Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 330: "The Responsibility of a Full-time Master"


   This made everyone know Qiu Fei again, but no one knew that this style of play was taught to Qiu Fei by Ye Xiu.

   Sun Xiang and Qiu Fei have already attacked ten tricks between the electric light and the flint.

   But next, they discovered that Ye Xiu in front of them had disappeared. Sun Xiang knew that Ye Xiu used the shadow clone technique.

   He judged that Ye Xiu would not go too far, so he cautiously searched around.

   As Sun Xiang had expected, Ye Xiu became invisible behind a big tree nearby. His blood was consumed very much.

   The battle must be ended as soon as possible, so he changed his tactics without hesitation.

   Sun Xiang used his keen intuition to determine where Ye Xiu was hiding, and quickly attacked.

   Ye Xiu appeared in time to fight back, disrupting the opponent's attacking rhythm and forced Sun Xiang to stand in the support position.

   But Sun Xiang didn’t feel much fuss. He proudly told Ye Xiu that Xiao Shiqin’s tactics were meant to hold him back.

   The rest of the people in Happy, although there is Wang Kun, Glory has never been a game for one person!

   On the main battlefield at this time, Xiao Shiqin had long expected that his opponent would attack Excellent Era's therapist and laid an ambush early in the morning.

   Wang Kun and others were hit by thunder, and their blood volume dropped collectively. Both of Happy's battlefields were at a disadvantage. Tao Xuan happily got up and applauded.

   It's over, Xiao Shiqin knows Wang Kun's biggest soft board! His consciousness is not strong enough! He may be invincible in the arena matches and heads-up matches, but team matches!

   As long as it is used properly, Wang Kun is actually like a newcomer!

   Just when Sun Xiang was proud, Wu Chen suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain and launched an attack. Sun Xiang and Qiu Fei were hit.

   fell to the ground and stiffened, Ye Xiu took the opportunity to get out. Wu Chen continued this style of play, occupying the commanding heights,

  Cooperating with Qiao Yifan and the others, they threw out their skills one after another, and quickly took away Excellent Era's Boxer Master and even entered.

   This is the screen artillery battle method that Ye Xiu created during Excellent Era. Today Happy used this set of tactics to suppress Excellent Era. This is undoubtedly a psychological blow to Excellent Era.

   After the loss of one person, Excellent Era’s substitute therapist entered,

   Wang Kun led people to prepare to kill the therapist, Wu Chen cooperated with everyone to intercept Excellent Era's sharpshooter, in order to consume the opponent’s blood volume,

   Wu Chen did not hesitate to give up his advantage and fought with the sharpshooter in close quarters.

   Just when Wang Kun and Xiao Tang had beaten Excellent Era's therapist to the residual blood,

   Wu Chen and his opponent also hit the heat, and the two aimed at each other at the same time, and when Wu Chen fell to the ground, the opponent was also taken away.

  Wu Chen bought time for Ye Xiu by changing one for one. His mission was completed beautifully, which greatly appreciated Wang Jiexi, who served as the commentator.

   Next, it’s time for Happy’s therapist An Wenyi to play.

   And Ye Xiu arrived at the right moment, and took away Excellent Era's therapist with one blow. Happy's situation was very good.

   Xiao Shiqin’s pre-match tactical arrangements were mainly based on Ye Xiu. He never expected that other Happy players would also grow so fast.

  Even Qiao Yifan could be alone. The tactical mistake made him very regretful, and he faced the siege of the four of Happy.

   The **** Xiao Shiqin had no fear. He smiled slightly and turned to face everyone at Xingxin. Ye Xiu had a bad instinct, so he hurriedly asked everyone to run.

   Sure enough, at the last moment, Xiao Shiqin used a trick and caused a self-destruction.

   Amidst a huge burst of fire and smoke, Chen Guo's heart tightened as he watched in the audience, and he barely dared to breathe.

   The situation on the field is instantly reversed. If the three of them are taken away, Happy will be eliminated directly, which is simply terrifying.

   The smoke cleared and Baozi was taken away, but Ye Xiu used the Thousand Chance Umbrella to protect himself and Xiao Tang, who had only 5% of his health.

  Wang Kun uses his own god-level reaction, at the most critical speed

   When Excellent Era saw this, he tried his best to stop Xiao Tang and take her and Wang Kun. Excellent Era is in his hands, but Wang Kun, who has 20% of his health left, will really be killed so easily?

   Ye Xiu tried his best to protect Xiao Tang,

   The two played against Excellent Era’s two battle mages, and Xiao Tang gave his opponent a beautiful head-on attack at the right time.

   And she herself was hit by Sun Xiang, Ye Xiu quickly restored her health to one percent with a recovery technique.

   Ye Xiu dealt with Qiu Fei and Sun Xiang, while also taking time to add blood to Xiao Tang.

   Some left and right were ignored.

   and Wang Kun is crazy to output these two battle mages.

   But at this moment, Xiao Tang's blood volume is only a trace, and Sun Xiang's knife has come to Xiao Tang's body.

   An Wenyi arrived in time and added blood to Xiao Tang, and Ye Xiu's pressure was greatly reduced.

   The next battle scene was a bit overwhelming. Everyone on the field played to the limit.

   hit all kinds of skills to extremely cool, but in the end,

   Xiao Tang hit Qiu Fei at the same time, but he was hurt by his fight against the mountains and rivers, and he and An Wenyi were directly taken away.

   Ye Xiu wanted rescue, but it was too late.

   At present, the two teams of Excellent Era are at a disadvantage, and Happy can also win the team against Excellent Era. Thanks to the three points won by Wang Kun in the ring.

   In other words, as long as Wang Kun did not die, Happy had already locked the champion in advance. This result made Ye Xiu a little relieved.

   As long as there is no such trap type as a mechanic ~ Wang Kun is invincible.

   Fortunately, when Ye Xiu was cultivating Excellent Era players, the mechanics did not accompany them. It is the kind that has a trap that explodes instantly.

  Although the final result is doomed, Ye Xiu still refuses to give up. His slogan is: Enjoy the game, regardless of victory or defeat.

   Even if this is the last one, he will do his best, what if Wang Kun makes a mistake?

   Just when Tao Xuan was very nervously looking at the big screen, the wonderful battle of the two generations of Excellent Era finally came out.

  Sun Xiang was eventually taken away by Ye Xiu.

   Team defeated Excellent Era, and Happy won the team competition with a score of 14 to 10. The total points still surpassed Excellent Era by five points. Ye Xiu and others felt very depressed.

   Frustrated woolen thread! Happy!

   After a short period of hesitation, Yue Zhongmian in the stands shouted the most powerful support slogan: Happy Victory! Happy is awesome! The fans went crazy and cheered for Happy even harder.

   At this time, the numbers on the scoreboard on the big screen suddenly moved, and Happy's team competition scores unexpectedly increased by two points!

   It turned out that Ye Xiu’s output value in this field broke the league record of four years, and was eligible for an extra two points.

   made the result of the game even better, leading Excellent Era by seven points.

   made Happy the winning side. The scene shook the sky even more cheers.

   Everyone hugged together in excitement!

   Excellent Era who lost the game means that he still cannot return to the league. This is Excellent Era’s last chance.

   This result will not attract any investment, Tao Xuan was so angry that he cursed Sun Xiang on the spot.

  Sun Xiang calmly told him: losing the game is not a person’s business, everyone is responsible.

   Including himself, Tao Xuan was stunned.


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