Chapter 362

What does the deputy dean mean?

Yanjing International Hospital is a tertiary hospital approved by the state. It is not the same as the private hospitals under the Ding Mahui Group. The director over there may be just a hospital director.

But the vice president of Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine also has real power in the country!

In public hospitals, the dean is equivalent to a director-level cadre, and the vice-president is equivalent to a deputy director-level cadre.

Moreover, becoming the deputy dean is just a transition. Directly becoming the dean does not exist in the top three-tier hospitals such as Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine. The dean comes from the deputy dean and is promoted from several deputy deans. Coming up.

The extraordinary promotion of Zhou Yuan to deputy dean actually implies a signal… Zhou Yuan has been regarded as a candidate for the dean.

Which of the deans present was not over 50 or over 60, suddenly a 26-year-old kid popped out—to them, it was a kid, they were 30 years old. At that time, Zhou Yuan was just born…

However, what they didn’t expect was that Zhou Yuan justly refused…

This time, the vice presidents and chief directors who have been struggling about whether to break up Zhou Yuan’s promotion are embarrassed.

I have never dared to promote Zhou Yuan for fear of all kinds of rumors and pressure from fishing boats, but in fact, people are not willing to accept it!

Dean Fang coughed and said coldly; “Look, all of you want to be deputy deans. You spend all your time trying to promote your professional title, and you don’t study technology. Zhou Yuan doesn’t care at all! ”

Someone immediately cried: “Can we compare to Zhou Yuan?”

All the people present were arrogant people. Hearing someone said that he was inferior to others, he suddenly became unhappy.

But when I heard that I was inferior to Zhou Yuan, I was planning to stand up for the crime, and finally curled up and smiled: “Hey, it’s really incomparable…”

So, a serious meeting, discussed for a long time and finally announced the results, and then was confused by the party involved Zhou Yuan.

In the end, nothing was discussed in the meeting for over an hour.

After the meeting was over, Dean Fang leaned tiredly on the chair and began to think.

Zhou Yuan’s approach was actually what he expected.

Dean Fang knew exactly what Zhou Yuan needed, and his job title had never been within his scope of consideration.

When this guy was still an intern, didn’t he also feel at ease to perform operations that the chief physician couldn’t do, didn’t he care about his status as an intern at all?

Dean Fang is sure that if he doesn’t make an exception for promotion, Zhou Yuan may still be indifferent to the job title of an intern…

He gave Zhou Yuan the title of deputy dean, in fact, to give Zhou Yuan a signal that Yanjing Chinese Medicine is willing to give him everything he can give, as long as he speaks, let alone allocating laboratories and scientific research funds, this dean is You can be him.(Read more @

The deputy dean also has another title for some special talents who are suddenly promoted, the temporary deputy dean, which can be promoted to the dean at any time.

This unspoken rule is generally applied to some returnees. It will definitely cause dissatisfaction if it comes to be the chief director of a certain department. Therefore, we will arrange for a less obvious deputy director status and wait a few months before being promoted The chief director, directly in charge of a department. ,

And Zhou Yuan is amazing, he will be in charge of a tertiary hospital in a few months…

President Fang recalled carefully the days when Zhou Yuan came to Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine, and found it even more incredible.

How long has this been, half a year, why did Zhou Yuan upset Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Oh no, the whole medical world was stirred up by Zhou Yuan!

Dean Fang looked at his personal mobile phone.

Before, he thought it was Zhou Yuan’s honour to give Zhou Yuan his private number. How long has it been before Dean Fang started to be happy that he actually had Zhou Yuan’s private number!

You know, Shen Yuanjing, Richard and other international bigwigs still want to contact Zhou Yuan privately! Now I am counting on sending an email to Dean Fang, and then telling Zhou Yuan through Dean Fang…

Thinking of this, Dean Fang was a little bit stunned, clicked on Zhou Yuan’s number, and then sent a message in a casual manner: “Good morning~”.”

Zhou Yuan wrote back a few hours later: “It’s already noon.”

Dean Fang:…

You are procrastinating, isn’t it already noon in a few hours? !

Zhou Yuan is still a little baffling.

Is Dean Fang so idle? Why should I send myself a good morning?

It’s not as bad as Dean Fang’s dissatisfaction caused by his refusal to be deputy dean.

There are many reasons why he is not the deputy dean.

System is one aspect, energy is another aspect. Being a deputy dean has no practical meaning to him. He now has a lot of right to speak. Just talk about what he wants. Zhou Yuan’s current status is far better than those of the deputy deans. That’s it!

Why would you be a deputy dean if you are alright, and you won’t get a lot of salary increases.

Zhou Yuan rested in the office for a while, and was going to visit Qian Wei.

There has been no movement on Duan Hongwei, it seems that things have stopped, but Zhou Yuan always has a bad premonition.

At that time, the family members of the victims were so violent that it was impossible for Duan Hongwei to wake up in peace.

Judging from Zhou Yuan’s contact with Duan Hongwei and his wife during this period, Duan Hongwei is rich, but he is a very stingy one. Even the hard-earned money of the workers on his own construction site has to be exploited. Such people cannot spend money. Go to settle this matter.

Now that this possibility is ruled out, it seems abnormal that the victim’s family has been silent, and the current calm seems more like the peace before the storm.

However, Zhou Yuan can’t manage that much. Qian Wei’s depression, the death of the new thrombolytic drug behind Qian Haobo’s death, Zhao Han’s recovery, etc. all need to be dealt with. Zhou Yuan does not care about so much now.

When he arrived at Qian Wei’s clinic, Qian (of Zhao’s) Wei was still in a daze.

Qian Wei’s wife is still quiet beside her.

Qian Wei’s illness does not require any isolation or special care. Instead, he needs the encouragement of his relatives to overcome difficulties with him. In order to take care of Qian Wei, Qian Wei’s wife directly added a bed in the single ward, right next to Qian Wei. cross.

At this time, Qian Wei’s wife was sitting on the bed, manipulating the drawing board to draw on the bed table.

Unlike the last time, Qian Wei noticed Zhou Yuan’s arrival and cast a reluctant smile from a distance.

“¨ Doctor Zhou.” Qian Wei said weakly.

Qian Wei’s wife also came to say hello.

Zhou Yuan’s medical records also contained Lin Mingde’s research data. He wanted to take this opportunity to get close to depression patients.

It’s a superficial feeling on paper. From Lin Mingde’s research data, it is only theoretical knowledge. Zhou Yuan must experience and practice the specific situation. .

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