfortunately the door was blocked, so they all gathered in the hall.

It was crowded with people. If the security guards hadn't had weapons in their hands, they would have broken through the door..

After dealing with Miyamoto Kawano, Long Zhuo also smelled the virus, but they were protected by the true qi, so it was not a big problem.

Lin Nan followed the poison gas downstairs to find the source to see if he could stop it.

Just as Long Zhuo was thinking about how to seal the building and prevent people from going out to avoid infection, he heard the voice coming from the intercom left next to Miyamoto Kawano.

This is just right.

"Listen, close the door tightly, don't let anyone go out, I'll be there soon."

Even though the security captain heard that this was not the voice of his boss, it was too majestic and people had to be in awe.


With the security captain's guarantee, Long Zhuo felt a little relieved.

And before going down, he asked Long San to notify the police on the opposite side to surround the entire hotel.

Lin Nan had also locked the room of the gas bomb along the transmission path of the poison gas.

This really made Lin Nan look for it hard, because the room where the gas bombs were placed was surrounded by walls on all sides, not to mention the door, there was not even a window.

If you don't look carefully, how can you know that there is a small room inside.

After confirming the location, Lin Nan jumped up and went up along the cement pipe.

As he expected, there was indeed a valve. Without the help of a machine, ordinary people could never close it in mid-air because it was too big.

But Lin Nan was different.

With the circulation of true qi, the disc pipeline valve was easily turned. With the closure of the valve, the whole building was still surrounded by the virus.

Fortunately, the virus was not released for a long time, otherwise it might have spread outside.

In the lobby on the first floor.

Long Zhuo stood in the position of the original security captain. No one dared to break through the door, or no one had the energy to break through the door.

Because most people were already pale and exhausted, there was vomit everywhere in the lobby.

Even if the poison gas stopped, the smell inside was still unbearable. Fortunately, Long Zhuo had recovered some of his true energy at this time, otherwise he might not be able to hold on.

Looking at this scene, Long Zhuo didn't know what to do for a while.

Because Miyamoto Kawasaki said that this was the latest virus developed by Japan, and they themselves didn't have an antidote.

So even if the CDC came now, it would probably be useless.

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