Chapter 363

This is a habit that has been cultivated since the beginning of medical students.

Every medical student, before starting to perform operations on people, has verified certain existing conclusions countless times on experimental animals such as mice, rabbits, and toads, and repeats some classic operations in textbooks.

Since the knowledge in the textbook can be used as a textbook to teach countless students, it is definitely more authoritative and accurate than Lin Mingde’s research data. Even so, medical students need to explore and verify it by themselves, not to mention the psychiatric department in Zhou Yuan’s hands. Research papers.

Zhou Yuan looked at Qian Wei: “Can we talk alone?”

The latter was stunned, grinned reluctantly, and nodded.

Qian Wei’s wife put down the drawing board and voluntarily walked out of the ward.

“What do you want to talk about?” Qian Wei said with a smile.

Although he looked tired, Qian Wei had tried hard to make himself look less unbearable.

Zhou Yuan could see that Qian Wei did take antidepressants on time during this period. The effect is still optimistic at present, at least he can take the initiative to talk to people now.

Those who are willing to take the initiative to communicate are okay. The most terrifying thing is those who say nothing. This type of depression is very serious and it is difficult to find the right medicine.

Zhou Yuan took out Lin Mingde’s research materials and showed Qian Wei the 070 data that can be found on the Internet on the previous pages.

The following research materials are all the results of Lin Mingde, and he cannot give it to others to see. This is a respect for Lin Mingde’s labor results and a respect for his trust.

Qian Wei was taken aback and took a look at the information.

“From the current point of view, our psychiatric medicine is facing various challenges: high prevalence of mental illness, high recurrence rate, high disability rate, high poverty rate, and low treatment rate. On the other hand, there is insufficient professional service force, few institutions, There are fewer beds, fewer professionals, and poor conditions. Challenges and opportunities also exist. Currently, country Z is also a good period for the development of psychiatric sciences in the world…”

Zhou Yuan didn’t hide it, and said straightforwardly: “I plan to do some research in this area.”

Qian Wei is a smart man and asked, “Are you going to make me a research object?”

Zhou Yuan nodded: “Yes. I don’t have much contact with mental illness now, so I lack experience in this area. I can’t leave the hospital to go to a special psychiatric hospital for research, and you happen to have depression. I want to observe you.”

Qian Wei smiled, this time with a sincere smile, and said, “I don’t think I still have some effect. Can other patients with depression be cured after the research is completed?”

Zhou Yuan did not answer directly this time. He hesitated and said, “It should not be possible. Depression is a worldwide disease, and mental illness has always been one of the most difficult to treat. A research report of mine cannot change the mind. The current state of the disease.”

Qian Wei was a little surprised, “Can’t even you do it?”(Read more @

His news is not blocked, he still understands Zhou Yuan’s achievements.

Can’t even a great doctor like Zhou Yuan do it?

He was a little lost, lowered his head and looked at the data in his hand.

The number of patients with mental health disorders worldwide has reached 100 million, and those with depression account for 300 million…

From 2005 to 2015, the number of people suffering from depression has increased by at least 18%, not to mention many people who have depression but conceal that they did not go to the hospital for treatment.

Approximately 60 million people in the world suffer from bipolar disorder. One of the serious mental illnesses, schizophrenia, has reached 21 million, and the number of patients affected by dementia exceeds 47.5 million…

This is an extremely large number, so that one can think of it at a glance, it turns out that in this seemingly peaceful world, so many people are struggling on the verge of death!

Their greatest enemy is themselves.

Qian Wei was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised his head, his eyes slightly dull: “Can’t a research paper change the status quo?”

Zhou Yuan was about to nod his head, but found that Qian Wei’s eyes suddenly became firm. He looked at Zhou Yuan and said forcefully, “Then two, three, thirty… so many people are waiting for your doctor to save. !”

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a few seconds and then laughed: “Yes. It will definitely solve these problems.”

The conversation between the two continued for an hour and a half.

Zhou Yuan mainly revolves around Qian Wei’s physical changes, such as whether the EEG has changed after suffering from depression, whether various organs have degeneration, whether the kidney and liver functions are abnormal, and so on.

The best thing he can do is surgery. In the end, he must focus on this aspect in solving mental illness.

Another reason is that mental illness similar to depression has little difference in emotions and mental states, and countless people have studied it, and Zhou Yuan is just an imitator no matter how hard it is.

Moreover, Zhou Yuan is not a person in the field of mental illness, and imitation is just a poor imitation…

For example, for depression, their state of mind is basically “not interested in anything, thinking that life is worthless, and the favorite food, fun, and favorite people can’t bring them happy mood.” I can’t turn my mind anymore, I can’t remember things, I just want to lie on the bed” and so on, there is no point in further research.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan intends to go slant and study some traceable physical changes, which can be regarded as returning to his old line.

After leaving Qian Wei’s ward, Zhou Yuan had Qian Wei’s inspection data and a video in his hand.

The examination data are mainly brain CT, cerebrovascular angiography, electroencephalogram and so on.

The video is a video of the conversation between the two.

Since it is a research, it must be observed repeatedly. Both of these are kept as records and will definitely come in handy in subsequent research.

He marked a number one on the two materials, which is the data of Qian Wei’s initial depression.

Of course, this is just one person, and even if there are any results, it cannot be used as data to support any theory.

But Zhou Yuan didn’t intend to do it overnight. He just wanted to find a certain pattern from Qian Wei, or to find an entry point.

Modern medicine can be said to be ignorant of depression. At present, some treatments are only for the blind to touch the elephant. Although the medicine is available, it is not a complete solution. Many depression patients take the medicine and relapse after stopping the medicine. Once and for all.

Zhou Yuan’s plan is simple: to find a cure for depression.

Of course, the idea is very simple, but it is extremely difficult to implement.

Like other fields, you know at any rate what kind of surgery you need to start and treat a certain disease.

But mental illness like depression is not the same, let alone start, you don’t even know where to start…

What Zhou Yuan is doing now is to find this point and then dig deeper along this point. .

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