The fat man was eating the fragrant barbecue, and his mouth was full of oil as he said:

"Fresh meat is still delicious, but it's still not as delicious as the wild boar we got in the Wild Man Valley."

"Thinking back, we were still in the Wild Man Valley~~~~"

Old Hu heard the fat man continue to talk, and was afraid that the fat man couldn't keep his mouth shut, so he kicked the fat man with his foot.

The fat man looked back and saw that it was Old Hu who kicked him. He realized that he had talked too much, so he immediately shut up.

Shirley Yang stopped talking when she heard the fat man say halfway, and asked the fat man a little curiously.

"Fatty, why don't you say anything? What did you do in the Wild Man Valley at that time?"

The fat man looked at Shirley Yang's questioning look and slapped his mouth. Who made him keep his mouth shut?

Li Daoxuan looked at the fat man's embarrassed look, chuckled, and then said to Shirley Yang:

"Shirley, it's nothing, we went to the Wild Man Valley to hunt, got a lot of game, and the fat man ate a lot. I didn't expect that in the desert, he was still thinking about these."

The fat man nodded quickly, as if what Li Daoxuan said was the correct answer.

Shirley Yang heard Li Daoxuan's explanation, and always felt that they seemed to be hiding something, but it was not appropriate to continue asking now.

After everyone had eaten, it was not early, so they began to arrange the duty, and the rest of the people began to rest.

Li Daoxuan was the first one, sitting alone in front of the cave, watching the violent sandstorm outside.

Li Daoxuan sensed the sandstorm and found that the curse in the sandstorm began to slowly dissipate.

I believe that after a period of time, the sandstorm will almost disappear.

Li Daoxuan sincerely admired the Queen of Jingjue. In the Western Han Dynasty, a woman could support the huge Jingjue Kingdom. After her death, there was such a cursed sandstorm guarding her tomb. She was really an extraordinary woman.

While Li Daoxuan was thinking, Shirley Yang quietly walked in front of Li Daoxuan.

"Old Li, why are you daydreaming? What are you thinking about?"

Li Daoxuan heard Shirley Yang's question and immediately came back to his senses. Looking at the heroic Shirley Yang in front of him, he said:

"Shirley, why don't you take a rest? Is there something wrong?"

Shirley Yang sat next to Li Daoxuan, looked at Li Daoxuan's perfect profile, pursed her cracked lips and said:

"Old Li, let me tell you something. I have been having a dream since I was a child. In the dream, I entered a tomb. There was a bottomless cave deep in the tomb. Above the cave, there was a beam with a coffin on the beam. Every time I wanted to check it out, I would wake up from the dream."

"I always feel that it is related to the Jingjue Ancient City. Not only do I want to remove the ghost eye curse on me, but I also want to find the truth. Do you understand?"

Li Daoxuan also felt that this girl was indeed a bit pitiful. Who would be willing to be born with a curse and not live beyond 40 years old?

"I don't know much. I'll tell you what I know about the ancient city of Jingjue."

"Legend has it that there is a bottomless ghost cave in the Zaglama Mountain. The Zaglama people want to see the truth of the ghost cave."

"According to the prophecy, the high priest made a jade-shaped eyeball."

"As a result, because the jade eyeball was a fake, it brought disaster, which is the ghost eye curse behind you."

"Anyone who is cursed by this curse will have a gradual decrease in the iron content of their blood from birth, and the blood will become more and more viscous. People will suffer unbearably until they die of reduced blood oxygen supply and difficulty breathing."

After hearing this, Shirley Yang also bowed her head helplessly.

Li Daoxuan saw that Shirley Yang was a little dejected, and encouraged her:

"However, I do know a way, which is the Zhuchen Pearl, also known as the Phoenix Gallbladder. As long as you use the power in it well, it can also help you remove the curse."

When Shirley Yang heard what Li Daoxuan said, she regained hope of life, looked at Li Daoxuan with a smile and said:

"Daoxuan, can you help me? I want to live, see the beautiful rivers and mountains of my motherland, and live every day well."

When Li Daoxuan heard what Shirley Yang said, he also sighed about the girl's life experience, and if he could help, he would help.

"No problem, in fact, I also want to see the legendary Zhuchen Pearl, what's so magical about it."

When Shirley Yang heard that Li Daoxuan agreed to help her, she nodded happily.

The two chatted for a while, and when Shirley Yang was too sleepy, Li Daoxuan asked her to go back to sleep.

Not long after Shirley Yang lay down, the fat man came to take over.

The whole night was quiet and nothing happened.

The next morning, Li DaoxuanWhen I opened my hazy eyes, I heard Lao Hu and Hao Aiguo arguing.

I walked to Lao Hu, and Lao Hu told Li Daoxuan.

At three or four in the morning, when the shift was changing, Hao Aiguo had nothing to do, so he wandered around the room to see if there was anything worth archaeological.

As a result, when digging sand, a black stone statue was found.

Hao Aiguo led Chu Jian and Satipeng to dig a big pit and dug out the black stone statue.

The black stone statue had no crown on its head, only a flat hairpin, and a very peaceful expression, without obvious joy or anger. It was wearing Hu clothing, with its arms hanging down, and many patterns carved on its body, which seemed to be some kind of Tantric scriptures.

When Lao Hu and others found it, it was too late.

Old Hu looked at Hao Aiguo angrily. He didn't expect that Li Daoxuan had told him so many times, but this group of intellectuals just didn't listen. Now they dug out the giant pupil stone statue. What should they do if they wake up the desert army ants mentioned by Li Daoxuan?

"Professor Hao, I have told you so many times that you can't move the things here. You can't move them. There are unknown dangers here. What if you lose your life by accident?"

Hao Aiguo pouted and said stubbornly:

"Comrade Xiao Hu, I don't think it's a big deal. I dug out the stone statue and didn't see any danger. You are just exaggerating and scaring us."

Professor Chen looked at the two people arguing and comforted them:

"Comrade Xiao Hu, I understand what you mean. Thank you for your concern for us. Aiguo is indeed There are some things that are not right. "

"Aiguo, next time you encounter such a thing, you must tell Comrade Xiao Hu first. After all, we are in such a dangerous place as the desert. In case of danger, Comrade Xiao Hu will still come to save us. You must understand Comrade Xiao Hu's good intentions. "

Li Daoxuan sent a message to Lao Hu: "Lao Hu, it's useless to be angry with this group of intellectuals. You should ask Shirley Yang, Fatty, and Yingzi to go out first. The desert marching ants are coming out. "

Lao Hu heard Li Daoxuan's message and nodded in the direction of Li Daoxuan.

Although Hao Aiguo was still a little angry, his teacher Professor Chen said so, so he could only nod.

Professor Chen looked at the two people and their anger subsided, and then asked everyone to come and see the giant pupil stone statue.

After everyone came over, Professor Chen explained to everyone:

"This should be the giant pupil stone statue. In our country, more than one place with this kind of stone statue has been found. In Tianshan, Altay and Hetian River Basin, and our Mongolian grasslands, this kind of giant pupil stone statue has been found. "

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