After closing the valve, Lin Nan also came to the hall to gather.

Seeing this scene, he was somewhat touched. After all, they were all ordinary people, but now they suffered this unprovoked disaster for no reason.

At this time, there were still a few slightly normal adult men who could stand up.

But they were trembling when they spoke. From the beginning, they wanted to break into the door, and now they asked to open the door.

"Please be kind and let us out. We want to see a doctor."

"Yes! I feel like I'm dying."

"Is the smelly gas just now a virus? I didn't expect that I would encounter it in peacetime."

When they heard someone say that it was a virus, those people with poor psychological quality became more seriously ill.

"My daughter is dying, let me out!"

This was the most normal man among those who could stand up. He looked very strong and it seemed that the virus did not affect him too much.

Lin Nan thought that this might be the lucky ones with natural antibodies.

But the little girl in his arms was different.

At this moment, her face was not only pale, but also blue, as if she was about to die.

However, Long Zhuo was powerless and did not dare to let them out rashly.

Seeing Lin Nan coming, he was overjoyed.

"Uncle, I have already shut down the source."

Long Zhuo said he knew.

Then he said, "Nephew-in-law, the police outside have blocked this place, and the CDC is on the way, but their level is limited. You are a superb doctor. I wonder if there is a solution."

Lin Nan was not sure either, so he could only say try.

The conversation between the two was heard clearly by the strong man. Knowing that Lin Nan was a superb doctor, he struggled to hold the little girl in his arms and walked forward.

"God doctor, please take a look at my daughter. She just turned three. She can't get into trouble like this!"

Lin Nan was surprised that the strong man in front of him, an ordinary person, could be as unaffected as them.

But seeing the dying little girl, Lin Nan no longer thought about it and immediately asked him to put her on the long sofa in the hall.

The white and tender little face was a lovely little cutie before, but now.


Lin Nan sighed, put his hand on the little girl's arm, and then slowly closed his eyes, feeling the little girl's pulse, so weak.

At this time, Lin Nan knew that he couldn't tell the reason just by taking the pulse, so he began to release his true energy to check the little girl's condition.

From top to bottom.

Lin Nan found that the little girl was fine in other places, but a large number of viruses gathered in her lungs, which were eroding the organs.

For this reason, Lin Nan took out the Heyi needle.

Take off the little girl's clothes, and needle her chest to see if you can use your true energy and acupuncture to expel the virus attached to the lungs.

I saw the Heyi needle split quickly, and the needles pierced into the little girl's skin.

This method of controlling the needle in the air is like a magic trick in the eyes of the strong man.

But at this time, he was not in the mood to ask Lin Nan how he did it, he just hoped that his daughter could be cured.

Time passed by.

The little girl's complexion gradually changed, but it still did not return to its previous rosy color.

Seeing Lin Nan withdraw the needle.

"Divine doctor, how is my daughter."

Seeing the man's expectant eyes, Lin Nan did not lie to her.

"I am just stabilizing the virus and preventing it from spreading, but if I really want to cure it, there is no way for the time being."

"Then there is no way to cure the hospital outside."

Lin Nan shook his head.

The strong man did not believe it.

"Are you lying to me? You can't cure it yourself, and because it is a virus, it is contagious. You want us to stay here, so you say that the hospital can't cure it either."

Long Zhuo couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't be ungrateful. There is no one in the world who can match his medical skills. He said that the doctors outside can't do it."

This made the strong man even more excited.

"So what do you think we should do? Let my daughter wait here to die? Let everyone wait here to die together?"

Lin Nan tried his best to comfort him.

"I won't let your daughter die. No one here will die. You see, I have stabilized your daughter's condition now, so believe me, there will be a way."

The strong man was comforted.

But his words still incited some people who still had the strength to speak.

They all expressed their desire to go out.

"Who knows if what you said about stabilizing it is true? Isn't this little girl still the same, not even awake.

"Yes! I can't waste time here anymore. I need to see a doctor as soon as possible."


At this time, an old man who understood the overall situation stood up. Judging from his appearance, he was also seriously ill, but his voice was still loud.

"Everyone, please go out."Be quiet, we should consider the overall situation and not cause trouble for the country. Since this young man can stabilize everyone's condition, there must be a way to treat it in the future. Instead of trusting those quacks, I trust this young man more. "

He took off his shirt and asked Lin Nan to take a look at him.

Lin Nan and the others all looked at him with gratitude.

The next second, gratitude turned into admiration, because the old man's tight muscles were covered with scars, including bullet holes, knife wounds, and burns.

This one looked like the group of people who came down from the battlefield. They always have the spirit of selfless dedication.

The old man saw Lin Nan standing there in a daze.

"Come on, young man! "

Lin Nan, who had reacted, also took the same approach to stabilize the virus in the old man's body and prevent it from spreading.

Since the old man was very strong, after Lin Nan stabilized the virus in his body.

His transformation was visible to the naked eye, and he regained a lot of his heroic spirit.

Despite this, there were still many people who doubted.

Of course, some people came to Lin Nan for help, mainly because they were tortured too much.

One, two... seven...

After stabilizing the eighth one, the little girl in the arms of the strong man woke up.

"Dad, it hurts."

This sentence made the strong man with lifeless eyes immediately energetic.

"Divine doctor, please check my daughter is fine."

Since then, everyone present believed in Lin Nan's medical skills and wanted him to save their lives.

Lin Nan saw the little girl's current situation with just one glance.

"No problem for the time being, take a rest first. "

After that, he continued his treatment.

There were about 30 people in the whole hall. Fortunately, it was daytime, so there were not too many people in the hotel, otherwise Lin Nan really couldn't save them.

From the most serious treatment to the last one, it took more than an hour. Even Lin Nan, who was at the Grandmaster level, felt tired, but happy.

Seeing Lin Nan sitting on the ground, Long Zhuo stepped forward and patted his shoulder. He didn't say anything, but just raised his thumb.

Lin Nan smiled faintly and pressed Long Zhuo's hand.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll trouble you to watch here."

Regardless of whether Long Zhuo agreed or not, Lin Nan left directly.

In fact, he didn't really want to go to the bathroom, but during the treatment, he thought of the system's reward, which might have a treatment for this virus.

It's not good to take it out in public, so he can only go to the bathroom to see it.

When the first piece of paper came into Lin Nan's eyes, "The system really doesn't give rewards blindly. "

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