After Li Daoxuan and his party walked out of the stone chamber, they continued to walk down the stairs.

The stairs were one after another, seemingly endless.

Li Daoxuan released a fireball to illuminate the way ahead, but the light of the fireball was quickly absorbed by the surrounding materials and could not shine very far.

Several people walked for a while under the reflection of the fireball, but still did not reach the end of the stairs.

The fat man went on strike while walking, sat down on the stairs, and refused to walk any further.

"Old Hu, Old Li, Miss Yang, why can't we reach the end of these stairs!"

Shirley Yang and Old Hu also nodded in agreement. The current situation is indeed a bit strange.

According to common sense, the stairs in the tomb will not be too long, unless there is a mechanism.

Li Daoxuan used his soul to investigate, then patted Lao Hu on the shoulder and said:

"Lao Hu, this is the Hanging Soul Ladder, a mechanism deduced from Yishu in the Western Zhou Dynasty, specially used to trap people."

"This is your specialty, it's up to you."

Lao Hu slapped his head immediately, and then began to recall in his mind:

"Yes! I said, how come there is a crescent mark every 384 steps? I'm still thinking that 384 is definitely not a coincidence."

As Lao Hu walked down, While continuing:

"At the beginning, Taiji gave birth to two yin and yang, two yin and yang gave birth to four images, and four images gave birth to eight trigrams."

"The eight trigrams interact with each other to form sixty-four trigrams, each with six lines, a total of three hundred and eighty-four lines, which just correspond to these three hundred and eighty-four steps."

"And you can see that each step has a subtle change in light and dark, which should be used to distinguish between yin and yang."

The fat man interrupted:

"Then, Lao Hu, have you found the correct step?"

Lao Hu walked to a step and looked at Li Daoxuan and others uncertainly.

"Now these two steps may be the exit, but I am too sure about that step."

Li Daoxuan simply walked to Lao Hu, pointed to the step on Lao Hu's left and said:

"That's it, let's go quickly!"

After Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he jumped down, and the next moment Li Daoxuan's voice came from below.

"Hurry up and come down!"

Lao Hu, the fat man, and Shirley Yang smiled at each other, and then jumped down together with Li Daoxuan's steps.

After jumping down, he found that the steps were obviously not coated with the light-absorbing material. The big fireball in Li Daoxuan's hand instantly illuminated the space. It was obvious that the end of the steps was the exit of the Hanging Soul Ladder.

After walking for a while, he arrived at a larger space with many murals on the surrounding stone walls.

Shirley Yang walked to a mural, looked at Li Daoxuan and said:

"Old Li, what do you think this looks like."

The mural was exactly the same as the Hanging Soul Ladder above, with the structure and design of the mechanism.

Li Daoxuan looked at all the murals around him, and then slowly said:

"This should be a place where Li Chunfeng designed the tomb. You can see that there is also the armillary sphere here, and there are some stars arranged on it. It seems that the mechanism is arranged according to the celestial phenomena."

"What a pity, Li Chunfeng never thought that a group of immortal cultivators would enter his tomb. These mechanisms can only trap ordinary people at most."

Li Daoxuan shook his head and continued to look at the murals around him.

At this time, Lao Hu walked to the side of Shirley Yang and Li Daoxuan, and then said:

"Lao Li, Miss Yang, it's strange to say that when we first came in, it was in the style of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and after we got here, it became the style of the early Tang Dynasty."

"It is impossible for the two dynasties to be together, unless..."

Before Lao Hu finished speaking, Li Daoxuan continued:

"Li Chunfeng occupied the Western Zhou tomb. Think about it, when Li Chunfeng died, he was only the Grand Historian, only the sixth rank. According to today's saying, he was only at the county level."

"How could there be so much money to build such a big tomb for himself? He could only build his own tomb on the basis of this Western Zhou tomb."

Shirley Yang and Lao Hu nodded one after another. What Li Daoxuan said was indeed very reasonable, and everything they saw before made sense.

After walking for a while, they arrived at another cave. The leading to the final underworld hall was paved with bluestones, and there were stone pillars carved from stone on both sides, which clearly had the style of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Just as they were looking at the Western Zhou-style layout around them, they suddenly heard a lot of roars from the front, which seemed to be the human-faced black worms they had seen before.

Li Daoxuan looked into the distance and saw human-faced black worms on the stone walls on both sides and next to the stone pillars. The smallest ones were taller than humans, and some of the largest ones were even ten meters tall.

The noise of Li Daoxuan and others coming in woke up these monsters, and hundreds of human-faced black worms opened their four pairs of complex eyes.eyes, greedily looking at Li Daoxuan and others.

After seeing these human-faced black worms, Lao Hu and Fatty took out their own spiritual swords from their storage rings and flew towards the hundreds of human-faced black worms.

Shirley Yang wanted to follow to help, but Li Daoxuan held her hand.

"No need, just watch here."

Li Daoxuan walked steadily towards the hundreds of human-faced black worms, his body emitting colorful light, which gradually became richer and finally condensed into substance.

Around his body, stones turned into sharp thorns, flames turned into spears, metals turned into flying swords, water drops turned into water arrows, and vines turned into wooden thorns.

Flying towards the hundreds of human-faced black worms in front, Li Daoxuan opened his hands and continuously released the five elements spells.

In less than a moment, all the human-faced black worms fell to the ground. Some of the dying human-faced black worms were still looking at Li Daoxuan and others unwillingly, but they were powerless to save the situation.

Lao Hu and Fatty walked slowly to Li Daoxuan and patted him lightly.

"Lao Li, you are really amazing. You are getting more and more powerful now."

Li Daoxuan turned his head and looked at Shirley Yang who was still in a daze, and said with a chuckle:

"Shirley, why are you in a daze? Hurry up and leave!"

Shirley Yang patted her cheek lightly to recover from the shock, and then followed Li Daoxuan, Lao Hu, Fatty and others to the last Li Chunfeng's underworld palace.

After entering the underworld palace, it was found that there was a circular pool in the center of the underworld palace, and there were four cranes around the pool. The cranes were flying, indicating that the owner of the underworld palace could ascend to heaven.

The fat man looked at the four bronze cranes, and hurriedly walked up to touch them with his hands. The obsession in his eyes could be seen at a glance.

Lao Hu walked up to the fat man and interrupted his dirty hands.

"Fatty, you bastard, have you forgotten that you were locked in the door just now?"

The fat man smiled awkwardly and scratched awkwardly, but still said stubbornly:

"Lao Hu, look, it's okay for me to touch it!"

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