Chapter 224

“After the evaluation by the thesis evaluation team and the amputated limb replantation expert group, the paper fully meets the requirements for being selected into the “Lancet”. At the same time, the operation is also realistic and feasible——”

“It is fortunate to be able to witness the historic process of replantation of severed limbs in hand surgery, and to serve as a vehicle for announcing history. The Lancet represents all medical workers, especially medical workers in the field of severed limb replantation in hand surgery. And your team express our sincerest respect and gratitude!”

With a few simple words, Yang Shuxin stood up excitedly on the spot.

Yang Shuxin did not delay, and quickly faxed the scanned copy to Dean Fang.

Had it not been for him to deal with things out of town now, he would have liked to run over to Zhou Yuan personally!

On the other side, Dean Fang ran to Zhou Yuan’s office excitedly to announce the news.

Zhou Yuan was not too surprised.

He is the performer of the operation and possesses a master-class technique for replantation of severed limbs, so he has a deep understanding of how difficult it is to operate the technique of reconstructing fingers and how much impact it has on the field of replantation of severed limbs.

Even if he is not selected for “The Lancet”, relying on the power of the media alone is enough to make this technique a sensation in the entire medical world!

Just as everyone in Yanjing International Hospital was excited, Zhou Yuan’s operation video was played back and forth in the conference room of the Dongdi University Hospital of R Country, the No. 1 general hospital in the country.

This operation is just a clip, which was released by Yanjing International Hospital to verify the authenticity. It contains basic operations, but some key surgical procedures have been cut off.

The crystal of Zhou Yuan could not be given to others for no reason. ,

Of course, the method of surgery must be announced, but the announcement is definitely not Yanjing International Hospital, but Zhou Yuan himself.

There was silence in the conference room, everyone holding their breath, staring at the surgical video on the projection with complicated faces.

The needle is inserted subcutaneously, the needle is quickly removed, and the nerve is quickly sutured…

Everything is like a work of art.

Everyone even forgot that this was an operation.

“What’s going on in this step! Why did you just cut off the anastomosis of the superficial palmar arch! I just want to see how the superficial palmar arch is anastomosed with the proper foot artery!”

An old director roared.

He has been looking forward to this step, staring steadily, not even daring to blink his eyes.

But… but the picture was cut out here, the next moment the superficial palmar arch and the proper arteries of the foot have been anastomosed.

This is so uncomfortable!

“The nerve anastomosis has also been cut off! Who can tell me how the two motor nerves anastomoses! We have been showing us what this guy’s suture technique does, and we can’t learn it again!”

Although they were swearing, everyone’s bodies were very honest, and they watched intently without leaving the projection.(Read more @

After a long time, the dean of R Guodongdi University Hospital said solemnly:

“They really completed a new breakthrough in the field of replantation of severed limbs…”

“Country Z is already ahead of the world in terms of remanufacturing fingers!”

“No, it’s not ahead of the world, but unique in the world! Without the disclosure of the operator, we only know that this theory is valid. Unless we experiment with individual patients, how do we determine which blood vessel can be docked? Which nerve can conduct the normal conduction of excitement?”

“It’s too difficult…There are so many blood vessels, one by one experiment, how many patients have to suffer! Only to ask this doctor named Zhou Yuan for help!”

“I heard that Zhou Yuan is only 26 years old…”

The people present became silent again.

Twenty-six years old, just the age of becoming a doctor.

At this time, whoever is not doing chores in the hospital, fawning on nurses and higher-level doctors, just for an operation.

But… Zhou Yuan has already accomplished a groundbreaking feat at this time!

“Can’t be compared. Really can’t be compared. Some people are born geniuses, Zhou Yuan and us are not in the same state…All we can do is to catch up!”

“Yes, when the technology of remanufactured fingers is released, our country R will definitely be able to cultivate more remanufactured finger talents than Country Z and any country based on the original foundation!”

Hearing this sentence, everyone present showed a relaxed smile.

“Not much to say, let’s get ready to go… Send two experts to Yanjing, country Z, and the Yanjing International Hospital will definitely hold an academic exchange meeting soon…”

This is international practice.

The medical field is different from other fields. The emergence of a new technology and new field will inevitably be accompanied by the learning and reference of countless people. It is basically impossible for medical workers to take the technology as their own, and they will definitely choose to make it public.

·········Ask for flowers···········

Therefore, it is necessary for Zhou Yuan to hold an academic exchange meeting after the news of the successful operation is released.

At that time, Zhou Yuan can answer the questions of doctors from different countries in the world, and officially promote the finger technology to the world to benefit the people of the world.

Similarly, it will also receive the attention of the world.

The academic exchange meeting was scheduled for a week later, and the new issue of The Lancet was originally scheduled to be released this Sunday, but because of Zhou Yuan’s paper, it was born a day late and was ready to be added temporarily.

When Zhou Yuan’s paper will be published in the next “Lancet” journal, the finger regeneration surgery will be all over the place. Obviously, it should be published as soon as possible in the current period. It is better to publish it before the academic exchange meeting.

……… ….. …

In this way, Zhou Yuan’s academic exchanges, under the influence of the “Lancet” paper, will be virtually more attractive.

Anyway, now everything is ready and everything is owed.

Yanjing International Hospital has long been blocked by reporters pouring in.

Especially in the emergency department, a large number of reporters wanted to enter Zhou Yuan’s office for interviews, but they were blocked by the nurses.

Seeing that the reporters were getting more and more crazy, the security guards, nurses and others couldn’t stop them, and Zhang Ling hurried to Zhou Yuan’s office.

Just thinking about yelling as usual, Zhang Ling suddenly realized that Zhou Yuan is already the world’s leading academic star, and she and Zhou Yuan have already separated from each other…

Before she knew it, Zhang Ling felt that she and Zhou Yuan were no longer the same people.

Zhang Ling’s mood suddenly became complicated, and she walked to Zhou Yuan’s door and knocked carefully on the door.

“Please come in.” Zhou Yuan’s voice sounded.

Seeing Zhang Ling coming in, Zhou Yuan, who was inspecting and perfecting all parts of the regenerative finger surgery, was a little surprised.

“Zhang Ling, isn’t it bad for you not to shout today?” Zhou Yuan asked in surprise.

Zhang Ling was taken aback and did not answer. Instead, she said, “There are many reporters outside looking for you.”

Zhou Yuan felt the barrier between Zhang Ling and was stunned, and walked to the side of Zhang Ling. A.

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