Old Hu and the other two flew to the beam above the ghost cave with Shirley Yang and the other two on their swords.

As soon as they landed, Shirley Yang, Professor Chen and Ye Yixin collapsed on the beam. This was the first time they were carried in the air, not to mention above the ghost cave.

Looking at the bottomless ghost cave below, even ordinary people would be scared to death.

Li Daoxuan saw that everyone had arrived, so he prepared to go to the coffin of the Queen of Jingjue.

The coffin of the Queen of Jingjue was made of a piece of wood, which looked like the Kunlun sacred tree.

There was also a huge corpse-scented konjac growing on the Kunlun sacred tree. The corpse-scented konjac seemed to be gradually waking up, and the closed flower trembled, as if it would bloom at any time.

Hu Bayi looked at the piece of wood on the beam and said in shock:

"This is the Kunlun sacred tree, the legendary divine object!"

"My grandfather once said that the best material for coffins is the tree cellar of the Yinchen wood."

"But there is another kind of divine wood among the best, which is this Kunlun sacred wood."

"Even if it is only a section, it will not dry up without soil, water and sunlight."

Professor Chen looked at the Kunlun sacred tree in shock. This trip really opened his eyes. Not only did he see the magical methods of Li Daoxuan and others, but he could also see the legendary divine object.

Hu Bayi looked at Professor Chen and others and continued:

"If a corpse is placed in it, it can remain uncorrupted for thousands of years, and it can even be resurrected according to legend."

Li Daoxuan looked at the Kunlun sacred tree in front of him cautiously. The Queen of Jingjue lying inside should have relied on the Kunlun sacred tree to fight against the curse of the snake god, so that she could be subtly preserved.

Li Daoxuan used his soul to investigate and found that the Queen of Jingjue in the Kunlun sacred wood coffin was wearing the clothes of the Queen of Jingjue. The clothes were noble and elegant, and decorated with gold ornaments.

The Queen's face was covered with a veil, and her true appearance could not be seen. Li Daoxuan walked to the coffin, waved his hand to suppress the corpse-scented konjac, and reached out to lift the Queen's veil.

The Queen's appearance stunned Li Daoxuan. She was slightly similar to Shirley Yang, but more charming.

Although her eyes were closed, her lips were slightly raised under her high nose bridge, like a sleeping beauty.

Her eyebrows were slightly raised, and her hair was neatly combed behind her head into an elegant bun, highlighting her nobleness and elegance.

Her face had clear lines and beautiful contours, as if it was from the hand of a great artist.

Her skin was smooth and delicate, exuding a pearly luster. The Queen's face exuded unparalleled beauty and majesty.

Just as Li Daoxuan was observing the beautiful face of the Queen of Jingjue, the Queen suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Li Daoxuan with emotionless eyes.

Her red lips slightly opened, and Li Daoxuan heard her words in the language of Jingjue:

"Mortal, you dare to look directly at the gods."

Li Daoxuan saw the Queen wake up and immediately stepped back.

Lao Hu and others saw Li Daoxuan retreating and were about to ask. A figure suddenly flashed out of the Kunlun sacred tree.

Everyone saw the Queen of Jingjue standing quietly on the beam, and the aura emanating from the Queen continued to gush out.

Suddenly, Shirley Yang, Professor Chen and Ye Yixin, three ordinary people, knelt directly on the beam, unable to withstand this powerful aura.

Lao Hu, Fatty and Yingzi were still struggling to support, and the Queen of Jingjue was indeed stronger than the three of them.

However, when Li Daoxuan saw the strength of the Queen of Jingjue, he just chuckled.

The strength of the Queen of Jingjue is only the primary level of the Golden Core, not to mention that her cultivation system is not an orthodox system of cultivating immortals, so her strength is estimated to be even lower.

Li Daoxuan waved his hand and released a stream of spiritual energy, instantly blocking the aura of the Queen of Jingjue outside.

The Queen of Jingjue looked at Li Daoxuan with her beautiful eyes in surprise. How could this mortal have a higher strength than her? How could there be such a powerful person in this world.

The Queen of Jingjue closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes had no whites, and her eyes were completely dark, like a bottomless black hole.

Li Daoxuan clearly felt that the space around him was constantly moving, as if he would be exiled to the imaginary space in the next moment.

Li Daoxuan used the spiritual energy in the Golden Core to exert the perfect strength of the Golden Core, and then he got out of the state of exile.

When the Queen of Jingjue saw that Li Daoxuan was not exiled to the imaginary space, she immediately came up with a plan.

Her black eyes flashed again, and she summoned the Pure Ahan from the beam, and groups of black and red Pure Ahan rushed towards Li Daoxuan and others.

Seeing this, Li Daoxuan immediately said to Lao Hu:

"Lao Hu, take them out with your sword."

"I'm here, don't worry."

After Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he gave Lao Hu a reassuring look.

Lao Hu understood and knew that heIf they stay here, they will only drag down Li Daoxuan. It is better to go out first and find a way later.

He looked at Fatty and Yingzi, exchanged glances with them, and then quickly took Professor Chen, Shirley Yang, and Ye Yixin to fly above the ghost cave.

When the Queen of Jingjue saw that Lao Hu and the others wanted to fly away, she shouted in the language of Jingjue:

"It's not that easy to escape. Stay with me!"

After that, the Queen of Jingjue tried to exile Lao Hu and the others to the imaginary space. Li Daoxuan saw that the Queen of Jingjue was making some moves, and quickly used his luck and spiritual energy to separate Lao Hu and the others from the imaginary space.

In the blink of an eye, Lao Hu and the others flew to the exit of the ghost cave.

Seeing that she could not stop them, the Queen of Jingjue could only turn around and look at Li Daoxuan with hatred.

Li Daoxuan saw that Lao Hu and the others finally left safely, and directly released all the spiritual energy in the golden elixir, which turned into a 100-meter-long flame dragon. The dragon opened its huge mouth and spewed out blazing flames towards the Jingjian Agama on the beam.

The beam was instantly burned, and Li Daoxuan flew into the air to confront the Queen of Jingjue.

The Queen of Jingjue struggled to maintain her strength. She didn't expect that the strength of the mortal in front of her was so strong. But as a queen, she couldn't lose face, so she gritted her teeth and prepared to use all her strength to compete with Li Daoxuan.

The black eyes flickered again, and a group of monsters with human faces, snake bodies and wings suddenly appeared in the air.

The Queen of Jingjue was suspended in the air, and she lightly pointed at Li Daoxuan with her white jade fingers, and hundreds of monsters flew towards Li Daoxuan aggressively.

Li Daoxuan chuckled, and the next moment, a 100-meter-long flaming dragon suddenly appeared and flew towards the group of monsters at a rapid speed.

The dragon kept spewing flames, and the group of monsters with human faces and snake bodies were burned to dust before they even had time to scream.

Seeing that the last means were easily cracked by Li Daoxuan, the Queen of Jingjue decided to die with him.

She closed her eyes again and exerted all her strength. This time, the black eyes turned into endless black.

Li Daoxuan looked at this scene as if he really saw the ghost cave. The breath of the curse made him shudder. The next moment, he turned around and fled without hesitation.

A roar suddenly came from the ghost cave below. Li Daoxuan felt an irresistible force. He realized that the situation was not good and decided to save his life first.

Watching the Queen of Jingjue in front of him, she was exhausted because of the residual will of summoning the snake god, and fell directly into the depths of the ghost cave.

Li Daoxuan sighed, flew over quickly, caught the falling Queen of Jingjue, and then flew towards the ghost cave.

At this moment, the will of the snake god appeared again. It saw Li Daoxuan was about to fly away, and it roared again.

Li Daoxuan saw the will of the snake god spit out a curse that condensed into substance and flew towards him at a high speed.

He used all his spiritual energy to try to resist, but he didn't escape in the end. Li Daoxuan clearly felt a curse with an eye pattern appear on his right shoulder.

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