Professor Chen pointed to another mural and said:

"This is Prince Gumo asking to see the Queen of Jingjue, hoping to reduce taxes for his subjects."

"The Queen of Jingjue refused to meet him."

Professor Chen walked slowly to another mural and introduced to everyone:

"Prince Gumo is the incarnation of the Sun God of War. He sneaked into the Kingdom of Jingjue alone and wanted to assassinate the Queen of Jingjue."

"As a result, he discovered a shocking secret."

Professor Chen finished speaking and sighed.

"This painting is so weird, Prince Gumo is spying in the corner."

"In the previous paintings, the Queen of Jingjue was veiled."

"But in this painting, the Queen of Jingjue is just a silhouette, with one hand lifting the veil."

"There is a person opposite her, like a slave, who becomes blurred and disappears?"

Shirley Yang looked at the portrait of the Queen of Jingjue in front of her, and suddenly remembered that she had read a book called "Records of the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty" before, which seemed to record this Queen of Jingjue.

"This Queen of Jingjue is a female demon."

Professor Chen and others were stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect Shirley Yang to say such a shocking thing.

Professor Chen thought about it and thought it was really possible. He decided to see what Shirley Yang said first.

"Interesting, tell me what you think."

Shirley Yang thought about the Records of the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty that she had read before, and combined it with the current murals, she said to Professor Chen and others:

"This mural is the most difficult to understand among all the murals."

"The queen in the mural lifted the veil in front of her face, and the person opposite became a dotted line."

"She may be a slave, or an assassin, an enemy that the queen wants to get rid of."

Old Hu looked at the mural in front of him and asked:

"Miss Yang, you mean that the woman in this painting disappeared because she saw the queen's face."

"So you judged that this queen is a female demon."

Shirley Yang expressed her thoughts.

"I think the queen in the painting glanced at the person opposite, and that person disappeared."

"I am just guessing, but my guess is not groundless."

"My father likes to read a book called Great Tang Records on the Western Regions, written by the Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang."

"I have also read it several times. It records many legends about the ancient Western Regions."

"One of them is about the legend of the Queen of the Desert, which left a deep impression on me."

Ye Yixin was refreshed when she heard this. As a woman, she was very surprised that the ruler of Jingjue Kingdom was actually a queen, which attracted her great attention.

"Sister Yang, please tell us about it."

Chu Jian, Hao Aiguo, and Professor Chen nodded one after another. It was the first time they heard the legend about the Queen of Jingjue.

Shirley Yang turned around and said to everyone while walking and looking at the murals:

"There is a city deep in the desert, where a nation from underground lives. They rule all the small countries around them."

"After hundreds of years, the throne was passed to the last queen. Legend has it that the eyes of this queen are the passage to the underworld."

"As long as she looks at the enemy, the enemy will disappear without a trace. As for where the disappeared people went, no one has ever known."

Ye Yixin looked at Shirley Yang with admiration. She didn't expect Shirley Yang to know so many things.

"I guess this story will definitely have an even more incredible ending, Sister Shirley, please continue."

Shirley Yang thought for a moment and continued:

"The queen adopted a high-pressure rule. She wanted all the people in the neighboring countries to worship her as a true god."

"All those who resisted were executed. Perhaps her actions angered the gods."

"The queen died of a strange disease after a few years of tossing."

"As soon as she died, the slaves and several neighboring countries oppressed by the queen formed a coalition and bloodbathed the queen's royal city."

"The coalition was preparing to destroy the queen's tomb. At this time, the sky and the earth changed color, and the terrible wind and sand swallowed up the coalition and the royal city."

"The queen's tomb and her search Countless treasures that were taken away were lost under the yellow sand. "

"After hundreds of years, some travelers who passed by would trigger desert storms, clouds and smoke, and lose their way as long as they took any property. "

"People who took the queen's treasures could never leave the desert. "

"However, the mysterious royal city, the evil queen, the background of the times, and other information in the legend are not fully recorded in the book. "

Chu Jian looked at the murals and said to everyone: "The murals in this ancient tomb and the records in the book, plus these ancient legends. "

"There are too many similarities between the two. "

"I feel that this is not a legend, this must be a real thing!"

Professor Chen and others nodded, agreeing with Chu Jian's statement.

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