Chapter 407

“This is too young…”

“I heard that Dr. Zhou Yuan is very young, and he was mentally prepared originally, but he was shocked to see the real person!”

“I heard that Doctor Zhou Yuan is very handsome. When I saw him, he was really handsome…”

Zhou Yuan walked over with a smile, enjoying the murmurs of appreciation around him.

The doctors in the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University are as friendly and discerning as Yanjing Chinese Medicine!

The little nurse who led the way was shy and looked back at Zhou Yuan from time to time. She didn’t know how many times she wanted to talk to each other along the way, but she felt too abrupt and missed it in the end.

“Here, Doctor Zhou~” The little nurse stopped.

This was the last chance. She plucked up the courage and said, “Doctor Zhou, can I ask if you have a girlfriend?”

Zhou Yuan was studying the details of the double lung transplantation in his head. Hearing these words, he subconsciously asked: “Why, the operation depends on whether there is a girlfriend? Is the hand stable?”

The little nurse blushed with fright when she drove off guard, and she ran away immediately.

The thoracic surgery doctors grinned: “She’s nonsense, of course you don’t need to see if there is a girlfriend.”

Someone came up and said, “Doctor Zhou, how do you take care of it? How come you look like a student who just left medical school?”

Jiang Li’s face was black: “He really just went out of medical school. It’s only half a year until today.”,



The smiles of the thoracic surgeons instantly solidified.

Two passing by interns were holding a half-meter-high medical record and preparing to go back to write. When they heard this, they were all stupid.

Fuck, the doctor from someone else’s family started flying knives as soon as he left school, and he was honored by the head of our thoracic surgery department, and we were still writing medical records hard!

In an instant, these two young people who had not experienced social beatings were a little bit enthusiastic, and they even felt that they could challenge the most difficult surgery.

Jiang Li’s face was dark again, and he turned around and cursed: “Have you mastered the two basic skills? Can stitches leak?”(Read more @

The two of them seemed to be stuck in the pain, lowered their heads again, and ran away griefly.

After a brief welcome ceremony, Zhou Yuan and others gathered in the conference room.

This time I deal with patients with pulmonary purulent infection, which is less difficult than the original mother. At least the patient’s lungs will not become as hard as a stone, and the resection procedure will be much easier.

“Patient Chen Jianguo, age 67, male sex. After removing the primary lesion in our hospital, his symptoms did not improve, airway secretions and necrotic mucosa increased, airway wounds were infected, and purulent lung infections were irreversible. .”

“Also, it also caused sepsis, which improved after long-term treatment. Now only lung disease remains. If lung transplantation is not performed as soon as possible, purulent infection may endanger the kidneys and liver and directly affect the lives of patients.”

Zhou Yuan looked at Chen Jianguo’s medical records and his expression became more serious.

The patient’s white blood cells are around 40,000, which is much higher than the value of normal people. The neutrophils responsible for phagocytosis of pathogens are increased, and poisoned particles are also accumulated in the body.

Serological examination showed that the patient was PCR-positive for Legionella pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia cold set at 1:37, and the sputum was increased and abnormal, which is a typical late symptom of pulmonary purulent infection.

More serious is the patient’s lungs.

After lung CT examination, it was found that the lungs were severely injured, the wound was infected with invasiveness, and purulent thrombophlebitis occurred, and the pulmonary blood vessels were also inflamed, which would cause the blood flowing through this blood vessel to be contaminated and sepsis The formation is related to this.

Moreover, the patient’s alveoli were also infected, causing the inhaled gas to fail to enter the blood normally. The patient’s alveoli were filled with purulent infection, and the basic functions of the lungs have been lost.

In other words, there is no need for Chen Jianguo’s lungs to be recovered. He can only undergo lung transplantation, which is a double lung transplant.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath and asked, “How is the condition of the donor lung?”

The key to the success of double-lung transplantation is not only the recipient, but also the condition of the donor lung. If the donor lung is in good condition, the success rate of the operation will be doubled.

The success of the lung transplantation of Chuchu’s mother is largely due to the good protection of Chuchu’s father’s lungs, which is far superior to other old and damaged lung sources.

Jiang Li was silent for a moment before he said, “The donor is only one year old. The lungs are in excellent condition.”

Zhou Yuan was stunned: “One year old?!”

“I fell off the bed during a nap and suffered brain damage. The rescue was invalid and the brain death was declared. Her parents donated her organs on her behalf. Three people have been rescued. This is the fourth… and two more. A cornea will also be given to the other two successfully matched patients. She will save the lives of four people and let two people regain the light.”

Jiang Li is usually a seldom talker, but at this time he couldn’t help but say a few more words.

The sensation caused by this incident was really too great. Even the newspapers and the media paid attention to this incident. The Red Cross and the Organ Donation Center interviewed Lingling’s parents after consulting with them.

The purpose is actually very simple. It is to allow more people to participate in organ donation.

The same is turned into a dust, or buried on the ground, why not let other people live on their behalf and give them a chance to feel the world?

Even Jiang Li, who is in his fifties, has never encountered a donor like Lingling in his medical career. This can be regarded as the most impressive patient he has not met since his medical career.

Zhou Yuan nodded silently, staring at Chen Jianguo’s film, and solemnly said: “¨I will try my best.”

After a brief modification, the double lung transplantation was performed at one o’clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Yuan spent four hours on the plane, and after only one hour of rest, he started the operation without delay.

Lung transplantation cannot be delayed. Although there are ways to store the lung source, the earlier the transplantation of the donor lung, the higher the success rate of the operation and the better the function of the donor lung.

Jiang Li and the other thoracic surgeons were ready to enter the operating room.

Those who can enter the operating room are some excellent advanced doctors, the lowest are senior attending physicians, the others are deputy directors, directors, and Jiang Li, the chief director.

The chief director is a special position in some hospitals, in charge of multiple directors. Strictly speaking, there is no such position in the professional system, but for the convenience of management, and the chief physician has basically reached the end of his career, in order to stimulate doctors to continue to study At the same time, it also widened the gap between the chief physicians, and the chief director appeared.

At this time, these excellent doctors are not only surgical assistants, but also students, and doctors in charge of patients.

Jiang Li and others stood solemnly beside the operating table, quietly waiting for Zhou Yuan to announce the start of the operation. especially.

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