Chen Yulou took out his small sword and walked towards the woman cautiously.

As soon as he got close to the woman, she turned around.

However, when Chen Yulou saw the woman, he was frightened and took a big step back, even tripping himself.

Everyone looked at the woman, only to see that the woman was wearing Ming Dynasty clothes and her face was extremely pale.

Her skin was also extremely pale. Looking closely, the exposed skin and face were not human skin.

It seemed to be made of paper. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't tell at all.

It was exactly the same as human skin.

When the woman was illuminated by the fire, her body joints actually moved.

The nails of her fingers were extremely sharp, and she rushed towards Li Daoxuan and others.

Li Daoxuan directly summoned the Human Emperor Banner, stretched out his hand and shook it, and the paper man fell to the ground immediately.

The soul of a young woman was summoned by Li Daoxuan.

A black light flashed on the Human Emperor Banner, and the woman's soul was sucked into the Human Emperor Banner.

Li Daoxuan looked at the paper man who fell to the ground and said slowly:

"This should be the trick of Guanshan Taibao. He let this paper man in to take the treasure in the bottle mountain."

"It looks like Guanshan Taibao didn't get out alive. Everyone be careful."

After hearing Li Daoxuan's words, everyone nodded and searched carefully in the palace.

But after searching for a while, they found that there was nothing else in the entire palace.

Only the bronze drum in the center was there.

Chen Yulou calmed down and went forward to carefully examine the bronze drum. He found that the drum was engraved with mysterious runes, as if telling some ancient secrets.

Just as he was trying to decipher these runes, suddenly, the drum sounded, and the whole palace was shaken.

Everyone looked at the bronze drum in astonishment, only to see that the drum surface suddenly split in the middle, and a deep pit appeared in front of everyone.

Li Daoxuan looked at the huge hole and said:

"I'll go down and take a look first."

After saying that, he gave Hua Ling and Hong Girl a reassuring look, and then jumped into the huge pit.

Under the huge pit was a long passage, more than 200 meters deep.

Li Daoxuan used his spiritual power to wrap himself up and gently landed on the ground. Only then did he find that there was actually an alchemy room below.

In the middle was a huge bronze alchemy furnace, with some coffins placed around it.

Some coffins had been opened, and in the corner on the side, there stood a five-meter-high medicine cabinet.

The medicine cabinet was filled with dense names of medicinal materials, some of which were even extinct medicines.

Just as Li Daoxuan was looking at the names of those medicinal materials, a figure in a black robe suddenly appeared in the corner.

The figure was tall and fat, wearing a strange black robe and a tall hat, exactly like the legendary Black Impermanence.

The figure rushed towards Li Daoxuan quickly.

There was a pair of sharp teeth in the mouth, which was obviously a corpse.

Li Daoxuan jumped up lightly and avoided the corpse.

After landing, Li Daoxuan clenched his fist and hit the zombie.

After the zombie was hit by the huge force, it hit the stone wall rapidly.

The arms and thighs were twisted, but the zombie could still move.

The big mouth was open, and it kept roaring at Li Daoxuan.

Li Daoxuan looked at the corpse and saw a gold plate hanging on the waist of the zombie.

There were four big characters "Guanshan Taibao" engraved on it.

Li Daoxuan smiled contemptuously. This Guanshan Taibao might have come here to get the clue of the Zhuchen Pearl.

I'm afraid he also knew the function of the Zhuchen Pearl and wanted to be immortal like King Xian, but he turned into a zombie here for some reason.

It might be bitten by the general of the Yuan Dynasty.

Li Daoxuan rubbed his fingers and a ball of flame appeared out of thin air, flying towards Guanshan Taibao.

The flames entangled Guanshan Taibao, and Guanshan Taibao could only open his mouth and roar helplessly.

In the end, Guanshan Taibao turned into ashes in the raging fire.

Li Daoxuan looked around and found that there was only a large medicine cabinet with good medicinal materials.

He put it directly into the storage ring, and then set a big fire, burning all the coffins in the alchemy room.

Li Daoxuan flew up lightly and flew upwards.

As soon as Li Daoxuan flew out of the big hole, he saw Hua Ling and Hong Girl standing next to the bronze drum.

Everyone else had left the Wuliang Hall.

Li Daoxuan flew to the side of the two women, and Hong Girl looked at Li Daoxuan and asked first:

"Daoxuan, what is down there."

Li Daoxuan shook his head, and then said:

"There is only an alchemy room down there, but there is a corpse inside.Guanshan Taibao."

"I guess Guanshan Taibao also came here to look for treasure, but was accidentally bitten by the general of the Yuan Dynasty, so he also became a zombie."

Hua Ling was not interested in Guanshan Taibao, but was very interested in alchemy.

"Brother Li, is there an elixir of immortality for the emperor down there?"

Li Daoxuan touched Hua Ling's head, then shook his head and said:

"I guess you don't want the elixir inside. The medicine for the elixir of immortality is the corpse of a zombie."

Hua Ling shuddered after hearing this. She originally thought that the elixir of immortality was made from precious herbs, but she didn't expect that it would use the corpse of a zombie. This was really terrible.

"It's better not to take this kind of elixir. There may be some side effects if you eat it." Hong girl said with a serious face.

Li Daoxuan nodded in agreement.

"Let's leave as soon as possible and find the real tomb of the general of the Yuan Dynasty. "

The three decided not to delay any longer and turned to leave the Wuliang Hall.

As soon as they left the Wuliang Hall, they saw Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai's men lying on the ground and carefully prying the jade with tools.

Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao were relieved to see Li Daoxuan coming back.

Although they already knew that Li Daoxuan had the strength of an immortal, they still couldn't help but worry when they encountered such a situation.

Queqiao Shao looked at Li Daoxuan and said:

"Brother Li, I just don't know if you have found the tomb of the great general of the Yuan Dynasty down there."

Li Daoxuan shook his head and said:

"It's not down there, let's go look somewhere else! "

Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao nodded and followed Li Daoxuan to the side hall of Wuliang Palace.

The palace that Li Daoxuan went down to before was the side hall of Wuliang Palace.

After walking past the side hall, they searched the area nearby and finally found a crack at the back.

This crack went diagonally from the bottleneck of the bottle mountain to the bottom of the bottle.

The width of the crack was very small and could only accommodate one person.

Some places were even too small to pass through.

In a section of this crack, because it had not seen sunlight for many years, some rare medicinal herbs actually grew.

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