Chapter 408

As for the patient Chen Jianguo, his condition is very bad. He has been using a ventilator to maintain his life in the past few days. He has already entered a coma and is waiting for Zhou Yuan to start the operation and be anesthetized.

Even in a state of unconsciousness such as coma, shock, etc., in order to prevent the patient from waking up suddenly during the operation, anesthesia is still required.

Moreover, there is a fundamental difference between anesthesia and a coma.

Anesthesia directly isolates the patient’s response to external stimuli, while coma just loses consciousness, and the stress response is likely to still exist

Although the comatose patients seem to be unaware, this does not mean that such patients will not respond to adverse external noxious stimuli.

Even patients in a coma will have obvious stress responses such as increased blood pressure and increased heart rate when they are subjected to noxious stimuli. These are all harmful to the body. Therefore, the operation of such patients also requires anesthesia.

“Doctor Zhou, ready.” Jiang Li looked at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan just stood in the middle of the operating room, but Jiang Li felt from him the depression that he once felt in Professor Chen Jingyu.

This is something unspeakable, as intangible as temperament, but it is real.

“Go ahead.” Zhou Yuan said in a deep voice.

The anesthesiologist stepped forward and took a look at the time. After recording the operation time, the first needle anesthesia started.

The anesthesia of comatose patients is relatively difficult to control. Most people can judge whether the dose of anesthesia is appropriate through consciousness, but coma patients themselves are not aware. How to judge?

Only rough guesses can be made based on some stressful reactions.

Of course, this kind of guess is actually quite accurate. Even the stress response has disappeared, and the anesthesia effect is naturally excellent.

After almost ten minutes, the anesthetic finally took effect, and the anesthesiologist stepped aside.

Zhou Yuan did not hesitate and started the operation the moment after the anesthesia was completed.

Before the operation, the patient has completed various examinations, including cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography, etc., and is considered fully prepared.

Compared with the last double lung transplantation, the situation is much better this time. Whether it is the health of the donor lung or the recipient’s own condition, it is considered relatively optimistic.

Before the anesthesia, the patient had completed the intubation. At this moment, the Swan-Ganz catheter was placed in Chen Jianguo’s pulmonary artery, and an epidural catheter was also preset.

Epidural catheters have little effect during surgery, and are mainly used for postoperative analgesia.

Chen Jianguo is in the supine position, with his arms fixed on the anesthesia stand above his head to prevent blocking the operation field and hindering the operation.

Zhou Yuan held a scalpel and completed the marking, and cut Chen Jianguo’s chest cavity in the middle of the upper abdomen along the position of the marker pen. Then he began to free the greater omentum, dividing the greater omentum into two omental pedicles longitudinally. .

The omental pedicle is rich in blood vessels, and the blood supply of each vascular pedicle needs to be preserved when it is free, and because it is easy to damage here, special attention needs to be paid.

This time, Zhou Yuan’s heart was calmer and he was able to concentrate more on the operation.(Read more @

Zhou Yuan was actually reluctant to perform the operation of his mother at the beginning, but there was no way. He was the only one in the hospital who could do it, and he had to do it.

What doctors are most afraid of are patients who have a relationship with them. There is also an unwritten rule among surgeons that they do not perform operations on their family members or friends.

Because the family members are lying on the operating table, it is difficult for doctors to calm down and worry too much about accidents, but the more worried they are, the more likely they are to happen.

Because of emotions, the doctor lost his calm and objective judgment, which is an extremely important thing on the operating table.

There used to be a famous neurosurgery doctor. His mentor’s daughter had a sudden illness and needed an operation, so he found this neurosurgery doctor. Because of the kindness between the mentor and his mentor, the famous doctor could only follow.

However, on the operating table, after the anesthesia was completed, the famous doctor asked his disciple to prepare the surgeon. At that time, his original words were: fear of failure of the operation, leaving a lifetime shadow.

The disciple’s medical skills were not as good as him, but even so he chose to escape, because he was too afraid of failure and couldn’t even concentrate on the operation, so he had to let the disciple replace him.

Zhou Yuan and Chuchu are not related. Even at the time of the operation, it can only be said that they met by the water. It has nothing to do with Chuchu’s mother. However, the red candy that Chuchu gave really moved Zhou Yuan. Let Zhou Yuan have a sense of responsibility for Chu Chu.

Fortunately, the operation ended perfectly.

This time, the patient had nothing to do with Zhou Yuan, and he was able to deal with it calmly.

Jiang Li stood by as a helper, assisting in providing surgical fields and passing equipment.

“Doctor Zhou, I’ll help you cross your sternum…”

Zhou Yuan: “No, just give me bone clamps.”

“Doctor Zhou, I’ll help you isolate your right lung…”

Zhou Yuan: “No, just cut the tissue for me.”

“Doctor Zhou, I’m coming…”

“No, just stand by.”

Holding the vascular forceps in his hand, Jiang Li was rushed to the side by Zhou Yuan with a dazed expression on his face.

What am I…

I am a helper! How can you be like the doctors who come to observe? !

From the beginning of the operation, there was no blood on my gloves, so I took care of bringing the instruments to Zhou Yuan in the surgical tray…

“Doctor Jiang, help me open my chest wall.” Zhou Yuan said.

Jiang Li ran over with excitement, and finally put his hands into the patient’s chest and pulled the chest wall apart.

Half an hour after the operation, Jiang Li’s gloves were finally stained with blood…

The fifty-something old doctor was as excited as the intern on the operating table, “Doctor Zhou, in fact, I can not only help pull the chest wall, but I can also cut the lung lobes…”

Zhou Yuan interrupted him: “Pull it better, you can’t see the lung lobes anymore.”

Jiang Li immediately corrected his body: “Good!”

Observing intern:…

“Fuck… how did our chief director become like this?”

“I seem to see how I was disgusted by him during the operation with the chief director!”

“Look, look, the little aggrieved eyes of the chief director!”

Jiang Li:? ? ?

I’m so…

Is it because I, the chief director, is too old to lift the knife, or think that my ears are not working well? !

Are you complaining behind me!

“Chen Li and Wang Sheng, are you going to be promoted to deputy director recently? Hand in some papers for me to see.” Jiang Li said with a smile.

In the operating room, the two senior physicians immediately trembled and regretted.

A doctor’s thesis is something more scary than a difficult operation… If the direction is not chosen well, sometimes it may not be possible to encounter an operation that can be included in the thesis in three or four years.

Buying one million papers is not uncommon in the medical world…

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