After Li Daoxuan flew out of the ghost cave holding the Queen of Jingjue, he found that the ghost cave was at the top of the Zaglama Sacred Mountain, and there were sacrificial platforms around it. It seemed that the Jingjue Kingdom held sacrifices here.

He used his soul to sense the ten-kilometer radius, and immediately found that Lao Hu and the others had already met with Anliman and were now together.

Li Daoxuan summoned the Xiaoyao Sword, and the princess picked up the Queen of Jingjue and flew towards Lao Hu on the sword.

Lao Hu and the others were waiting anxiously, and the fat man kept turning back and forth. After they left, they kept looking at the direction of the ghost cave, but Li Daoxuan did not come out.

The fat man could not wait any longer, and summoned the spirit sword to fly towards the ghost cave. Shirley Yang saw that the fat man wanted to find Li Daoxuan, and reached out to stop him.

The fat man was already anxious and worried that Li Daoxuan would get into trouble. Now Shirley Yang was still stopping him and not letting him go, and the fat man was immediately furious.

"Miss Yang, Lao Li is my brother. He is in danger now. I want to save him."

"Even if we have to die, we must die together."

Shirley Yang was also very anxious, but when she thought of Li Daoxuan asking them to go out, she must have thought of it. What if they dragged Li Daoxuan down when they went there?

Shirley Yang shook her head firmly and wanted to stop the fat man here.

Old Hu also slowly walked in front of the fat man, looking at the anxious fat man and said:

"Fatty, have you forgotten what Lao Li told us."

"Since he asked us to come out, he must have his own ideas."

"If, if Lao Li really gets into trouble, let's go in. We'll die together."

The fat man's angry eyes gradually dimmed, and now he could only pray that Li Daoxuan would not get into trouble and come out safely.

Just when everyone was anxious, Yingzi found that Li Daoxuan came on a sword, and he seemed to be holding someone in his arms.

She pointed at Li Daoxuan and shouted:

"Fat brother, Hu brother, Shirley Yang, look, Brother Daoxuan is back."

When Lao Hu, Fatty and Shirley Yang saw this, their frowning faces immediately showed joy, and they stared at Li Daoxuan's increasingly clear figure.

After Li Daoxuan fell to the sand, Lao Hu and Fatty hurried to his side:

"Lao Li, are you okay?"

Li Daoxuan nodded, and then put down the Queen of Jingjue who was in the princess' arms.

Yingzi and Shirley Yang saw that it was the Queen of Jingjue, and they hurried over.

The Queen of Jingjue fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion, and kept her eyes closed. It seems that she will not wake up for the time being.

Li Daoxuan looked at everyone, and the worry in his heart was dissipated. He was afraid that the curse of the snake god would befall others.

Li Daoxuan thought of the curse, the curse of the eyes behind him. After trying, he found that it could not be eliminated, but only alleviated.

This time the trouble is big, now I can only rest here for a while, sign in to improve my strength, and then see if I can solve the curse of the snake god.

"Lao Hu, Fatty, let's rest here first!"

"After resting, we will prepare to return to Kyoto."

Lao Hu and Fatty nodded. This experience was too thrilling. Fortunately, they were all safe.

After watching Lao Hu and Fatty nod, Li Daoxuan used the remaining spiritual power in the golden elixir, and five kinds of light flashed around Li Daoxuan in an instant.

He waved his arm lightly, and several huge rocks flew from the Zagrama Mountain in the distance and fell on the sand.

Li Daoxuan pointed his sword, and several sword qi were crisscrossed. The huge rocks were instantly divided into flat black stones, and the stones flew up again, stacked like building blocks into three large black stone boxes.

Li Daoxuan looked at the black stone box in front of him with a dark face. The shape of this stone box was just like an urn, but he had no time to care about these things now. It was enough to live in it.

Li Daoxuan used his spiritual energy to communicate with the underground river of Zidu Dark River, and the river water gushed out, forming a pond on the ground.

He let the still gushing river water condense in the air, moistening the ground of the black desert like rain.

It has not rained here for at least hundreds of years, but there are still some tenacious seeds left. For example, cactus, saxaul, sea buckthorn, etc.

Li Daoxuan used up the last spiritual energy in the golden elixir and waved it at the seeds of these plants. With the nourishment of rain and the supply of spiritual energy, the seeds grew wildly.

Some cacti even grew to more than three meters high. The area within a few hundred meters nourished by Li Daoxuan's spiritual energy suddenly became a desert oasis, forming a sharp contrast with the desolation of the black desert.

Li Daoxuan's spiritual energy was exhausted and he fell headfirst on the grass. This was the first time he was so exhausted since he embarked on the path of cultivating immortals. It seemed that he had overplayed his hand. If he had known earlier, he would have saved some spiritual energy.

Everyone was originally shocked by Li Daoxuan's strength, and he could actually create an oasis in the desert.

However, Li Daoxuan suddenly fell to the ground, which made them feelPanic, hurriedly ran towards him.

Yingzi quickly helped Li Daoxuan up, looked at him nervously, and asked:

"Brother Daoxuan, are you okay?"

Li Daoxuan shook his head, then looked at the people who were still anxious, and said:

"It's okay, it's just that the spiritual energy is exhausted, just recover slowly."

Lao Hu and Fatty were relieved and relaxed after hearing this.

Yingzi looked at Li Daoxuan distressedly, and transmitted the spiritual energy in her body to him without hesitation.

With the influx of spiritual energy, Li Daoxuan's face gradually turned ruddy and he regained his ability to move.

He hurriedly stopped Yingzi from continuing to transmit spiritual energy and said:

"Yingzi, don't pass it to me anymore."

"I will recover slowly."

Shirley Yang looked at Li Daoxuan, who had returned to normal, and was full of gratitude. If it weren't for him, this journey would probably be dangerous, and he would not be able to reach here.

She calmed down and asked:

"Old Li, has the curse been resolved?"

Li Daoxuan looked at Shirley Yang. He had thought that the curse was simple before, but he could not solve it now after using his soul to sense the ghost eye curse behind him.

"It is indeed resolved. The curse behind you was cast by the snake god."

"But the situation is a bit complicated now. We can only get the Zhuchen Pearl and see."

After Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he took off his shirt and opened his clothes to show Shirley Yang the ghost eye curse cast by the snake god behind him.

Shirley Yang opened her cherry mouth in surprise. She did not expect that a god like Li Daoxuan was cursed. When Shirley Yang thought of the curse behind her, her heart was chilled.

Li Daoxuan looked at Shirley Yang, whose face was gradually turning pale, and said slowly:

"Shirley, don't worry. I promised you before that I would definitely help you."

"We are now grasshoppers on the same rope. Don't worry!"

Shirley Yang nodded. Now she can only rely on Li Daoxuan.

Lao Hu, Fatty, and Yingzi looked at the ghost eye curse behind Li Daoxuan and were suddenly filled with sadness. If Li Daoxuan had let them go later, they might have also been cursed by the ghost eye.

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