Chapter 332

Thinking of a certain possibility, Zhang Ling blinked at Zhou Yuan several times quickly.

Zhou Yuan was taken aback, but didn’t understand Zhang Ling’s meaning.

Give yourself a secret look at this time?

Zhang Ling saw that Zhou Yuan didn’t understand, she pulled Zhou Yuan to the rescue room, and whispered: “When they said they had visited, I remembered that these two people did come the day before yesterday, and they were seen by Dr. Sun.”

Doctor Sun is talking about Sun Meng.

Zhou Yuan frowned: “What’s the matter, Sun Meng is not optimistic?”

Zhang Ling shook her head: “They…maybe here to squander the money.”

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment, “Is it wrong?”

After all, Zhou Yuan is still a doctor who has just graduated from medical school for less than a year. His skills are amazing, but the experience of the hospital is there. In addition to performing operations, he is really an intern in other aspects of the hospital. .

The doctor-patient relationship Zhou Yuan is very strenuous to deal with, it is entirely dependent on language talent and communication skills. Besides being relatively cheap, Zhou Yuan doesn’t seem to have the talent for communication.

Moreover, if you really swish in front of the patient, you will be beaten to death sooner or later…

In addition, Zhou Yuan hasn’t encountered these common corrupt people in hospitals and touched porcelain, let alone understand them.

Zhang Ling was a little proud of seeing what Zhou Yuan didn’t understand.

“It is very likely that I came to touch porcelain. This kind of patient is easy to encounter in the emergency department.”

Zhang Ling was right.

The most popular thing for people who touch porcelain is actually the emergency department.

Where is the emergency department? Those who are dedicated to rescuing patients, especially at night, often suffer from serious illnesses, and people will die if they are not treated immediately.

In other words, time is so tight that there is no time to waste with you.

Change to another department, are you here to ruin the money?

Okay, let’s check one by one, turn over the medical records one by one, and see if it is the problem that our hospital diagnosed, or that you made it yourself.

Every minute of swindling money will be revealed, and you will have to face legal rulings.

What about the emergency department?

Who has time to spend with you? Time in the emergency department is life.

However, Porcelain is mainly concentrated on surgical patients, especially in disputes such as car accidents and fights. Relying on his injuries, he was playing tricks in the emergency department to ask for money, intimidation and intimidation.(Read more @

The reason why Zhang Ling is so vigilant is because she has met such people during her internship.

It was also a husband and wife who specialized in blackmailing, commonly known as a professional Porcelain player. At that time, his wife came to the clinic for an infusion for abdominal pain. After the infusion, she felt uncomfortable and convulsed. She became confused and started rolling her eyes. Zhang Ling happened to give her the injection at that time. She was scared to death, so she immediately called for the attending treatment.

The doctors and nurses were going to give her a blood test, but she disagreed and did not do any tests. Her husband said that she would directly give them some money and ask them to change a hospital, saying that she did not trust Yanjing Chinese Medicine.

Speaking of this, He Jianyi ran out…

He Jianyi is an old Jianghu after all, and just this sentence is wrong.

This is obviously here to ask for money, and it is estimated that the wife will heal from a serious illness once the money is available.

When He Jian stood up to check, his words were very strong, and the husband and wife looked like a stubborn stubbornness, and then ran away. What surprised Zhang Ling was that the professionalism of the couple was really high, pretending to be sick so that neither she nor the attending doctor could see it. It was He Jianyi who caught the loopholes in the words of the two before discovering that something was wrong.

Zhou Yuan’s face didn’t stretch.

He has confidence in his diagnosis.

Although the pulse can be changed in various ways,…he felt that the patient didn’t seem to have pretended it.

“What was it like when Sun Meng saw it the day before yesterday~”?” Zhou Yuan still asked.

Zhang Ling’s attitude towards the husband and wife in the rescue room was not good.

Because they do have a history of touching porcelain. Although it is not Pengci Hospital, it is Pengci after all.

She explained: “It was about this point the day before yesterday, but you were not there at that time. The couple said that they went to a restaurant, and they developed digestive symptoms after eating. They said that the restaurant’s dishes had a problem and requested the restaurant. Compensation. But the restaurant is also very experienced, thinking that the other party is here to touch the porcelain, the two parties caused the matter to the hospital.”

“At that time, Sun Meng finished the inspection and found that the two of them did not have any problems with their bodies. They came to touch porcelain. But then the two came again. The man had a fever and Sun Meng gave the infusion. There was indeed no problem with the food he was eating. It was pure coincidence…and they came again today?”

Zhang Ling was a little worried about the husband and wife’s repetition of the two old tricks, or she simply hated going to the hospital, and instead of touching the porcelain restaurant, she moved her target to the hospital.

The two returned to the rescue room.

Lin Wen has finished her heart rate check, and by the way, she has also taken the blood pressure that Zhang Ling is responsible for.

She measured it several times, her face becoming more and more incredulous.

Lin Wen’s guess was the same as Zhang Ling’s. The two people came to China to ask for money, but the blood pressure in the end turned out to be abnormal…

“¨ˇ Blood pressure 90/60mmHg. Heart rate 51…”

Zhou Yuan frowned.

If you really come to touch porcelain, why do you have low blood pressure and low heart rate?

Moreover, Zhou Yuan has also found through a series of examinations that the patient’s limbs are cold, his pulse is numb, his consciousness is unconscious, and he is accompanied by night sweats. These are all signs of shock…

Although cold limbs and unconsciousness can be disguised, how do you explain low blood pressure and low heart rate?

Zhou Yuan’s face became serious.

This patient must be cautious… What’s the matter if it’s not touching porcelain?

Will the sudden high fever after the failure of the restaurant the day before yesterday have anything to do with this? !

Zhou Yuan frowned: “Does your husband usually have diabetes, or high blood pressure, drug allergies, etc.”

All three conditions may cause the current symptoms. Especially for drug allergies, shock reactions are prone to occur in severe cases.

Zhang Youwei’s wife thought for a while, and shook her head blankly (good): “No…My husband is usually in good health, but it became like this after having a meal in the restaurant last time. I kept shouting that I was uncomfortable, and it was like this today, so I hurriedly sent it over.”

Zhou Yuan’s expression became more serious.

He didn’t feel like he was touching porcelain… Subjectively, he said he had a stomachache, a headache, and what was uncomfortable. The doctor could not judge, and he could only consider it according to the main complaint of the patient.

But… the heart rate, blood pressure, these can be changed, but an ordinary person can’t get the drugs that can affect these!

“Get first aid right away!”

Zhou Yuan immediately began to prepare for the rescue medicine.

“Zhang Ling, take the patient’s family out, sign and explain! By the way, let the imaging department and the laboratory get ready!” Zhou Yuan said firmly.

His tone was unquestionable, and Zhang Ling in the rescue room was taken aback, and they did the same. .

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