Chapter 434

Due to the high difficulty of the operation, many doctors can only admit that they are unlucky in this situation, but the operation has already started and it is impossible to stop like this.

So most doctors will choose to re-select an opening.

In other words, it means to make a hole in another part of the patient’s brain and re-select the surgical angle…

This can also solve the problem, but the patient will get more stabs for no reason, but the risk of reopening the craniotomy is lower than that of the Labbé vein.

Compared with this, the injury caused by the second craniotomy to the patient is much less.

After all, Labbé’s venous operation failed either for a vegetative or permanent loss of some of the patient’s functions. Re-opening the craniotomy would at best be unable to perform surgery to replenish it.

But for Zhou Yuan, there does not seem to be the problem of high surgical difficulty…

Zhou Yuan’s adhesion directly below the frontal lobe prevented a V-shaped incision. This incision is different from the Y-shaped incision, and it is less susceptible to injury and less likely to cause venous return disorder.

There are not too many bells and whistles in this step. What can be done is done. If it can’t be done, it will be difficult to learn how to do it~.

Xiao Xuemo: “Nima, is this all right?”

Looking at the separated Labbé vein, Xiao Xuemo, director of brain surgery-began to doubt life.

Why does Zhou Yuan’s difficult Labbé vein peeling like peeling a banana?

This is too smooth!

It was said that it was not good to be a teacher, but Zhou Yuan was easily resolved by Zhou Yuan!

“Oh, then I will lift up the frontal lobe.”

In contrast, He Jianyi’s expression was very numb. He seemed to have never doubted after Zhou Yuan said that he was going to be separated. Now that the separation is complete, he immediately reopened the frontal lobe.

“The skill field is good, you can continue to go deeper.” Lu Chenxi said.

Zhou Yuan nodded, approaching the brain stem little by little.

It is difficult to judge the nature of the tumor after it is actually touched, and it is difficult to see it through filming alone.

However, because the patient’s tumor location is too special, conventional needle biopsy cannot be performed, and the tumor can only be found during the operation and then judged on the spot.

Therefore, the final tumor resection plan actually depends on the clinical judgment of the surgeon.

The only benefit is that Yang Lin’s internal carotid artery is in good condition, so there is no need to worry about the internal carotid artery damage due to the increased pressure of the internal carotid artery during brain surgery.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Yuan finally expanded his surgical field to the brain stem.

The brain stem is located between the spinal cord and the diencephalon, and is a small part of the central nervous system. It has an irregular columnar shape.

From bottom to top, it consists of three parts: medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain. The medulla oblongata is connected to the spinal cord, and the injured human body will have high paraplegia.

This part is relatively easy to find, but even so, it still took twenty minutes.

“The tumor is found.”

After a while, Zhou Yuan said with some surprise.(Read more @

“So fast?!”

Xiao Xuemo and others were extremely surprised.

Zhou Yuan: “The location of the tumor is better.”

Jiang Xiaoqi: “No, you chose a good location for the operation, otherwise it would not be so easy to find.”

He Jianyi and others nodded.

The location of the tumor is actually for the surgical field. If it happens to be in the surgical field and it is convenient for surgery, it is a good surgical field.

Zhou Yuan’s surgical location was chosen well, and the tumor naturally happened to be in the area covered by the surgical field.

“Centimetres.” Xiao Xuemo said after taking the measurement.

Zhou Yuan nodded and immediately began pathological analysis of the tumor with the help of a microscope.

There are many types of tumors, and different resection methods should be selected according to different types.

For example, tumors are extremely rich in blood vessels, and preoperative embolization must be performed to prevent massive bleeding during tumor resection, thereby infecting the entire tissue.

However, some patients with strong infection ability also need to be isolated in advance to avoid accidents such as tissue infiltration during the operation.

“It can be cut directly.”

Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the tumor was found early. Although the location is not optimistic, the condition of the tumor is still good.

If it’s the kind of tumor that can’t be cut, and can’t be pumped, Yang Lin really won’t be saved.

You need to know that the location of the tumor is the brainstem, how can it be removed, other methods are also more violent, and direct resection with a scalpel is the most gentle…

Xiao Xuemo was relieved when he heard Zhou Yuan’s judgment.

This is also part of the risk of surgery. If the condition of the tumor is also poor, then Yang Lin is destined to be hopeless.

“The question now is…how to remove the tumor?”

After Xiao Xuemo calmed down, he asked again.

He Jianyi, Lu Chenxi and others were silent.

········· Ask for flowers···································································

Yes, how do you remove the tumor? !

Above the brain stem are cranial nerves, with nerve nuclei on the surface.

Starting from the boundary, from the inside to the outside are the somatomotor nucleus, the special visceral motor nucleus, the general visceral motor nucleus, the general visceral sensory nucleus, the special visceral sensory nucleus, the general somatosensory nucleus and the special somatosensory nucleus.

The motor nucleus mainly controls the movement, and the sensory nucleus is the distribution of sensations.

For example, if the oculomotor nerve nucleus on the brainstem is damaged, the inner levator, superior rectus, and medial rectus muscles will be damaged, and the human body will not be able to complete the blinking action.

If various sensory nuclei are damaged, there is a possibility of loss of hearing, loss of tactile pressure in the mouth, and loss of pain, temperature, taste and so on in the body.

It is conceivable that the importance of the brain stem…

. 0 …….

Xiao Xuemo looked rather serious, and said, “The biggest problem now is how to remove the tumor without harming the brainstem… Brainstem tumor surgery has a nickname in our department, which is called a dead one. Basically, the tumor grows here. For local patients, none of us will have surgery.”

“Because instead of surgery, it is better to rely on drugs to support, so that at least you can live like a normal person for a few months!”

Zhou Yuan said in a low voice: “Yang Lin’s brainstem tumor is lower and close to the spinal cord. If it continues to develop, the tumor compresses the spinal cord, Yang Lin will directly face high paraplegia, and even cause death from respiratory failure. He hasn’t had a few months.”

“Even he may not be able to survive the New Year.” Zhou Yuan said.

Chinese New Year?

This word silenced the people in the operating room.

At this moment, they also felt a deep sense of responsibility. What lay on the operating table was not something cold, but a living person, a man waiting to be reunited!

“Can he go back after Chinese New Year?” Jiang Xiaoqi asked.

Zhou Yuan nodded and said: “Yes. The doctor who sent him said that his performance is very good. Although his sentence is not full, he is allowed to return home during the Chinese New Year. For the people of Z, Chinese New Year is the most important thing. ”

The operating room was quiet again.

After a while, Xiao Xuemo asked: “Then have you figured out a way?”

“There is almost no difference between the tumor and the brain tissue. It is completely impossible to remove the tumor perfectly without harming the brain tissue!!”

However, at this moment, Zhou Yuan smiled slightly: “Who said it’s impossible?” Shao.

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