Shirley Yang asked Professor Chen with a puzzled look.

"Professor Chen, what is the origin of this stone statue?"

Professor Chen patted the sand on his body, then stood up and said:

"There are different opinions in the archaeological community about the origin of this stone statue. Some scholars have proposed that it is a kind of god worshipped by the Mongolians."

"But some people say that it is a relic of the ancient Turks. Until now, there is no conclusion. It is an unsolved mystery."

Shirley Yang heard what Professor Chen said, looked at the giant pupil stone statue in front of her, and then looked at Li Daoxuan and said:

"Daoxuan, do you know about this giant pupil stone statue?"

Li Daoxuan touched his chin, thought for a while, and then said:

"This giant pupil stone statue should come from the ancient city of Jingjue. The stone is from the sacred mountain of Zaglama, and then it is carved. Judging from the situation, it should have been left here during the reign of the ancient city of Jingjue."

"And, the eyes of this stone man are particularly huge, probably because he wants to see the truth of the ghost cave."

Professor Chen heard what Li Daoxuan said, and excitedly sought the correct answer from Li Daoxuan.

"Comrade Xiao Li, are you sure?"

Li Daoxuan nodded. Professor Chen and others didn't expect that Li Daoxuan knew so much. They really underestimated Li Daoxuan.

Just when everyone was studying the giant pupil stone statue, the statue's eyes moved for a while. Li Daoxuan used his soul to sense it and saw that the desert marching ants had begun to wake up and began to surround everyone from underground. It seemed that they wanted to keep everyone as a meal.

Li Daoxuan quickly sent a message to Lao Hu, Yingzi, and Fatty:

"The desert marching ants under the giant pupil stone statue have awakened. We are surrounded inside and outside. We have to get out as soon as possible."

"Yingzi, take Shirley Yang out first."

"Fatty and Lao Hu, take Professor Chen and the others away. If they don't want to go, don't take them with you. Let them choose for themselves."

Fatty, Lao Hu, and Yingzi all changed their faces when they heard Li Daoxuan's message.

It is definitely no problem for Li Daoxuan and others to go out, but it will be troublesome to take Professor Chen and others out. They cannot show their strength, and they are afraid that this group of intellectuals will drag them down.

I heard Li Daoxuan say that desert marching ants are very dangerous before. If he takes Professor Chen and others with him, it may endanger the safety of Li Daoxuan and others.

Yingzi hurriedly walked to Shirley Yang, took her hand, walked towards the entrance of the cave, and said as she walked:

"Sister Shirley, you hurry up and follow me. It's dangerous here. Let's go out first."

Old Hu looked at Professor Chen and others solemnly, and said solemnly:

"Professor Chen, we can't stay here. It will be too late if we don't leave."

Hao Aiguo immediately objected when he heard what Old Hu said:

"Comrade Xiao Hu, you are scaring us again. Where is the danger now? Look where it is?"

The fat man couldn't stand Hao Aiguo for a long time. He looked at him impatiently and said:

"Hao Aiguo, if you have the ability, stay here by yourself and don't come out. Let's go. "

Professor Chen watched the two sides start arguing again, and said to Lao Hu with a smile:

"Look, we haven't said a few words yet, why are you arguing again? Everyone should be calm and talk it out!"

"Comrade Xiao Hu, what happened? You are staying here well, why do you want to go out?"

Lao Hu looked at Professor Chen seriously and said:

"Professor Chen, the situation is critical, we must leave here immediately. If we continue to stay here, we may face unpredictable dangers."

Professor Chen silently glanced at Li Daoxuan and others, and then looked at Hao Aiguo and others who were angry, and his eyes revealed a hint of helplessness.

Shirley Yang was almost pulled to the cave entrance by Yingzi. She looked at Li Daoxuan. They suddenly had to evacuate so urgently. There must be a reason. She looked at Professor Chen who was caught between the two parties and said to him:

"Professor Chen, Daoxuan and others said that there must be a reason. Let's go out first."

Li Daoxuan winked at Yingzi, Fatty, and Lao Hu. They all understood what Li Daoxuan meant and walked towards the exit.

Professor Chen and others saw that Li Daoxuan and others had gone out, and then said to Hao Aiguo:

"Aiguo, why don't we follow them out first? There might be some danger here. We have followed Comrade Xiao Li and Comrade Xiao Hu for so long. They have never deceived us. Maybe there is really danger."

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng looked at each other and saw a hint of dissatisfaction in each other's eyes. They looked at the backs of Li Daoxuan and others leaving, and an indescribable emotion surged in their hearts.

Chu Jian coughed lightly, breaking the silence. He looked at Professor Chen and said, "Professor Chen, I think Li DaoxuanThey are probably just trying to scare us. This giant pupil stone statue is still here. We still have to do archaeology. After we leave, I'm afraid it will be impossible to see it next time. "

Satipeng nodded and echoed: "I have the same opinion. If they want to leave, let them leave. After all, our most important task is to inspect cultural relics. "

Professor Chen frowned slightly, and his eyes revealed a trace of worry. He knew that Chu Jian and Satipeng's concerns were not unreasonable, but he also knew that Li Daoxuan and Lao Hu had protected them countless times, and there must be a reason for being so anxious this time.

Professor Chen was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "I understand your concerns, but we can't ignore Comrade Xiao Li's experience and intuition. I don't know how many times he has saved us since the Kunlun Glacier. We need to give him some trust. "

Chu Jian and Satipeng looked at each other, and they knew that Professor Chen's decision had been made. Although they were still a little dissatisfied in their hearts, they also understood that Professor Chen's considerations were comprehensive.

Chu Jian took a deep breath and said: "Okay, Professor Chen, we will respect your decision. "

Satipeng also nodded and said, "Yes, Professor Chen. We will fully cooperate with you and Li Daoxuan to ensure the smooth progress of the mission."

Professor Chen smiled and said, "Thank you for your understanding and support. We are a team. Only with mutual trust and cooperation can we overcome all difficulties. I believe that with our joint efforts, we will be able to complete this mission."

Just as the few people were talking, they suddenly found some fiery red ants on the sand. These ants are extremely small, the small ones are only as big as the little finger, and the big ones are as long as the index finger.

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