Chapter 449

When it really came to an end, the Samakas began to notice when Monica became ill.

Since the paralysis only occurs after weaning off the breast milk, what about resuming breast milk?

Samaka specially hired a lactator to give Cecilia hormones, and finally started feeding again. However, Monica’s symptoms did not get any better, instead they got worse over time.

At this moment, the Samaka family is really desperate.

In the past six years, they have tried all the methods, but still no one can give Monica a mystery.

It is impossible to even diagnose the cause of the disease, let alone cure it.

“Didn’t the Health Center of Country M have not given us a reply? Maybe they really have a way.” Cecilia seemed to be comforting her husband, as well as comforting herself.

Samaka smiled bitterly.

Two years ago, at the suggestion of a neurosurgeon, Samaka took Monica to the M Health Center.

The Health Center of Country M is a medical research institution of the government of Country M. About ten years ago, this institution initiated a project called “Undiagnosed Diseases” for these diseases of unknown etiology, which specifically diagnoses rare or unusual diseases People.

In the past ten years, the Health Center of Country M has indeed made a great contribution to human diseases. Many diseases that other hospitals can’t do anything can be solved here.

Monica stayed in the Health Center of Country M for ten days. During these ten days, the doctors of the Health Center of Country M performed detailed examinations on every system and part of Monica’s body, but they still failed to give Give a clear answer,

The Samaka family can only go back to Eight Salona and wait, and this wait lasts for two years.

“I have urged those guys from the Health Center of Country M many times…” Samaka was about to scold, but suddenly realized that this might be his wife’s last hope, so she quickly changed her words: “Maybe Monica’s illness It’s really complicated, those guys are still studying.”

“The IBRO Foundation annual meeting speech will be held tomorrow, and there will be an international clinical skills competition, when the world’s elite doctors will come to us.” Cecilia whispered.

Samaka frowned, “This competition is for doctors under the age of forty-five years old. They are not experienced enough to be able to do it.”

Monica’s disease makes the Samakas particularly sensitive to medical-related things, so they all know about the IBRO International Awards, the annual meeting and the clinical skills competition.

“The protagonist of this annual meeting is a national Z, a very young man, who seems to be only twenty-six years old.”

Samaka was taken aback for a moment: “Twenty-six years old? Isn’t there any discovery of high gold content in this year’s IBRO International Awards?”

I can’t blame Samaka for thinking so.(Read more @

The previous IBRO international awards have basically pressed the 45-year-old line. Of course, there are also 30-something winners. They have basically studied in a certain field for more than ten years, and some seniors support them.

The twenty-six-year-old winner is simply unheard of!

Besides, it’s not long after graduating from university at this age, right? The research ability of college students is generally poor, how can they come up with amazing scientific research results!

Scientific research is no better than others. In this field, luck is a part, but even if luck is good, you must have enough strength to support it!

Seeing her husband, who had always been knowledgeable, began to doubt at this moment, Cecilia couldn’t help but laughed and said, “No, on the contrary, this year’s IBRO International Awards may be the best in recent decades.”

“A thing from the National Brain Organization Xuezang that had been researched for 20 years was conquered by a 37-year-old professor.”

“There is also Msde from Country M, who is known as the most promising professor under the age of 45 to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, and is also a candidate for this IBRO International Prize. There is also our country’s neurosurgery master Mo In the field of neurosurgery, even if he has a reputation all over the world, he is also one of the candidates…”

Samaka was startled.

He has been in contact with Modri ​​and Msde, and the two have also helped Monica diagnose. Although in the end there is no conclusion, according to Samaka, he also knows that the medical skills of these two people are absolutely top-notch!

The real master will not be suspected for being helpless against a certain disease, on the contrary, the disease will become famous because of the inability of many masters.

Modri ​​and Msde are such masters who don’t need to doubt medical skills. They have too many people. Their inability to do anything about Monica can only show that Monica’s condition is really beyond human power.

“What are the results of their research this time?”

“One is the mechanism of action of glial cells, and the other is the pharmacology of synaptic obstruction…”

“They are all global problems, and they are basically difficult to overcome in the medical field at present. Who is the 26-year-old national Z and what has he researched?” Samaka asked.

Over the years, in addition to arranging the work of the Olympic Committee, he has been busy contacting famous doctors all over the world every day to find a cure. Naturally, he has no time to take care of these.

Cecilia said: “In the field of brain science, guess which aspect of his research?”

Samaka said: “In the field of brain science…Molecular neurobiology? Or systems neurobiology?”

The six branches of brain science research are easier to produce research results in these two fields. For other branches, such as behavioral neurobiology and developmental neurobiology, it may take more than ten years or decades to observe experimental results. The long period of time is definitely not something that a 26-year-old scholar can make.

No matter how powerful Zhou Yuan is, it is impossible to violate the laws of biological development.

Cecilia said: “It’s a little bit related to system neurobiology and molecular neurobiology. He is studying depression.”


“Yes, depression. It is said to study the lateral habenula or something, and I don’t know the specific situation.” Cecilia said.

Samaka nodded: “No wonder he won. Depression has been stuck for many years, and there has been no progress. If he can really research something, it is not impossible to win the IBRO award… By the way, what is his name? ”

“Zhou Yuan.”

The room fell silent again.

As if sensing that Samaka and Cecilia were in the room, the six-year-old Monia woke up and turned.

“Dad, mother.” Monica rubbed her eyes, her tone lazily.

A look of joy appeared on Cecilia’s face, and she was about to go up to pick up Monica. Suddenly, Monica twitched, and then she went into a paralyzed state again.

At this moment, Cecilia’s smile solidified, she seemed to be a little broken, and looked at Samaka: “Samarca, try again at the end, let these contestants save our children… I know what you think They are too young, but because they are young and inexperienced, they have the courage to treat!!”

“Our child’s illness has never been seen by a doctor. Maybe they can do something about it?”.

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