Chapter 435

Originally, Xiao Xuemo only asked tentatively, but he didn’t think Zhou Yuan had any ideas.

The biggest difficulty in brain tumor surgery is here. In the face of tumors that are almost the same as brain tissue, doctors often prefer to cut less and never make mistakes.

In addition to removing the tumor as much as possible, Zhou Yuan shouldn’t have any solutions, right?

But Zhou Yuan seems to have another idea! !

Zhou Yuan tilted his head to look at the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist who had been in charge of checking the patient’s health stood up and walked to the operating table.

“This is…” Xiao Xuemo didn’t understand what Zhou Yuan meant.

I saw the anesthesiologist gently tap the patient’s face to wake up.

Xiao Xuemo was shocked at once, this is still undergoing surgery, what does it mean to wake up the patient!

He just wanted to stop it, but found that Zhou Yuan was nothing unusual. Is this Zhou Yuan allowed? !

Xiao Xuemo resisted the urge to stop the anesthesiologist, and asked, “What is this going to do…”

The anesthesiologist was also wearing a mask, and his voice seemed a little vague, saying: “I specially reduced the dose when I was doing anesthesia before the operation, which can ensure that the patient will not feel the pain of the operation, and will not enter a deep anesthesia state, so as to wake up during the operation. .”

Wake up during surgery…

As soon as the word came out, everyone in the operating room was stunned.

Xiao Xuemo is okay. He is the director of brain surgery. He has been paying attention to various cutting-edge surgical technologies in the world, so he has heard of intraoperative wake-ups, but He Jianyi and Jiang Xiaoqi are a little unclear.

Although Jiang Xiaoqi returned from studying abroad, she studied emergency medicine and did not know much about the in-depth field of brain surgery. It is natural to not know what is intraoperative arousal.

Even Xiao Xuemo, the director of brain surgery, subconsciously blocked the anesthesiologist’s actions. He didn’t react until he uttered the term “intraoperative awakening”. One can imagine how small the audience of this technique is.

“Wake up during surgery…Have you learned?” Xiao Xuemo looked at the anesthesiologist.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the image of this obscure anesthesiologist suddenly became taller…

The anesthesiologist shook his head: “No.”

Xiao Xuemo:? ? ?

The anaesthetist said, “Dr. Zhou asked me to wake him up. The operation was done by Dr. Zhou, and I was called a bed.”

Zhou Yuan:? ? ?(Read more @

Is this plausible?

Waking up can be abbreviated as “Bed?” !

Jiang Xiaoqi said silently: “Don’t speak badly.”

Although the male doctors in the operating room sometimes talk about pornography to reconcile the atmosphere, there are also equipment nurses.

The other party is a young girl, no better than some old nurses who can prescribe a yellow tone even better than a male doctor. Jiang Xiaoqi could see the little nurse’s blush through the dense mask.

The anesthesiologist heard the deputy director Jiang Xiaoqi speak, and immediately became honest.

During the awakening process, Jiang Xiaoqi became more and more confused: “Zhou Yuan, is intraoperative awakening a new technology?”

Zhou Yuan shook his head: “No. To be precise, the earliest application may have been for ten or twenty years, but it has not been used clinically.”

“What do you mean, wake up the patient for surgery?”

“Yes. Awakening the patient during neurosurgery is a conscious craniotomy. The traditional craniotomy after anesthesia is like repairing a machine according to the procedure. It is fixed wherever it is to be removed and repaired, but when it is consciously Under the circumstances, it can be clear which parts should be removed and which parts need to be preserved.”

Traditional brain tumor resection of functional areas may be difficult to completely remove or damage to the functional areas of the brain, causing patients to have sequelae such as hemiplegia, aphasia, and blindness, and the recurrence rate after surgery is high.

This is exactly what Xiao Xuemo worries about.

However, the intraoperative wake-up technique can wake the patient from anesthesia, and the use of neuroelectric victory technology to accurately locate the important functional areas of the brain and explore the relationship between the lesion and the functional area can achieve the purpose of removing the tumor and retaining the functional area to the maximum.

To put it simply, it is to electrically stimulate the functional area of ​​the patient’s brain, stimulating a certain place, if the patient gives a response, then it means that this is the functional area of ​​the brain and needs to be avoided. And if the patient does not move after the stimulation, it may be a tumor, or it may be a useless area of ​​the brain.

This can at least ensure that the patient’s functional area will not be damaged.

Moreover, the modern anesthesia surgery function can effectively ensure that the patient has no memory of the operation process, which means that after the operation, the patient can forget everything that happened during the operation, and it also avoids the possibility of mental injury to the patient caused by intraoperative wake-up… …

After all, if you accidentally see from the brightly polished shadowless lamp that your brain is cut open, everyone will have a psychological shadow…

However, the scope of application of intraoperative wake-up is extremely narrow. It can only be used in the field of neurosurgery. At the same time, it can only play a role in the resection of brain tumors.

This depends on the special structure of the brain.

The human brain does not have pain nerves, so intraoperative awakening of the brain will not cause pain to the patient, but if it is an intraoperative awakening with a broken hand or foot, let alone whether it is useful, the patient will first be fainted by the pain.

“Doctor Zhou, it’s done.”

The anesthesiologist immediately pushed aside and began to conduct electron microscopic monitoring.

Xiao Xuemo stared, “You can still monitor with electron microscope?!”

Electron microscope monitoring is a specialized subject, which is similar to the difference between brain surgery and anesthesiology. When will anesthesiologists be able to perform electron microscope monitoring part-time? !

The anesthesiologist looked bitterly at the electron microscope, “I was forced…I won’t have food if I don’t work part-time.”

Xiao Xuemo: “…”

Zhou Yuan returned to the position of the surgeon and proceeded to perform the craniotomy with intraoperative awakening.

Xiao Xuemo hadn’t slowed down yet, and said: “Intraoperative awakening is a very difficult technique. I plan to learn it too, but there has been no suitable opportunity.”

Zhou Yuan shook his head.

In fact, the value of awakening during learning is not too great.

Intraoperative awakening can only play a role in the past ten years, or a few years. Because the current medical technology cannot accurately locate the functional areas of the brain when the patient’s consciousness disappears, it is the second choice to choose intraoperative awakening.

The development of modern technology is very rapid, especially medical technology, it is very likely that in the next few years, there will be high-tech equipment that can replace awakening during surgery.

High-cost learning can’t bring much benefit. Instead of working hard to master the intraoperative wake-up, it is better to work on other aspects.

Zhou Yuan will wake up during the operation, which is completely incidental to the master brainstem resection.

What’s more, the requirement for anesthesiologists to wake up during surgery is also extremely high. .

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