Chapter 331

In the door, a hungry cat screamed.

Zhou Yuan suddenly remembered: After patronizing Chuchu, I forgot that there is a bobcat at home!

Bobtail cats are different from dogs in that they will not be full. Cats are generally more delicate, not only in terms of personality, but also in eating.

Obviously a lot of food, it just doesn’t eat enough, eat a little when hungry, and then go, feel hungry and come back to take a few bites.

Since Lu Chenxi went to the emergency room last night, maybe he didn’t come back at all last night, and he should still be in the hospital now.

If Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine didn’t contact him, don’t worry too much. It wasn’t Zhou Yuan who said that Zhou Yuan was the first to think of any difficult patients in the emergency department.

Zhou Yuan did not call last night, and the situation should not be too serious. At least it can be judged that the difficulty of the operation is not very high, otherwise Zhou Yuan will be called back.

And according to Chu Chu, she has been sleeping since she went to school yesterday, isn’t she hungry until now?

Zhou Yuan was a little worried about Niuniu and sent a message to Lu Chenxi.

26 The main reason is that he thinks that Lu Chenxi may be still undergoing an operation and can’t answer the phone. He will wait until she has time to see it.

It should be fine to be hungry for a few days.

As soon as Zhou Yuan was about to go back, Lu Chenxi responded.

“The key is on the second floor of the shoe cabinet at the door, inside the high heels.”

Zhou Yuan hesitated, looked at the shoe cabinet next to him, and asked uncertainly: “You don’t have athlete’s foot?”

On the other side, Lu Chenxi, who was just about to turn off the phone and rest for a while, was directly dumbfounded.

What kind of problem is this… Is it really good to ask a woman who loves beauty?

Her face was a little cold, and she replied like a puff: “Would you like to leave it alone?”

After waiting for a long time, Zhou Yuan did not return any news.

Lu Chenxi frowned suddenly, a little worried. Zhou Yuan is not angry anymore, right?

Or… really smell it? She does not have athlete’s foot, but she is not sure how her high heels that she hasn’t touched for several weeks will taste…

“Hey, are you still there?” Lu Chenxi hesitated, or sent a message.

Ding dong.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the phone, poured some cat food on the plate before picking up the phone.

“I put the key back.”

After putting the key in, Zhou Yuan returned home.

It’s only half past six now, and I can make up my sleep while I still have an hour and a half to go to work.(Read more @

It’s not that Zhou Yuan has become lazy, but that the consumption a while ago was really amazing.

After waking up again, Zhou Yuan washed his face and went to the emergency department with full energy.

After the ocean is gone, the emergency department’s work is indeed a bit heavier, but fortunately, Liu Huimin has already returned to the team and has shared some patients.

Recently, there are many internal medicine patients in the emergency department, but there are not a few critically ill patients. Yesterday, they rescued three drinking and making troubles, but they had a fight and beat each other to the blood, and one of them directly struck someone’s abdomen, and the intestines flowed. Out.

When the layman saw that his intestines were coming out, he was half-deadly frightened, and the knives and the knives were all awake at once, and the person involved cried directly.

But from the point of view of the insider: Oh, it’s just showing an intestine, it’s so dangerous!

Make sure there is no infection, no other wounds, put the intestines back and suture it up soon?

Lu Chenxi dealt with this guy with intestines.

There were no special patients in the morning, and the afternoon was calm, seeing a doctor, doing tasks, and prescribing medicine. Zhou Yuan actually used two more bottles of energy medicine.

Night fell at seven o’clock in the evening.

Usually the sky is bright at 7 o’clock in the evening, and it has been completely dark at 7 o’clock recently. If you stand directly outside, without a light source such as a street lamp, you just can’t see your fingers.

Zhou Yuan stood up, and when it was time to hand over with the night shift workers.

At Chuchu, Zhou Yuan picked it up when he was off work in the afternoon, and now he can just rush back to have some instant noodles with Chuchu.

At this time, the emergency department suddenly became noisy, and the patient came again.

Zhou Yuan, who was just about to change his clothes, stopped. He is still wearing a white coat, it is impossible to leave it alone.

Zhou Yuan walked over quickly. In the lobby of the emergency department, a woman was supporting a thin man and stumbled into the door. The man closed his eyes tightly, seemed to be enduring a lot of pain, his footsteps were vacant and he seemed to have little strength, he walked in staggeringly.

The moment Zhou Yuan saw this man, Zhou Yuan thought of the skeleton man at the entrance of the human specimen showroom… It was so alike, the man was a bit skinny, and his movements seemed to fall apart. If he peeled off his skin, it would be appropriate. Is a walking skeleton.

Zhou Yuan walked up, helped the patient onto the stretcher with Zhang Ling and Lin Wen, and then quickly pushed to the rescue room.

“Doctor, how is it?” the woman asked.

Zhou Yuan did not rush to answer, but took the pulse of a man.

Actually, whether it is Western medicine or Chinese medicine, there is a habit of feeling the pulse.

The wrists are cold, the pulse is non-existent, the body is also cold, and the fingers are slightly stiff.

Zhou Yuan frowned and looked at the man on the hospital bed again.

The latter’s eyes were still tightly closed, his brows furrowed, his face pale, and his pale lips showed that he was very haggard.

Zhou Yuan patted the man, but the latter did not respond.

“It’s not going to lose consciousness…”

But it’s not like it. The patient is clearly still awake.

Zhou Yuan tried to pinch the man’s biceps again. Most people would have a big reaction when they were caught off guard, but the patient just struggled and didn’t make too much movement.

Lin Wen and Zhang Ling came back from the nurse’s desk at this time, holding instruments to measure the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, and so on.

Zhou Yuan took advantage of this space and looked at the woman who was accompanying him.

“what happened?”

The woman glanced at the man on the bed faintly, “I don’t know. Since noon today, I have said my stomach is uncomfortable, and then I have diarrhea. I keep vomiting and can’t eat anything!”

Zhou Yuan nodded and glanced at the registration order.

The man’s name is Zhang Youwei, 27 years old.

“What is your relationship?”

The woman said: “Husband and wife.”

Zhou Yuan nodded.

Based on Zhou Yuan’s judgment and Zhang Youwei’s main complaint, the patient seems to have signs of food poisoning.

Like the most common gastrointestinal food poisoning, the symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other clinical manifestations.

In addition, the patient also has night sweats. The patient may be in a semi-comatose state, sweating constantly.

“What has he eaten?” Zhou Yuan asked subconsciously, thinking of the possibility of food poisoning.

Zhang Youwei’s wife said quietly: “What can you eat? But the day before yesterday, he was food poisoned. We came to your hospital for a checkup. At that time, we also received an infusion. The result was not good at all, but now it is more serious.”

Upon hearing these words, Zhang Ling, who was measuring her blood pressure next to her, sank, as if thinking of something. .

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