Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 329: "Full-time Master Ye Xiu"

   Instead, you should fulfill your role by yourself,

   He couldn't help but smile, and without the unwillingness and hostility he had when losing the game before, he walked off the field with great ease.

   Qiu Fei, who has been looking at both with Sun Xiang and disgusted with each other, listened to Sun Xiang’s emotions,

   I felt that I was getting closer to him in an instant, and awkwardly offered to cooperate with him to deal with Ye Xiu together.

  Wang Kun thinks that Sun Xiang has become a good person? Not bad, not the silly boy before.

   Ye Xiu chose to go straight out because of his lack of health, which caused Huang Shaotian to complain again.

   Satirize him, it is better to add some blood to himself. Next, Happy played Wei Chen, and Excellent Era was challenged by Shen Jian.

  Shen Jian is a master of boxing. Wei Chen, a warlock, competes with a master of boxing. The key to victory lies in whether you can control the distance.

   uses the advantage of shooting range to consume opponents, while the martial artist needs to work hard to find opportunities to fight close to the warlock.

   So as soon as the scene opened, Shen Jian rushed towards Wei Chen, while Wei Chen avoided, he simply gave him a six-star light prison.

   hits Shen Jian, Shen Jian’s blood drops very quickly, the explanation is a bit strange, why this time Wei Chen turned out to be uncharacteristic.

   no longer uses his own good at consuming opponents, but he doesn’t know that the old injury on his wrist, because of the high-intensity training before the game,

   is happening again, he doesn't want to and can't drag on slowly.

   Ye Xiu saw Wei Chen's strangeness, knowing that there must be something wrong with his hand, but Bao Zi was still covering Wei Chen.

   At this moment, Shen Jian got close again, using a high flying foot to consume Wei Chen’s blood.

   Wei Chen had a magic bullet, cleared his health, and won the game.

   Baozi was even more excited when he saw this, but Ye Xiu calmly spoke and asked him to call Wei Chen down.

  Because he knows that for e-sports players, the importance of hands, if you barely hold on, it may ruin his entire career in the future.

   Until now, Bao Zi had to admit that Wei Chen hadn’t healed his hand injury since the last time he beat Zhuxian.

   The doctor asked him to rest for a period of time and refrain from participating in high-intensity competitions, but Wei Chen refused to listen and insisted on a closed injection.

   just went on the court with an injury, because he knew that this might be his last game and wanted to fight for Happy.

   This is why the last place in the ring is not Wang Kun to guarantee the bottom.

   Excellent Era's last player was replaced by Su Mucheng. Su Mucheng was a little surprised, but still cheered up and played.

   Xiao Shiqin blamed Tao Xuan for putting Su Mucheng on the fire and making any mistakes in the details of the game.

   could all be defeated, and this could very well be interpreted as a release of water, which was very detrimental to Su Mucheng.

   Tao Xuan said that what he wanted was the effect of drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot.

   After Su Mucheng came on the field, instead of the usual long-range and circuitous tactical style, she changed to a hard line.

   jumped directly onto a commanding height, looking for Wei Chen's figure. But being taller,

   itself is equivalent to being exposed to the opponent’s line of sight. If caught, it will be a big disadvantage.

  Sure enough, Wei Chen soon discovered Su Mucheng, ready to chant the arrow of cursing, but Su Mucheng didn't give him this opportunity at all.

   One round after another, he hit Wei Chen, and even his position when evading was calculated accurately.

   Under such fierce bombing, Wei Chen also tried his best, and both of them played to the limit.

   But because Wei Chen originally had only half of his health left, this kind of attack really overwhelmed him, and he was quickly taken away.

   After the game, Wei Chen extended a thumb to Su Mucheng, sincerely admiring her high level of shooting the front waves.

   Su Mucheng won the game, but she was not happy at all, and she even felt dissatisfied with Excellent Era’s last point in her heart.

   also disappeared in Tao Xuan’s vicious calculations. She took off the Excellent Era sign on her chest on the spot.

   typed a line on the computer: The fate with Excellent Era is over, so I am going to leave.

   The fans in the audience held up a sign with Su Mucheng's name and called her in unison.

   Su Mucheng was a little moved, stopped, and bowed deeply to the fans.

   went straight off the stage and walked to the people at Xingxin. Tao Xuan wanted to say hello to her, but she pretended not to see it, and walked over without reason.

   During this short journey, Su Mucheng seemed to have walked for a long time, remembering when Ye Xiu left Excellent Era that day,

   once told him to stay in Excellent Era and fight hard, but now he finally reached the expiration of the contract, no longer worried.

   Su Mucheng couldn't help feeling very emotional. She forcibly resisted the excitement in her heart and solemnly said to everyone at Happy: Su Mucheng officially returned to the team!

   After saying this, Su Mucheng was already in tears, Ye Xiu did as he did when he was a child.

   reached out and touched the top of her head to comfort her, and let her leave everything to herself.

   Wang Kun thinks... well, let's revive Su Muqiu. Wait for the game to end.

   After the ring competition, Excellent Era and Happy had a score of ten to eight, and the total score was 34 to 32. It was not easy for Happy to make a comeback.

   The next team game commentary, the organizer invited Han Wenqing and Wang Jiexi. During the intermission, UU read the book www.uukanshu.cóm

   The great gods of the three big teams met during a break. They slapped each other openly and secretly.

   had to pull Pan to explain the lawsuit, Pan explained that he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a place to get in.

   This is really a fight between gods and ghosts.

   After a short break, the team competition soon kicked off. Under the leadership of their respective captains, the players from both sides walked into the arena with their heads high.

   Sun Xiang said to himself: Return to the league, while Ye Xiu said to himself: Enjoy the game!

   After the start, both sides adopted tactical positions, but Excellent Era suddenly stopped moving under the leadership of Xiao Shiqin.

   After judging the opponent's location, Ye Xiu suddenly fired a shot, attracting Excellent Era's attention.

   then led the team around the corner and ran to the woods on the left.

   Then there was another gunshot. Excellent Era immediately stopped moving. Just as they held their breath, there was another gunshot.

   These three gunshots came from three different directions, which is unpredictable.

   Xiao Shiqin immediately understood Ye Xiu's intentions, knowing that Ye Xiu's tactics were to attack the west. Next, he would definitely fly solo, while Wang Kun led the two to wait for an opportunity to attack.

   So he was about to separate the team and let Sun Xiang and Qiu Fei follow the gunfire to catch up.

   This is pure gambling on luck. Whether they are tracking Ye Xiu or not, only God knows.

   But soon, Xiao Shiqin knew that he was right, because Sun Xiang and Qiu Fei really caught up with Ye Xiu.

   And this is exactly Ye Xiu's tactics, he just wants to use himself to hold the two opponents, so as to give his teammates a chance to kill three.

   Qiu Fei resorted to shadow tactics that are no longer common in the team, as a wingman to cooperate with Sun Xiang to attack Ye Xiu

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