Li Daoxuan snapped his fingers, and a cluster of flames suddenly appeared in his hand. With a gentle blow, the flames grew in the wind and flew directly towards the corpse moths.

The corpse moths encountered the natural enemy and were burned to ashes.

Li Daoxuan and his companions saw a big hole at the location of the mural of King Xian's wife.

After passing through the hole, they saw a small trapezoidal copper coffin on the left.

The fat man walked over and pushed open the coffin lid, only to find that there was only a set of sparrow feather jade clothes.

The fat man took out the sparrow feather jade clothes and found that the texture was exquisite and all strung with gold threads.

Shirley Yang walked forward and fumbled inside with her hands.

Only then did they find that there was only the sparrow feather jade clothes inside, and there was no trace of the Zhuchen Pearl.

Li Daoxuan and his companions did not find any trace of the Zhuchen Pearl, so they could only explore the entire tomb.

Only then did they realize that the entire tomb had no traces of artificial carving, as if it was formed naturally, and the surrounding walls and ground did not look like normal stones.

Li Daoxuan then remembered that this tomb was made of meat Ganoderma lucidum. I am afraid that when they came in, this "black head meat coffin" had already begun to revive.

There are several simple murals in the tomb at the outer end, which are completely different from the exquisite large-scale paintings outside.

The composition and brushwork are extremely simple, and it seems that they were all drawn by King Xian himself, and the content is shocking.

The beginning part is about the construction process of King Xian's tomb. According to the description in the painting, how King Xian destroyed the mountain god in Zhalong Mountain.

Slave aborigines, and several artifacts of the mountain god are also painted on it.

One of them is the Lingyu Jade Embryo, and those big toads.

At the top of these murals, there is a painting of a lake view, and in the center of the lake view there is a huge castle.

In the castle, a huge eyeball-shaped totem is enshrined, and some people with strange costumes are serving around it.

Li Daoxuan looked at the painting and thought silently:

"This old Prince Xian is really capable. He actually predicted the Eluohai City."

Li Daoxuan looked at other places and saw that Prince Xian painted himself sitting on the dragon throne in Minglou, and an immortal slowly flew down from the sky.

This immortal was actually emitting colorful light all over his body. Although his face was painted very simply, it was obvious that this immortal was him.

Lao Hu, Fatty, and Shirley Yang also saw this painting, and the three of them opened their mouths in shock.

How did Prince Xian predict that Li Daoxuan would come here? And judging from the appearance of this painting, it is obvious that "Li Daoxuan" is going to take Prince Xian to ascend to the immortal world.

Li Daoxuan felt a little numb when he was looked at by the three people. He would never take Prince Xian to become an immortal, and he would not have enough time to kill the old man Prince Xian.

Old Hu looked at the mural, then at Li Daoxuan, and then stuttered:

"Old Li, what do you think is going on? King Xian couldn't have seen you, and this painting clearly shows you leading King Xian to ascend to immortality."

The fat man also nodded and agreed:

"Yes, Old Li, what is going on."

Shirley Yang thought for a while, and then said:

"Old Hu, Fatty, you grew up together, how could you not know Old Li."

Old Hu and Fatty felt a little ashamed when they heard what Shirley Yang said. Even Shirley Yang and Li Daoxuan had only been together for a short time, and they could trust each other.

They grew up with Li Daoxuan, so could they have a gap with Li Daoxuan just because of a mural?

Li Daoxuan looked at the two of them and sighed helplessly in his heart. He knew that he had to dispel their doubts.

"I don't know why King Xian painted such a mural, but I can tell you for sure that I will never take him to ascend to immortality."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence, or it's some kind of vision of King Xian."

"Our top priority now is to find the Zhuochen Pearl and leave here."

After listening to Li Daoxuan's words, Lao Hu and Fatty looked at each other. Although they still had a little doubt in their hearts, they chose to believe him.

Fatty muttered:

"Okay, Lao Li, we believe you. But this King Xian is really wicked. He made such a scene, which is obviously to distract us."

Suddenly, Shirley Yang exclaimed.

"Lao Li, look over there, and over there, how come all the murals in the tomb have evaporated."

Li Daoxuan and Lao Hu Fatty looked at the wall just now, and immediately saw that the original murals had disappeared.

Now you can see the white wall directly.

The fat man saw that the wall was actually melting and exclaimed:

"Look, why is the wall melting, it looks like a cream popsicle."

Li Daoxuan suddenly felt a strong energy fluctuation coming from underground, and the energy was getting stronger rapidly.

Tap the ground lightly, andAfter a slight sense, he found that there was a humanoid creature right below the Wutou Flesh Coffin.

Li Daoxuan's face changed instantly.

Li Daoxuan reminded:

"Not good, this 'Wutou Flesh Coffin' is probably going to wake up completely! And King Xian seems to have woken up too, everyone be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, the entire tomb shook violently.

The wall was like a wave, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

Seeing this, Lao Hu and Fatty took out their spiritual swords and looked at the creeping walls around them with caution.

Suddenly, countless pale white hands stretched out from these creeping walls.

Lao Hu and Fatty rushed forward and fought with these pale white hands, but when the two were fighting fiercely, human hands appeared on the ground and above.

Instantly surrounded Li Daoxuan and his men.

Li Daoxuan quickly put a layer of spiritual power shield on them to protect them from harm, but these hands were getting more and more.

As if there was no end to the chopping, Li Daoxuan waved his hand to signal Lao Hu and Fatty to return to his side.

Li Daoxuan pointed his sword forward, and countless spiritual swords flew out of his hand and flew towards those pale human hands.

These pale human hands seemed endless. Although Li Daoxuan kept firing spiritual swords, they continued to pour in.

Li Daoxuan looked at the increasing number of pale human hands, and the next moment he chanted something in his mouth, cast a powerful spell, and rushed towards the Wutou meat coffin.

The powerful force suddenly hit the Wutou meat coffin and broke it into pieces.

Li Daoxuan felt that King Xian was about to come out, and Shirley Yang and others might be in danger if they stayed here. Although he was very confident in himself, it was better to let Shirley Yang and others go out first.

Li Daoxuan pointed his sword at the tomb above, and suddenly the powerful sword energy rushed straight into the sky, directly punching a big hole in King Xian’s tomb.

"Old Hu, Fatty, take Shirley out quickly, King Xian will be out soon."

"King Xian's strength should not be underestimated. I will be distracted if you are here, don't worry!"

"I will solve it as soon as possible."

After saying this, Li Daoxuan gave Shirley and Yang a reassuring look.

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