After everyone finished laughing at the fat man, they all started to check inside the stone chamber.

Under the illumination of candles and flashlights, the stone chamber was clearer.

After searching for a while, everyone found that there was no coffin, only an altar and a corpse on a stone pillar, and nothing else.

Shirley Yang looked at Li Daoxuan who was standing behind everyone and asked:

"Old Li, isn't this a tomb?"

"Why is there nothing here, not even a coffin."

Li Daoxuan looked at the confused look of everyone and shook his head gently, so let them look for it first!

Shirley Yang looked at Li Daoxuan and shook his head, thinking that there was indeed no tomb here, and began to observe the corpse tied to the stone pillar.

Then he walked up to Professor Chen and said:

"Professor Chen, these should be slaves who were buried alive, or prisoners or something like that."

Professor Chen sighed and responded:

"It seems that this is really not a tomb."

"It should be a place for sacrificial activities. The customs of most small countries in the Western Regions are similar."

"They will tie criminals who violate the code to death in the desert, and wait for the bodies to dry completely."

"Then put them here, and then pour the blood of slaughtered animals on these mummies."

After hearing Professor Chen's explanation, the fat man sighed and said:

"It's so miserable. Fortunately, we grew up in the new society. This evil old society is too barbaric."

Old Hu also nodded and agreed with the fat man's statement.

Hao Aiguo looked at the sighing Fatty and Old Hu and said:

"This is very common in slave society."

Professor Chen looked around and found that there was indeed nothing valuable, so he took Hao Aiguo, Chu Jian and Ye Yixin to start archaeological work on the stone pillar.

The fat man pulled Old Hu to a corner of the stone chamber and whispered in Old Hu's ear:

"Old Hu, I just took a look around, and there is nothing here except these mummies and skeletons."

Old Hu shook his head and said:

"Since Lao Li said there is a tomb here, there must be, but we haven't found it yet. This place is really a bit strange."

Li Daoxuan looked at Fatty Old Hu and the archaeological team who still couldn't find the entrance, and thought to himself: Let's help them. If we continue to let them look, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time.

Li Daoxuan walked to the back of the altar. There were 4 protrusions on the ground, which should be the entrance to Prince Gumo's tomb.

Li Daoxuan shouted to the crowd:

"Everyone come here, I found the entrance."

Professor Chen ran over immediately after hearing that Li Daoxuan had found it, and Lao Hu and Fatty followed Professor Chen and the others.

When they walked in front of Li Daoxuan, they saw Li Daoxuan pointing at a stone slab on the ground.

Shirley Yang looked at the stone slab on the ground and asked:

"Lao Li, is this it?"

Li Daoxuan nodded, then looked at the crowd and said:

"Stay away, I'll open this passage."

When everyone heard what Li Daoxuan said, they smiled and moved away from Li Daoxuan, watching his every move not far away.

Li Daoxuan stepped lightly on the stone slab with his foot, and saw that the stone slab cracked into several pieces, and then fell into the passage below.

Professor Chen saw that the passage was finally opened, and hurried to Li Daoxuan, only to see a dark hole below.

When he shone the flashlight, he saw a huge space below.

Old Hu looked at the space below, which was about five or six meters from the ground. He turned his head and looked at Chu Jian and said:

"Chu Jian, go get the ladder."

Chu Jian nodded immediately, walked outside the stone gate, took the retractable ladder, and then returned.

Just when Chu Jian took back the ladder, Professor Chen used a flashlight to illuminate the layout inside the tomb. After discovering that it was indeed the ancient Western Region burial form, he looked at Old Hu and Li Daoxuan with joy and said:

"Comrade Xiao Hu, Comrade Xiao Li, you are really archaeological geniuses. You said there is a tomb below, and it really has a tomb."

"You know too much about ancient tombs. This time you really helped us a lot. Thank you!"

Li Daoxuan coughed and interrupted Professor Chen's words.

"Professor Chen, Old Hu and Fatty will go down first, and you will follow one by one. Don't follow too closely, and pay attention to safety."

After that, Li Daoxuan jumped down first, and Old Hu and Fatty also jumped down.

After Li Daoxuan, Lao Hu and Fatty entered the tomb, they looked around and found that the layout here was indeed simple. The entire tomb only had a rectangular stone coffin and a few murals on the walls. There was nothing else.

Seeing this scene, Fatty couldn't help but curl his lips and complained:"It's just like what Lao Li said. We are completely broke. I'm afraid there is something inside."

After saying that, he walked to the stone coffin, felt around it, and looked at its style. He guessed that the gold and silver wares mentioned by Li Daoxuan might be hidden in it.

Just as Li Daoxuan was looking at the surrounding murals with Fatty and Lao Hu, Professor Chen and others who were waiting above finally saw Chu Jian coming back with a ladder.

When Hao Aiguo saw Chu Jian coming back with a ladder, he immediately snatched the ladder from his hand, placed it above the passage, and then quickly climbed up the ladder and entered the tomb using his hands and feet.

After Hao Aiguo came down the ladder, he used a flashlight to illuminate the surroundings, and then shouted to Professor Chen who was still coming down:

"Teacher, look at this tomb, it's weird."

"This seems to be a long-lost burial form of the ancient Western Regions people."

"Teacher, come down quickly, look at this coffin, it seems to be influenced by Han culture."

"It's not right, it's neither fish nor fowl."

The fat man pointed at the crazy Hao Aiguo and said to Lao Hu and Li Daoxuan:

"Lao Hu, Lao Li, look at that madman, fortunately there is no mechanism here."

Lao Hu also shook his head helplessly. Hao Aiguo was normal at ordinary times, but once he encountered something about archaeology, he was as excited as a psychopath.

Professor Chen, Ye Yixin, Chu Jian, and Shirley Yang who were upstairs came down from the ladder one by one.

Hao Aiguo looked at Professor Chen who had just come down and said excitedly:

"Teacher, come and see, it's amazing."

Professor Chen slowly walked in front of Hao Aiguo and shone the flashlight on the surrounding murals.

"These murals are so spectacular, look at these murals."

"What is recorded in these murals is related to the ancient city of Jingjue."

"This should be the tomb of Prince Gumo."

"Gumo is a small country in the 36 countries of the Western Regions and a vassal state of Jingjue."

"They are oppressed and have to offer a large amount of treasures, cattle, sheep and slaves to the Queen of Jingjue every year."

"The painters of these murals are very skilled!"

"It is gorgeous and vivid everywhere. Even without text annotations, the content of the murals is clear and vivid."

"We can clearly understand the events and characters in the murals through the murals."

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