After Lao Hu and Fatty buried the human bones, they walked up to the crowd and said:

"We must take turns to stand guard. Once we find any situation, we must tell everyone in time. If the storm can pass, we must evacuate as soon as possible."

Lao Hu remembered what Li Daoxuan said about the desert marching ants here, and he patiently told everyone in the archaeological team.

Fatty was eating dry meat jerky, and he said while eating with a look of despair:

"When the wind is weak, I will go out and kill two yellow sheep and bring them back. We can also eat some fresh meat. I am tired of chewing this meat jerky."

An Liman was unwilling to hear what Fatty said.

"No, if you go out to hunt yellow sheep, you will scare away all the animals hiding here."

"After they run out, they will be buried alive in the black desert. We are the same as these animals. We are blessed by God and hide here."

"If you are like this, even if we run out, God will punish us."

The fat man heard Anliman talking non-stop and looked at him speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, stop it, then I don't eat it."

Li Daoxuan heard that the fat man gave up like this, and looked at the fat man in surprise. He didn't expect that the fat man, who was usually stubborn, would actually fall in front of Anliman, the nagging old man.

Li Daoxuan looked at Anliman who was still muttering and stopped him:

"Anliman, you can stop us from going out to hunt yellow sheep, but we must eat fresh meat. Dried meat is boring. How about this. I'll go out and kill one of your camels. You don't mind, do you?"

Anliman heard that Li Daoxuan was thinking about his camel and shook his head like a rattle. If his camel was killed, it would be more painful than taking his own life, so he agreed to the fat man's request to hunt yellow sheep.

The fat man saw that Li Daoxuan had subdued the old man Anliman, and he was so excited that he wanted to go out to hunt yellow sheep immediately.

Although Li Daoxuan and others had already collected enough supplies in the desert town, who would be willing to chew dry dried meat when there was fresh meat?

Li Daoxuan said to Lao Hu and Fatty:

"Lao Hu, Fatty, let's go out and hunt yellow sheep. I'm tired of eating dried meat."

Professor Chen and others saw that Li Daoxuan and others did not bring any weapons. They looked at Li Daoxuan and the other two with questioning eyes.

Li Daoxuan looked at the doubtful eyes of the people and explained:

"We three have a way. You just wait to eat yellow sheep."

Although the archaeological team was a little confused, Li Daoxuan was so sure that he must have no objection.

Yingzi looked at Li Daoxuan and the other two preparing to go out and gave Li Daoxuan a reassuring look.

"Brother Daoxuan, don't worry, I'm watching here."

Li Daoxuan looked at Yingzi's well-behaved and lovely appearance, which made Li's heart beat faster.

Shirley Yang looked at Li Daoxuan and Yingzi's eyes exchanging, and immediately jealousy surged in her heart. She turned her head away, not wanting to watch the two show their affection.


Old Hu coughed at the right time, breaking the somewhat ambiguous scene.

Chu Jian and Satipeng looked at Li Daoxuan jealously. They didn't like Li Daoxuan to begin with, and now they felt even more uncomfortable watching Li Daoxuan showing off his affection.

Li Daoxuan looked at Chu Jian and Satipeng's jealous eyes and didn't take them seriously at all. These two guys were incompetent at everything, ate everything and left nothing, and were the number one troublemaker. If it weren't for Professor Chen and others, Li Daoxuan would have made them disappear from the world long ago.

As soon as Li Daoxuan led Old Hu and Fatty out of the cave, they were blown by the violent sandstorm and felt uncomfortable all over.

Li Daoxuan waved three streams of spiritual energy to form a spiritual energy barrier on Old Hu, Fatty and himself, and then looked into the distance and saw six or seven yellow sheep lying under a broken sand wall in the distance. He didn't expect to encounter prey as soon as he came out.

Li Daoxuan pointed at the yellow sheep under the sand wall in the distance and said to Hu Pang and the others:

"Old Hu, Fatty, do you see the sand wall over there? There are yellow sheep under it. Let's just kill three of them."

Old Hu and Fatty nodded, then quietly walked towards the sand wall to avoid scaring the yellow sheep away.

When they got closer, Old Hu and Fatty took out their own spiritual swords from their storage rings and used sword-controlling techniques to fly towards the yellow sheep lying in the distance.

Only two sword lights flashed quickly, and the four yellow sheep fell into the yellow sand.

The remaining yellow sheep were startled when they saw their companions suddenly die. They looked around in horror, but could not find the source of the sword light. They looked at each other and then fled in all directions.

Old Hu and Fatty walked to the dead yellow sheep, picked it up, and put it in their respective storage rings.

Then they ran towards LiWalking towards Daoxuan, when they got close, the fat man said first:

"Lao Li, we have killed so many yellow sheep, there is no need to give them all to those intellectuals, we can keep two, and we can enjoy the rest ourselves."

Looking at the fat man's gluttonous appearance, Lao Hu couldn't help but slap the fat man on the back.

"Fatty, you are so fat, but still so greedy."

Li Daoxuan watched the two people laughing and playing, and then said with a smile:

"They can't eat so much, just give them one, I think this yellow sheep is at least 50 kilograms, we can keep the rest for a snack, I am also tired of eating dried meat."

Lao Hu and the fat man nodded and agreed with Li Daoxuan's idea.

The fat man took the smallest yellow sheep he hunted from his storage ring and followed Lao Hu and Li Daoxuan to the ruins of the Xiye Ancient Temple.

When they arrived at the broken cave entrance, Li Daoxuan withdrew the spiritual energy from the bodies of several people.

The three of them went into the cave and saw the archaeological team still chatting in front of the fire.

The archaeological team saw that the three of them came back unscathed, and they were a little curious about the three of them.

Especially the yellow sheep that the fat man was holding in one hand, which made them feel that they were unfathomable.

The fat man walked to the fire, threw the yellow sheep to the ground, and then looked at the archaeological team with a smile and said:

"See, your fat man will definitely catch it easily."

"Chu Jian, Satipeng, you two come here and clean up this yellow sheep."

Chu Jian and Satipeng were a little reluctant to listen to the fat man's instructions to work, but looking at the others, Yingzi and Shirley Yang, it was definitely not appropriate for them to do it. It was not appropriate for Hao Aiguo and Professor Chen to let them do it. Li Daoxuan and others were hunters, and they had brought back the prey, so it was not appropriate to let them clean up the prey. There were only two idle people left.

The two worked reluctantly, complaining all the time, and in a short while, the yellow sheep was cleaned up.

Fatty and Lao Hu had already built a grill with branches, waiting for Chu Jian and Satipeng to put the yellow sheep on the grill.

Everyone sat in front of the fire, roasting the fire and eating fresh barbecue.

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