Chapter 433

Jiang Xiaoqi couldn’t help thinking, if she really wanted to compete with Lu Chenxi and others, would she have an advantage?

She suddenly hated herself for not being good enough. In front of the people she liked, everyone would become inferior. Even Jiang Xiaoqi’s family background and the beauty of his resume far exceeded Zhou Yuan.

But in fact, when facing Zhou Yuan, in front of Zhou Yuan, who is able to perform a series of difficult operations independently with a bunch of titles, no one can not be inferior, right?

Jiang Xiaoqi doesn’t think she is better than Lu Chenxi, Sun Meng and others, but it’s not bad.

For so many years, Jiang Xiaoqi has been waiting for a suitable person. Even after going to the open country M, she did not relax herself at all. She has not been in close contact with the opposite sex. She is still a first-time girl, but today seems to be waiting?

Jiang Xiaoqi had performed many operations with Zhou Yuan. Every time Jiang Xiaoqi had no special feelings before, but today, after Zhou Yuan said that “the operation started” with that sharp look in his eyes, Jiang Xiaoqi knew that she might have fallen…

“Don’t be in a daze. Lie on your back and rotate your head forty-five degrees to the opposite side.”

Zhou Yuan’s voice made Jiang Xiaoqi come back to her senses. She immediately adjusted her state and became a genius doctor on the operating table again.

Jiang Xiaoqi’s surgical skills are not bad. Of course, this is compared with other doctors. Jiang Xiaoqi felt a sense of oppression in front of Zhou Yuan, for fear that Zhou Yuan would scold herself when he saw that he was uncomfortable with the operation…

Zhou Yuan is also qualified to pick up Jiang Xiaoqi’s surgery.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan remained silent, and Jiang Xiaoqi let out a long sigh of relief when she finished her work.

It’s so good that I haven’t been scolded…

and many more!

I’m the deputy chief physician, Zhou Yuan is still a minor attendant now, why should I be afraid of him? ! !

No, I am Gao Leng’s deputy chief physician, and I will soon be promoted to chief physician. I must maintain my posture and I must not be influenced by Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan: “Good job.”

Jiang Xiaoqi suddenly felt that she was going to float, and asked in spite of her image: “Really? Really!”

Zhou Yuan nodded silently.

If you don’t look at it from the point of view of his master-level medical skills, and just look at it by ordinary people’s standards, Jiang Xiaoqi’s operations are indeed impeccable, and it is not difficult to achieve the level of national experts with such medical skills.

The so-called experts and industry leaders are mostly ordinary people who are struggling. After all, he is the only person who is talented and carries a plug-in like Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan ignored Jiang Xiaoqi, took the scalpel, and separated the scalp along the mark he made before.

The resection of brainstem tumors is very complicated. First of all, it is necessary to open the skull to expose the brainstem of the patient so that the surgical instruments can approach the depths of the brain.

There are five ways of craniotomy alone, such as the subtemporal intradural approach, the transfrontal orbital zygomatic temporal intradural approach, or the preauricular infratemporal fossa approach, and the resection of the brain through the tentorium cerebellar notch. Tumor and so on.

Zhou Yuan chose to open the craniotomy from the subtemporal dura to go deep into the brain.(Read more @

In addition, finding the tumor is not easy.

If the surgery is done well and the location of the tumor is good, the tumor may be seen as soon as the brain is opened. If the location is not good, it may be hidden deep in the brain.

In other parts, you may be able to use tweezers to pull the tissue apart, exposing the tumor, but it is impossible to move the brain with instruments!

Without the protection of the hard skull, the soft skull is extremely fragile!

In this case, many doctors will be trembling and it is difficult to get the knife.

However, Zhou Yuan’s hand was very steady, and without any hesitation, he dropped the scalpel and carefully cut his scalp.

Yang Lin had already shaved his head before the operation, and there was no hair hindrance for the craniotomy.

Zhou Yuan began to perform regular temporal flaps and bone flaps, biting off the lower part of the temporal part, and extending to the front of the middle cranial fossa before stopping.

He put down the equipment and carefully polished off the outside of the sphenoid spine.

If the sphenoid bone is to be removed, it will inevitably shake Yang Lin’s brain severely. The skull is very hard.

So Zhou Yuan chose to grind away.

After almost ten minutes, the subcutaneous retina finally appeared.

Zhou Yuan picked up the scalpel again and cut the dura mater.

Xiao Xuemo moved the microscope over and aimed at the dura area. Zhou Yuan separated the sylvian fissure under the microscope.


Zhou Yuan took the retractor and retracted the temporal lobe and frontal lobe, exposing the anterior and middle part of the middle cranial fossa.

The brain stem is located deeper, and it is obviously not enough to expose the anterior and middle part of the middle cranial fossa.

Zhou Yuan gradually lifted the temporal lobe from the outside to the inside.

“Teacher, you come.” Zhou Yuan said.

His task is to expand the surgical field to the brainstem area, and his hands need to be freed to continue the operation.

He Jian nodded and carefully pulled the temporal lobe with the retractor.

At this moment, a blood vessel was suddenly exposed, and the tight blood vessel seemed to burst at any time!

Zhou Yuan’s face changed slightly, and he quickly said, “Stop!”

He Jianyi immediately stabilized his hand and looked under the temporal lobe, where the Labbé vein was quietly stuck there.

Labbé vein is the meridian connecting the superior sagittal sinus and the lateral sinus. It is a thick communicating vein with various shapes. Single-stem, double-stem and multiple-stem are not uncommon, and single-stem and double-stem are often There are many subtypes, and different types of Labbé veins have different clinical significance.

All in all, the Labbé vein is a very important vein. If it is damaged, intraoperative bleeding, negative brain pressure, etc. may occur.

“It’s difficult to lift. Labbé vein and frontal lobe are stuck together.” He Jianyi frowned.

It seems not going well at the beginning…

During the separation, the Labbé vein can be directly separated from the frontal lobe. However, adhesions may occur in some patients. At this time, the surgeon is required to perform the operation.

Xiao Xuemo fell silent.

Things are really not going well!

Isn’t it a joke to have an operation between the Labbé vein and the temporal lobe?

Although on the surface it only needs to be clear of the adhesion organization between the two, but if you cut a little more and the strength is slightly inappropriate, it may cause irreversible damage!

If the frontal lobe is damaged, it is equivalent to damaging the brain. What kind of functions the ghost knows will damage the patient, maybe it will directly damage the patient’s sexual function?

He accidentally made a small incision in Labbé’s vein…

Cerebral hemorrhage, regardless of the length of time, will inevitably cause damage to the brain tissue, and the necrosis of the brain tissue is irreversible, that is, it will inevitably bring sequelae to the patient!

Do you still have to have a hard operation at this time? .

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