Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 331: "Moved by a full-time master"

   Seeing everyone in Happy rushing to the podium excitedly and holding up the championship trophy, Sun Xiang has mixed feelings in his heart.

   Although Excellent Era is in this situation, as long as the competition can continue,

   He didn't regret coming to Excellent Era, and Xiao Shiqin did the same.

  Wang Jiexi, who served as the commentator, asked Han Wenqing after the game,

  How do you feel about breaking the league record for four years,

   Hang Wen Qingyun said lightly that records are used to be broken, so glory can create so many miracles.

  Professional League Chairman Feng Xianjun personally issued a certificate of honor to Ye Xiu and welcomed him back to the team.

   Ye Xiu asked Feng Xianjun half-jokingly, did his name on the certificate be wrong?

   Feng Xianjun answered him with the same humor, as long as he pays attention and don’t write his name incorrectly in the future.

   Ye Xiu accepted the certificate and smiled.

   It's time to give his acceptance speech, Ye Xiu faced the host’s inquiry,

   Ye Xiu remembered the bits and pieces he had come to Happy after leaving Excellent Era. He just smiled and said: I'm back!

   won the game, and everyone in Happy reveled in the bar,

  Miss Moon also came to join in the fun, the whole scene, he counted him the most fun.

   Ye Xiu was overwhelmed by Chen Guo’s three beers, and Wei Chen solemnly stated that he wanted to discuss important matters with Chen Guo.

   didn't have time to say a word, and fell drunk on the sofa. Chen Guo laughed and teased the drinking of these great gods, and Yue Zhongmian told her,

  The real professional players are all bad drinkers. It's not that they can't drink, but they don't dare to drink. Because of the stimulation of alcohol,

   will slow down their reaction speed.

   Mo Fan, who had already piled up a table of wine bottles in front of him, heard these words and immediately pretended to be drunk.

   fell down on the sofa, Chen Guo couldn't help laughing when she saw this.

   After a night of crazy fun, the crowd left the bar with their backs on their shoulders, and walked back talking and laughing.

   Chen Guo looked at everyone from behind, and suddenly understood something:

   Everyone will meet a group of such lovely people in their lives, they are not together to change each other,

   It’s for each other to become a better version of yourself. I add you and become us. This is the most proud thing.

  Wang Kun went to Su Muqiu's cemetery and released a nine-color creative light on his urn.

   Suddenly, the box containing Su Muqiu's ashes suddenly exploded, and the cover for storing the ashes was spread out.

  Wang Kun looked at Su Muqiu with orange hair and took out a T-shirt and said, "Welcome."

   Su Muqiu saw that he was bare, and felt that he was covering the important parts. Seeing this extraordinary-looking man with black hair and hanging waist, he also quickly grabbed the clothes in his hand.

   It looks like it says "Ye Xiu is a straight steel man."

   Well, Su Muqiu knew that this person must know Ye Xiu.

   After he put on his clothes, he remembered.

   "Am I dead?"

   Wang Kun looked at the sunny boy and said, "Uh, it’s a little young in age, but it really can’t be done. After all, you died too early."

   "Did you resurrect me? This is not a novel, this is the real world?"

   "Okay, stop bb."

  Wang Kun handed Su Muqiu a set of pajamas dinosaur costume, "Put on this, and follow me. Don't be a nonsense, or I will tell you where you came back right away, where do you go back! Understand?"

   Upon hearing this, Su Muqiu immediately locked her mouth with a zipper with her right hand.

   And the night of glory, after Ye Xiu returned to the Alliance with a high profile, all the big teams felt pressure.

  Missing in the Moon at this time finally had the mood, and went to interview the captains of the various battle teams in a spirit of energy, and the teams were simply pretty crowded.

   After losing the challenge, Excellent Era has kept the news silent,

   posted a message on the building’s homepage: From now on, Excellent Era will be listed for sale.

   Tao Xuan also said that for so many years, he has been exhausted physically and mentally.

   I hope that those who take over Excellent Era can lead Excellent Era to achieve greater brilliance, and he will be a fan of Excellent Era forever.

   However, everyone knows that it is impossible for a team to swallow such a huge plate of Excellent Era.

   The biggest possibility is to disband it, and the team, players, characters and team resources will all be liquidated one by one.

   This means that there will be no Excellent Era in the future.

   Ye Xiu, who grew up with Excellent Era, believed that Excellent Era would not disappear, and those who inherited this spirit would definitely appear.

   Excellent Era’s things were soon sold one after another, Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng revisited their old places with mixed feelings.

   Looking at the Excellent Era Building, which used to be full of keyboard sounds, now it is deserted and there is no more vitality. The two of them feel very unhappy.

   Ever since Ye Xiu left, Su Mucheng has always known that in Excellent Era’s corridor,

   My end point is to leave, but I didn't expect that this would be the case on the day I really left.

   Just as the two were looking at each other and sighing, they suddenly heard a keyboard sound, and Su Mucheng could tell by her voice alone.

   The level of this person is a weak chicken, she is not interested in seeing this person who is still fighting for glory at this moment.

   ran alone to pack his own Ye Xiu followed the voice and looked for it.

   What Ye Xiu didn’t expect was that the person who played Glory turned out to be Tao Xuan. His Glory has been playing very badly.

   is no exception now, and he soon lost. When he saw Ye Xiu, there was a touch of embarrassment and a touch of ease that he had never felt before.

   The words Sun Xiang said to Tao Xuan at the end of the challenge touched him a lot. After playing this game of glory,

   He understands better that he has been wrong all the time. Glory will never belong to one person, and Excellent Era will not belong to him either.

   His own arbitrariness not only ruined his friendship for ten years, but also turned himself into a poor businessman with only money left.

   And in glory, there is no place for yourself anymore.

   Excellent Era has already been taken over, and the other party has agreed to save the name Excellent Era.

   Under this situation, Tao Xuan is satisfied with this result.

  Sun Xiang had already transferred Yiye Zhiqiu’s account card, Tao Xuan kept Dancing Rain’s account card.

   gave it to Ye Xiu and asked him to pass it on to Su Mucheng. Ye Xiu smiled and took it.

   and half jokingly said that it's too expensive, Happy can't afford it.

   While the two were sitting on the stairs and chatting, Qiu Fei still came to the training room with a backpack to train as usual.

   It seemed that Excellent Era was still the Excellent Era before, and Ye Xiu couldn't help feeling deeply moved when he saw this.

   Feng Xianjun took people to Excellent Era in person, watching Excellent Era’s red maple logo being tied down from the upper floor.

   There is something uncomfortable in his heart. Ye Xiu asked him why he founded the Glory Alliance back then, Feng Xianjun said,

   I didn’t play Glory at all, and didn’t know how to compete, but it didn’t matter, because I was moved,


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