Chapter 290

The other female doctors who came to observe the operation all sympathized with Qi Xiaoqian.

They are also women, so they are more sensitive to women’s harm and can better understand them firsthand.

“Did you call the police?” someone asked.

Xiaoqian said blankly: “You can’t call the police…I still have to go to school. If someone else finds out, how can I live?”

“Fortunately, even though the people in that dormitory did something like that to me, they didn’t say anything. At least I spent the rest of my university life safely.”

The operating room was quiet again.

Wei Lili and others focused their attention on Xiaoqian.

Do they dare to talk about this kind of thing? Xiaoqian actually thanked them for this incident?

Several doctors felt that their worldview had been refreshed.

“The excision is complete, you can start suture.”

He Jing’s words brought everyone back to the operating room.

The latter put down the scissors, took a step back, and Zhou Yuan came up with it tacitly.

The doctors who had originally thought that Xiaoqian was in a daze immediately grabbed their position and surrounded the operating table, each with their eyes widened, just like the players holding a hammer and waiting for a gopher to come out of the hole.

Zhou Yuan did not disappoint, and stepped forward to stitch together.

There are three layers inside, three layers in the middle, three layers outside, and three layers for stitching and patching.

“Attention everyone, stitching has started.” Wei Lili reminded loudly.

Generally, doctors need more than 40 minutes of suture work, and finally Zhou Yuan completed it in only 20 minutes.

Looking at the movements of Zhou Yuan’s hands, the young female doctors exclaimed in awe, and were silent.

“Attention everyone, the stitching is over.” Wei Lili reminded again.

The doctors who were in a daze came back to their senses and looked at Zhou Yuan blankly.

At this time, Zhou Yuan just put down the needle pliers, they seemed to be able to see Zhou Yuan’s faint smile under the mask, unconsciously stunned by the scene they imagined: “So handsome…”

Zhou Yuan dropped the needle, “Prepare to be dragged out… push it out.”

With that, Zhou Yuan turned around, ready to leave.

When Xiaoqian passed by, the latter suddenly caught him. Zhou Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Xiaoqian on the operating bed.

“Thank you for giving me a buffer time…”

Zhou Yuan nodded and walked out of the operating room.

The latter seemed to be somewhat lost because of Zhou Yuan’s indifference. He Jing came up to comfort him and said: “Doctor Zhou usually talks very little, so you don’t need to think too much.”

After speaking, He Jing also chased it out.

All subsequent miscellaneous matters in the operating room are handled by the hardened resident.

Except for special residents like Zhou Yuan.(Read more @

“You stitched up so fast…” He Jing took the initiative to find the topic.

Zhou Yuan hummed, then stopped talking.

He Jing was stunned, then lowered his head and followed Zhou Yuan.

After the operation was completed, Xiaoqian’s husband and mother-in-law also arrived and kept asking Zhou Yuan what was wrong.

Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment, then filled in a few lines in Xiaoqian’s hospital record.

“Ask yourself.”

“We are not doctors, and Xiaoqian doesn’t understand either!” Xiaoqian’s husband defended his wife.

At this time, his phone rang, and seeing that it was Xiaoqian’s, he quickly picked it up.

A few seconds later, he put down the phone, dropped the sentence “Xiaoqian is looking for me in a hurry”, and left his mother here and rushed over.

After Xiaoqian’s husband left, Zhou Yuan’s phone rang again.

“Dean Fang?” Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

What is Dean Fang calling himself at this time?

“Zhou Yuan, are you free now, come to my office.”

Zhou Yuan hesitated for a moment, and said, “I still have two or three cases to write, and it will take about an hour or two.”

“You wait a moment.”

Within a minute, the door of Zhou Yuan’s office rang.

Jiang Xiaoqi walked in and looked at Zhou Yuan with some confusion: “Zhou Yuan, Dean Fang said that I have something to do with me, let me come to your office…”

Zhou Yuan didn’t understand the meaning: “Dean Fang, what are you…”

“Write the medical record to Jiang Xiaoqi! She writes less medical record, exercise, come here!”

“Okay?” Zhou Yuan was just like the crying mouse cat, with a smile on his face.

“What’s wrong! If it wasn’t because He Jianyi was your teacher, I would have called him over to write to you! This is a last resort before calling Jiang Xiaoqi.” Dean Fang muttered.

Zhou Yuan said silently, “Dean Fang, I just turned on the hands-free.”


Jiang Xiaoqi: “…”

Jiang Xiaoqi sat in Zhou Yuan’s office, looking at the medical records in front of him.

Inpatient medical records are no better than outpatient medical records.

The outpatient medical record is just a few lines, the diagnosis of viral influenza, wind-cold influenza, a little more complicated, there is a combined trauma, respiratory infection, etc., very simple…

The hospitalization record is extremely complicated.

In addition to the most basic information, what is the past medical history, circulatory system, panic, shortness of breath, etc., respiratory system, cough, hemoptysis, etc., down to body temperature, pulse, breathing, up to face, body shape, etc. Expressions, all need to be included.

The hospitalized medical records are all piles of piles, and a patient can’t get it without tens of thousands of words.

Jiang Xiaoqi’s processing of Xiaoqian’s medical record now needs to be completed within 10,000 words. It is a very challenging task to explain all of Xiaoqian’s physical condition and illness in 10,000 words.

“Why do I become a resident doctor and write medical records?”

Jiang Xiaoqi pondered for two seconds, then silently tapped the keyboard.

Zhou Yuan has slowly swayed to Dean Fang’s office.

On the contrary, as soon as he knocked on the door, Dean Fang quickly opened the door.

“Zhou Yuan, come in!”

Dean Fang couldn’t wait to pull in Zhou Yuan, just like stealing Qing, he almost stretched out his head to take a look outside.

Zhou Yuan was pressed on the reception sofa by Dean Fang, a little flattered, but his expression was still calm.

“Don’t be so calm, let me tell you some good news! Do you want to hear it!” Dean Fang actually sold it off.

Zhou Yuan: “How many?”

Dean Fang froze for a moment, he really didn’t count how many…

“One… there are three. It’s all good news.” Dean Fang counted and smiled lightly.

Zhou Yuan said lightly: “Then pick the best news.”

Dean Fang: “…I didn’t let you choose.”

“Forget it, let me just say it directly. The first thing is rewards. I told you before that our Yanjing University especially encourages academic talents. You published your paper in The Lancet. A bonus of 600,000 yuan was awarded.”

It stands to reason that for such a large amount of bonus, it will take months to declare, review, and identify school members, and it is impossible to be so efficient.

But… Zhou Yuan’s paper is so influential, it’s worth more than hundreds of thousands? Tens of millions, hundreds of millions are not exaggerated!

The blind will get stuck in Zhou Yuan because of a mere 600,000. .

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