Chapter 223

Dean Fang and others stared at Zhou Yuan with incredible eyes.

The score of 77 has nothing to do with Wang Dong’s personal recovery ability, it is completely based on Zhou Yuan’s technology!

Zhou Yuan sighed.

If you can get the advanced treasure box before the finger reconstruction surgery, “the success rate of surgery is increased by 5%, and the postoperative complications are reduced by 5%”, then Wang Dong’s assessment score should be around 82 points now.

“Zhou Yuan, what are you still sighing, this is not satisfactory!” Wu Guohui patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder excitedly.

Although this operation has nothing to do with him, he is also a witness anyway!

“It’s…” Dean Fang swallowed, his expression still surprised.

The moment of witnessing history always makes people feel blank.

Dean Fang, He Jianyi and others are now a little confused.

For ordinary people, it may have just completed an operation that has never occurred, and only saved one patient. However, Dean Fang, Director Wang and others are all people who have been in the medical field for so many years. The influence of the medical world, especially in the field of replantation of severed limbs!

Just because the news of the successful operation spread, the attention of the whole country and the world, and the sensation that followed, everyone felt their ears buzzing.

“Let the hospital release the news of the successful operation…” Dean Fang was silent for a while before slowly saying 953.

A few minutes later, a Weibo of Yanjing International Hospital was released and it was topped in an instant.

“The Hand of Miracle: The World’s First Regeneration Finger Surgery”

“Replantation of severed limbs has always been a major issue of concern to the international medical community. Because the anastomosis of severed limbs is extremely difficult, replantation of severed limbs has always been a difficult operation in orthopedics.”

“Anyone familiar with the development of severed limb replantation in hand surgery may know that as early as 1963, Chinese academician Chen Zhongwei reported the first case of severed limb replantation, and successfully carried out severed finger replantation in 1965, followed by severed limb replantation technology. It has been widely valued and promoted and applied.”

“With the introduction and improvement of microsurgery technology, the technical level of replantation of severed limbs in my country has been improved step by step, but it has always been at a backward level in the world and has been chasing after the ass of Western countries… As of 1984, according to Chen Zhongwei According to statistics from academicians and others, the overall survival rate of replanting severed limbs nationwide is only %.”(Read more @

“The thumb was crushed and injured by the machine and returned to the palm after a severed limb replantation operation. One hand was amputated into four or five segments, blood vessels, nerves, etc. were anastomosed under a microscope, and the limbs were successfully saved… These creations A miraculous operation may be amazing, but today, a miraculous operation case will be born-taking the toe to recreate the finger. We call it the finger reconstruction technique.”

“Under the shadowless light, debride the wound, fix the bones, repair the flexor tendons of the fingers, anastomose the tendons of the toes, start the operating microscope, explore the nerves and blood vessels, connect the blood vessels, and anastomose the nerves… During the long operation, Dr. Zhou Yuan successfully The patient’s toe was amputated and finally transplanted on the patient’s missing thumb and index finger. The operation was a perfect success!”

“This is an operation performed by Yanjing International Hospital five days ago. A total of six people took 12 hours and finally completed the operation. Every anastomosis during the operation was performed. The venous circulation, arterial embolism, and necrotic tissue produced after the operation. Toxins, etc., any problem in any link will lead to the failure of the entire operation,”

“No matter how beautiful the operation is, the recovery of function is a perfect ending. Today, the fifth day after the operation, after the carroll hand function rating scale, the patient’s hand function recovery finally scored 77 points! This It is a score sufficient for any severed limb replantation surgery to declare a perfect operation, and now it appears in the finger regeneration surgery!”

“Today, Yanjing International Hospital officially announced that the hand surgery team led by our hospital’s Dr. Zhou Yuan has formally conquered a new field of replantation of severed limbs-toe reconstruction fingers!”

An article was eloquently circulated, and the moment it was published, it was reposted by Lu Shao, Yang Shuxin, etc. ,

Followed by the official blog of the Z Medical Association, CCTV News, Global News…

At the same time, Yanjing Daily, Z Country Daily, People’s Daily, etc., successively released temporary emergency news.

At this moment, the entire medical community was boiling.

After hearing the news from the disciple Morimoto Mitsu, Kamahara has been staring at new trends in the field of replantation of severed limbs.

He was almost the first person to know the news.

After seeing the news and carefully reading Zhou Yuan’s operation diagram and Wang Dong’s recovery function test, Shen Yuanjing stood up excitedly.

“How is it possible! The field of amputated limb replantation in Country Z is still at a backward level in the world, why has it directly created a new field?!”

Shen Yuanjing walked around the room uneasy.

He couldn’t understand why R, which has always been the leader in the field of finger-cutting, would lose to Z in this regard…

Country M.

Some people in the limb replantation world were unbelievable when they first saw the news, and were dumbfounded after seeing the general procedure of the operation.

“Xiete! How does the deep arch of the palm connect with the toes, and which blood vessel is it?!”

“The nerves of the hands and toes are different, and the widths of the nerves are different. How did he connect them!?”

Countless experts and scholars in the field of replantation of severed limbs were shocked.

Different physiological structures, different parts, different blood vessels, nerves, and muscle structures. How exactly does this complete the anastomosis, and finally ensure the perfect function? !

No one can figure it out. Only Zhou Yuan has the answer to this question.

Similarly, no one knows why the regenerated fingers were born in the country Z, where the replantation of severed limbs has been lagging behind.

The creation of this technology means that people who have lost the possibility of transplantation of countless severed fingers will have the opportunity to obtain new fingers…This will benefit countless people!

The prosperity of a field requires countless people with strong imitating ability to learn and improve along the original surgical methods step by step.

The creation of a new field requires an amazing person with superb technology and unparalleled creativity…

And Zhou Yuan is obviously the latter.

Within a few hours of the press release, Zhou Yuan quickly completed the final conclusion part of the paper-just need to complete the patient’s recovery and add the conclusion.

Then Zhou Yuan handed the paper to Dean Fang, and Dean Fang gave it to Yang Shuxin. Yang Shuxin directly contacted the editor-in-chief of The Lancet and quickly submitted the paper to The Lancet for review.

Originally, according to the normal process, the review of a paper would take one to three months, but because Zhou Yuan’s surgery had too much impact, he went directly to the VIP channel for review immediately.

The action on the “Lancet” was also very fast. On the third day of the submission of the paper, the review results were sent to Yang Shuxin. .

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