Chapter 289

Soon, Xiaoqian was taken care of and moved to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

The surgical conditions in the emergency department are not bad, but if you do egg nest resection, the obstetrics and gynecology department is definitely more suitable.

Lying in the bed, Xiaoqian’s face was bloodless, and she looked as if she had lost too much blood. Several doctors subconsciously asked if she had had blood before.

Only Zhou Yuan and He Jing knew what was going on.

When this kind of thing happens, every individual will be scared to face pale as paper.

“Doctor, why do you get pregnant… I’ll just do it once…” Xiao Qian was still a little unwilling.

Zhou Yuan and He Jing didn’t care how many times Xiaoqian had, their task was to treat the illness.

He Jing explained: “There are many reasons, the most important is salpingitis.”

“Salpingitis? What is this?” Xiaoqian asked.

“Generally speaking, improper cleaning can cause chronic salpingitis. Another point is that during intercourse, if men do not pay attention to hygiene, they will also bring diseases into women. Most of the ectopic pregnancy is fertilization and insemination. The egg is directly implanted in the fallopian tube of a woman, and these inflammations are very easy to cause adhesion and blockage of the fallopian tube in a woman. The sperm and egg cannot pass, and naturally they can only develop in the fallopian tube.”

Xiaoqian nodded and thought for a while, “I shouldn’t have this salpingitis…Why am I still pregnant?”

He Jing patiently explained: “This is only the main reason. There are also congenital dysplasia of the fallopian tube, malformations, endometriosis of the fallopian tube, uterus, ovarian migration, recanalization of fallopian tube ligation and so on. Including avoidance. Improperness may also lead to ectopic pregnancy.”

“How to avoid pregnancy?!” Xiaoqian was taken aback, her expression changed, “What does it have to do with this?”

He Jing glanced at Xiaoqian. This horrified expression could explain many problems.

The cause of pregnancy may be here…

He Jingdao: “If you choose to take anti-pregnancy drugs, women’s estrogen and progesterone levels will become abnormal.

Short-term use is no problem, but if it is taken for a long time, it will destroy the environment of the fallopian tube, and finally cause the fallopian tube to fail to pass through the fertilized egg, which will get stuck in it, causing ectopic pregnancy. ”

Hearing this, Xiaoqian closed her mouth and couldn’t speak anymore.

Long-term use…

The lie that only did the wrong thing once is self-defeating.

“Don’t think too much, go to the operating table and save your life. Also, take advantage of the operation to think about how you want to explain it. It’s impossible to hide this matter.” He Jing comforted.

Soon, Xiaoqian was pushed onto the operating table.

The shadowless lamp is turned on, and the surgical field is illuminated.

Egg nest resection is not a difficult operation.(Read more @

The master-level induction of labor has given Zhou Yuan a sufficient understanding of the anatomical structure and physiological characteristics of the egg, nest, uterus, etc., plus Zhou Yuan’s own sutures, hemostasis, etc., the main knife Cut an egg. The nest is not a big problem.

However, he came this time mainly for stitching, and the main knife was left to He Jing.

It just so happens that 9/10 of the stitching task can be completed.

In the preoperative pelvic angiography, He Jing and others have already determined the scope of the resection of eggs and nests. Laparoscopy has also confirmed the condition of blood vessels such as veins and arteries, and the appropriate incision position has been selected.

“Epidural anesthesia.” He Jing said.

The anesthesiologist stepped forward and injected lidocaine into the epidural space, blocking the spinal nerve roots, and putting the inner inner part of the body under anesthesia.

“The anesthesia is over.”

He Jing nodded and waited for the anesthetic to take effect. After a while, he clamped Xiaoqian’s abdomen with tweezers and asked how he felt to confirm the anesthetic effect.

“No more feeling.” Xiaoqian whispered.

He Jing nodded, glanced at Zhou Yuan subconsciously, and then was stunned.

After a few seconds, He Jing realized that she was the chief surgeon and quickly announced the start of the operation.

The first step is to cut open the abdominal wall.

He Jing took the scalpel, made a midline longitudinal incision along the umbilical pubic area of ​​the lower abdomen along the marked line, and cut the abdominal wall layer by layer, and entered the abdominal cavity.

After the surgical field was good, He Jing discovered that the swollen fallopian tube had already adhered to the bowel, omentum, and uterus.

He Jing separated the adhesive tissue along the weakest part of the posterior wall of the uterus.

········· Ask for flowers···································································

“Zhou Yuan, please clamp the bone, pelvic funnel ligament blood vessels, mesangium, and egg. Intrinsic ligament.” He Jing said while doing a blunt separation.

During the operation, He Jing didn’t have the natural dull expression on weekdays at all, but was extremely serious and spoke a lot more sharply.

This surprised Zhou Yuan a little.

“It’s done.” Zhou Yuan said.

He Jing also completed the separation of the adhesive tissues and set about preparing for egg and nest excision.

“Doctor, do you think I’m particularly cheap?”

Xiaoqian lying on the operating bed suddenly spoke.

Neither Zhou Yuan nor He Jing spoke.

Wei Lili said, “Operate with peace of mind.”

Although she doesn’t know what happened, but with so many years of experience, she can get along with several versions of the story with Xiaoqian’s words.

0 0 …….

“You think I’m cheap, but I wasn’t like this before…”

The operating room was full of cold instruments, and a group of strange doctors surrounded it.

Xiaoqian felt scared, so she talked more subconsciously to make her feel more at ease.

“When I was in college, I had not been with my husband. At that time, I had a boyfriend who was very good to me. One time I accidentally became pregnant. At that time, I wanted to quit school and give birth to the child. Full-time mother…”

“After receiving the news, he invited me to drink in their dormitory. I thought it was a celebration, so I happily agreed. There were six men in the dormitory with my boyfriend. I was also stupid and pregnant. How dare to drink…”

There was no one in the operating room to care about Xiaoqian, so she said to herself.

Everyone was wearing masks anyway, and she didn’t know who these people were.

It was quiet in the operating room.

Zhou Yuan and He Jing’s tangled feelings are even more complicated.

“But now it’s okay, I have retribution. Don’t worry, I will tell my husband everything, whether he can accept it or not, what the final result will be… I really love him, I don’t want to be separated from him… …Can you help me beg him not to leave me?”

Speaking of later, Xiaoqian’s voice choked with despair. Spoon.

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