Shirley Yang pointed to the last few paintings and introduced them to everyone:

"The records in the following paintings are very clear."

"The prince's assassination attempt was not successful."

"After returning home, he continued to plan how to get rid of the queen."

"At this time, he met a fortune teller from a distant country."

"The fortune teller asked the prince to hide a special slow-acting poison in the golden lamb."

"Then he presented it to the queen as a tribute. Sure enough, not long after, news came that the queen had died suddenly."

"But the prince died prematurely due to overwork."

"He and his beloved wife were to be buried together, so the fortune teller designed a mausoleum for him and buried them under the altar."

After Shirley Yang finished her explanation, she looked at Professor Chen, with a serious expression and asked calmly:

"Professor Chen, is my understanding correct?"

Professor Chen nodded. Shirley Yang was quite capable since she could make a similar analysis based on a Tang Dynasty Records of the Western Regions and the murals in the ancient tomb.

"Great, great analysis."

Shirley Yang looked at Professor Chen and continued:

"My father, like Professor Chen, has been studying these Western Region cultures, especially the Jingjue culture, all his life."

"I also learned a lot since I was a child. I agree with the professor's point of view that the queen in these paintings is the Queen of Jingjue."

"Plus the murals that followed, it further confirmed our inference."

Shirley Yang's words excited Professor Chen, his eyes were moist, and his thoughts were drawn back to Shirley Yang's father.

Professor Chen deeply admired the scholar who devoted his life to studying Jingjue culture for his persistence and dedication.

Now, seeing Shirley Yang so sensible, Professor Chen seemed to see the shadow of her father in her, which was a kind of inheritance of academic spirit and the inheritance and development of her father's career.

Hao Aiguo saw Professor Chen shed tears and immediately walked to Professor Chen and asked with concern:

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Professor Chen shook his hand, indicating that nothing was wrong.

"I just remembered a lot of things about her father back then. Sorry, sorry."

Shirley Yang stared at Professor Chen and recalled the curse she was carrying in her heart.

Fortunately, she had Li Daoxuan's company on this journey, otherwise she really didn't know how to face it all.

"Uncle Chen, if we can successfully find the Jingjue Ancient City, my father's spirit in heaven can also rest in peace."

Old Hu looked at Professor Chen and others and Shirley Yang with a calm look, his expression was full of seriousness and contemplation.

He knew that they were facing an unknown Queen of Jingjue, and they needed to be more cautious and calm.

"But everyone, I want to ask a question!"

"Since the legendary Queen of Jingjue is a female demon, do we still need to find her tomb?"

The fat man nodded. Since he became an immortal, he felt that this world was not simple at all. Li Daoxuan also told him and Lao Hu that some places in this world were very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

"That's right!"

"If she is a female demon, we go to find her tomb, isn't that tantamount to sending ourselves to die?"

Shirley Yang thought about it seriously. Although Li Daoxuan had reminded her that the Queen of Jingjue might still be alive, she still insisted on her point of view.

"These are just legends, and our inferences are not necessarily true."

Li Daoxuan decided to reveal some of the truth to them in advance, so that they would not be kept in the dark and know nothing about this dangerous world.

"As far as I know, the Queen of Jingjue may still be alive."

Professor Chen and others were shocked when they heard Li Daoxuan's words. They never thought that Li Daoxuan would say that a person who had disappeared in the long river of history for thousands of years might still be alive.

Li Daoxuan looked around at everyone and saw that everyone's faces were shocked, so he continued:

"The Queen of Jingjue always wears a veil on her face, and no one can see her true face."

"Her eyes can exile enemies to a foreign land called imaginary space."

"And the reason why she has such divine power is that she has a magic eye, which is powerful enough to rival the Buddha's eye and is called the Boundless Demon Eye."

"The Queen of Jingjue suffered backlash due to the abuse of the Boundless Demon Eye, and her life is about to end, so she will try every means to seek immortality."

"As far as I know, the Queen of Jingjue should have found a way to immortality."

After listening to Li Daoxuan's story, everyone was still immersed in shock.

As a successor of science, Hao Aiguo examined Li Daoxuan's statement with a scientific attitude and rigorous thinking.

He is well aware of the limitation of time on life.A person who lived for thousands of years, according to common sense, has long passed away.

Therefore, he rejected Li Daoxuan's statement without hesitation, thinking it was nonsense.

"Li Daoxuan, are you kidding us?"

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"We should believe in science, not feudal superstition!!!"

Hao Aiguo's response was full of seriousness and calmness, and his tone revealed his firm belief in science and impatience with absurd statements.

He believed that such an unreasonable statement should not be easily believed, let alone misled by it.

Science needs basis and verification, not conjecture and superstition.

Li Daoxuan curled his lips and looked at Hao Aiguo impatiently.

"Believe it or not."

Lao Hu and Fatty believed in Li Daoxuan's statement. Since embarking on the road of cultivating immortals, Lao Hu and Fatty have thrown science behind their minds.

Shirley Yang thought about it and realized that Li Daoxuan had no need to lie to her, not to mention that she had also seen Li Daoxuan's cultivation methods.

That is to say, there is only one possibility, the Queen of Jingjue is really still alive!!!

Professor Chen was shocked by Li Daoxuan's words, but he also realized that Li Daoxuan would not make remarks without reason.

Just as he was about to ask Li Daoxuan for the specific basis, Li Daoxuan turned around and walked towards the exit.

Li Daoxuan wanted to leave this place, return to Yingzi, and accompany her well.

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