Chapter 450

Samaka’s face became heavier.

He is the head of the International Olympic Committee and also a nobleman.

Although the concept of aristocracy has long disappeared in this era, they also have no matching titles, rights, status, etc., but the aristocratic spirit inherited from the family is still carried through the blood.

Of course, there is also wealth belonging to the nobility…

Samaka did not like to abuse power. In the process of treating Monica, Samaka was done with the help of her friends, and did not use her identity to obtain any convenience at all.

But is there an exception now?

Although the head of the International Olympic Committee can’t fight IBRO, once the power reaches the top, all walks of life will be connected.


Suddenly, Monica’s breathing became rapid again, which lasted for more than ten seconds, only then did it slowly stabilize, and Monica gradually woke up.

“I will contact the IBRO Foundation and the International Brain Organization Association. Monica must be cured anyway!” Samaka said suddenly.

This is the way he should have as a father.

Eight University of Salona, ​​as one of the top 100 universities in the world, is also quite a place in the world.

Zhou Yuan and Damen Weizi came here under the leadership of Banaro, and the IBRO annual meeting was held here.

Eight University of Salona’s medical profession is not outstanding, and even many universities can crush him, but because the IBRO Foundation is located here, even Harvard University can only send top talents to attend the annual meeting.

Zhou Yuan suddenly felt that some foundation could be set up in Yenching University at that time, and some activities could also be held to let doctors from all over the world go to Yenching.

This is of great benefit to local economic development and medical progress.

The improvement of the overall medical level of Eight Salona depends on this annual meeting, and the biennial IBRO International Award is even more a grand event.

After arriving at the school, the gate unknown son quickly pulled Zhou Yuan and left alone.

“What are you doing?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“Nonsense, I must take you to visit Basarona! Didn’t I tell you when I came, I’ll be your guide.”

With that said, the gate unknown child pulled Zhou Yuan through the noisy students and out of the campus.

Before Zhou Yuan knew what he wanted to do when he came to the gate, the two turned into a small alley and finally stopped after turning around.

At this moment, the silent gatekeeper Mikiko’s eyes lit up.

Zhou Yuan silently looked at the mahjong table in front of him, “You said to visit Basarona, you are here to play mahjong?!”

The unknown child at the door rubbed his hands: “What about it? I’m not familiar with other places except Mahjong Hall!”(Read more @

She shrugged and said helplessly: “If you don’t like watching, then you go back.”

Zhou Yuan sneered, turned around and got ready to leave.

When he saw the maze-like alley in front of him, Zhou Yuan was desperate…

He suddenly understood why the door unknown son had to take himself around so many bends, this was planned long ago!

“Grass.” Zhou Yuan said briefly.

When the gate unknown child came out of the alley, there was nothing left on him except clothes.

When I entered, the door unknown child brought more than one thousand euros, close to 10,000 yuan, a few hours have been squandered…

But Daemen Unknown’s expression didn’t feel much regret, as if he was still happy that he had persisted for so long before losing all this time.

“Have you won?” Zhou Yuan couldn’t help asking.

Damen unknown son sneered: “Am I playing mahjong to win? I am for happiness!”

“It means you never won.”

Damen unknown child: “Although I lost money, I bought happiness!”

Zhou Yuan didn’t excuse him. After leaving the alley and returning to the main street, Zhou Yuan wouldn’t get lost.

“I’ll go to the hospital nearby.”

Hospitals in different places are different. If there is any good place, Zhou Yuan might be able to bring back to Yanjing Chinese Medicine to study.

After all, Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine belongs to Zhou Yuan, and he really wants to build Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine into a tertiary hospital.

Before Zhou Yuan was on the road, Banaro called.

“Mr. Zhou Yuan, my father is looking for you for something. Are you free now?” Banaro’s tone was a little serious.

Zhou Yuan frowned.

It seems that the visit to the hospital can only be temporarily put on hold.

“Go back, the president of the IBRO Foundation has something to look for me.”

The door unknown son nodded, and was about to take a taxi, and suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

“I have no money…”

Although Damen Weizi has a bank card and a mobile phone, Basarona does not support domestic payment methods, and bank cards cannot be used here.

Zhou Yuan’s face turned black in an instant.

At that time, when the door-to-door unknown boy fight was on the rise, he took away the money Zhou Yuan was carrying with him, and now the two of them don’t have a penny on them.

“Or, let Banaro come to pick us up?” Damen Unknown said with her neck curled up.

She didn’t dare to speak loudly now, she did it, and she was upset.

Zhou Yuan chuckled and said, “No, what would it be like to let her pick us up?”

“But it’s an hour away from the Eight Salona Hotel. If you go back, I’m afraid you will have to go to tomorrow.”

Zhou Yuan dialed Banaro’s phone: “Hey, is it convenient to pick me up?”

When Banaro in a suit got out of the black extension Lincoln, Zhou Yuan and Damen Weizi were sitting on a bench in the park in a daze.

“Mr. Zhou Yuan!”

Banaro got out of the car, leaned against the door, and waved to Zhou Yuan.

I have to say that this shortcoming of Ping-Hung suddenly became a bit after putting on a suit, and Banaro revealed a queen’s temperament all over his body.

After getting in the car, Zhou Yuan thanked him and asked, “What is your father asking for me?”

Banaro shook his head: “To be more precise, it is not my father who is looking for you, but another big man. My father has no way to refuse his request.”

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment.

As the president of the internationally renowned IBRO Foundation, who else can’t refuse him?

Barnaro added: “In fact, it’s not just you, but several other candidates preparing for the IBRO International Awards were called out… I guess you came here specifically for the international clinical skills competition after the annual meeting. The elite doctors have been summoned by my father.”

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised: “Why, so many doctors are together, what else can they do besides treating diseases?”

Bana Luo smiled brilliantly, “Yes, it’s a cure. It’s just a rare disease that has never been recorded!”.

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