Li Daoxuan shook his head and said:

"Old Hu, it's okay, there is no mechanism on the crane."

"Just let him take it, this is his hobby."

When the fat man heard that there was no mechanism, he quickly picked up the bronze crane and put it in his storage ring.

Just as he picked up the last crane, a lot of bubbles suddenly gushed out from under the circular pool, and the stone door behind it suddenly opened.

The fat man held the bronze crane, thinking that he had accidentally touched the mechanism, and looked at the three people awkwardly.

Old Hu pulled the fat man from the pool and looked under the pool.

"This should be the inner hidden well. The water flow of this spring is always so large, it will not overflow, and it will not dry up."

"This cave has the image of a storage in Feng Shui. It originates from the sky, like the waves of water."

"In theory, this inner hidden well is very suitable for burying women, and the descendants will be blessed with wealth."

"But isn't this the tomb of Li Chunfeng? How can this inner hidden well be here?"

Li Daoxuan looked at Lao Hu who was still in doubt and said lightly:

"Lao Hu, don't think so much, let's go in and take a look, won't we know."

The fat man also walked to Lao Hu and said:

"Yes, Lao Hu."

"Let's go in and take a look, won't we know!"

Hu Bayi nodded slightly and stepped into the stone gate with Li Daoxuan.

Li Daoxuan looked around. The structure of this tomb still maintained the style of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but a coffin from the Tang Dynasty was placed in the center. This inharmonious feeling made people feel surprised.

A bronze basin was hung above the stone chamber, with animal fat solidified in it.

The fireball in Li Daoxuan's hand flew towards the bronze basin and fell into it. In an instant, the flames spread out and illuminated the entire stone chamber.

Several people walked to the Tang Dynasty coffin and looked at the Tang Dynasty coffin that was incompatible with the Western Zhou Dynasty tomb chamber, and they couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The coffin lid of the Tang Dynasty coffin was engraved with auspicious cloud patterns, and the center of the coffin lid was inlaid with a jade star map, and the pattern of the Big Dipper was clearly visible.

In front of the coffin, there was a device similar to a mechanism, with a groove on it, which was the same shape and pattern as the bronze pen that Fatty found in the room of the armillary sphere.

Li Daoxuan called Fatty forward:

"Fatty, bring the pen you found, there is a mechanism here, which should be the key to open it."

Fatty did not dare to neglect it, and quickly took out the bronze pen from his storage ring and handed it to Li Daoxuan.

Li Daoxuan took the pen, placed it on the mechanism, and gently turned it. He heard a series of "clicks" and "clicks" from under the coffin.

A golden plate suddenly popped out from the coffin.

There were dozens of characters written in small seal script on it.

Shirley Yang looked at the small seal script on it, and then slowly said:

"Xibo ascended the throne for fifty years. He was imprisoned in Youli. He probably increased the eight hexagrams of the Book of Changes to sixty-four hexagrams. Xibo died and was buried in Bi."

The fat man scratched his head, not understanding at all.

"Miss Yang, what does this mean? Please translate it for me."

Shirley Yang continued:

"There was a man named Xibo who was imprisoned in Youli and deduced the sixty-four hexagrams. After his death, he was buried in a place called Bi."

"I guess it's like this. Li Chunfeng discovered the tomb of Xibo and created and transformed Xibo's tomb."

"But it's strange. There are only a few words, and there is nothing below."

Several people surrounded the golden plaque and looked at it from front to back, but did not find any other records.

The fat man saw that the posture of several people was uncomfortable, so he took the golden plaque off the coffin directly.

"Take it down and see it if you want to. You don't mind the uncomfortable posture, right!"

As soon as the fat man finished speaking, the stone door fell down.

"Don't worry, it's just a stone door. I, your fat uncle, can smash it with one punch."

The fat man smiled awkwardly and was about to walk to the stone door and open it directly. Just as the fat man was about to leave, the ground on the left side of the coffin suddenly opened up and a Go board rose up.

The board was already full of black and white chess pieces. It seemed that this should be a dead end. It was estimated that the tomb owner wanted to discuss Go with the people who entered the tomb.

Li Daoxuan and others walked forward and looked at the Go that was slowly rising.

Lao Hu looked at the Go board and then looked at the others and said:

"This is probably another mechanism, but who among you knows how to play Go!"

The fat man immediately shook his head. He had never learned this.

Shirley Yang also shook her head and said:

"I only know how to play chess, do you know how to play, Old Li?"

Li Daoxuan walked directly to the Go board, shook his head and said slowly:

"I don't know how to play either, but I know where the mechanism is."

Li Daoxuan used his soul to sense it just now, and the mechanism was very obvious, that was where the chess piece should be placed.

Pick upThe black chess piece fell directly to the place where it was supposed to be placed.

After the black chess piece fell, the entire Western Zhou tomb chamber made a sound of mechanism operation, and the eight bronze walls fell directly, surrounding Li Daoxuan and others.

Lao Hu walked to Li Daoxuan and said slowly:

"Lao Li, did you make a wrong move?"

Li Daoxuan shook his head and said:

"No, I just saw it, that's the right one."

Lao Hu knew that he had not placed the chess piece wrong, so he looked directly in front of the eight bronze walls. Each bronze wall was filled with valuable antiques.

From the Shang Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, there were antiques from almost every era, and even the knowledgeable Shirley Yang was a little stunned.

The fat man looked at the antiques on the bronze wall, and his mouth began to drool. Just when the fat man was about to reach out and take one,

Li Daoxuan's voice came:

"Don't move, Fatty, there is a mechanism on this wall, connected to the ground, moving it will trigger the mechanism. You can only turn things related to the eight gates."

He pointed to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue on the wall in front of him and said to Fatty:

"Fatty, just turn the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue to the right."

The fat man agreed and walked over to turn it gently. The sound of the mechanism turning came again, and the ground began to shrink inward. Fatty quickly flew into the air with his sword.

"Old Li, did you make a mistake? Why is the ground still shrinking?"

Li Daoxuan looked at the shrinking ground and said slowly:

"This should be a timing mechanism. We have to find everything within the specified time."

When Old Hu heard that it was a timing mechanism, he also took out the spirit sword from his storage ring and flew into the air with his sword.

"Old Li, what's next?"

Li Daoxuan looked at the mechanism arrangement, and then gave instructions to Old Hu and Fatty:

"Bronze standing gui, jade dog, wooden screen, Vermillion Bird candlestick, blood jade, golden sheep vase..."

Old Hu and Fatty turned these antiques according to Li Daoxuan's instructions. A "click" sound came from the wall, and the ground stopped shrinking and gradually returned to its original state.

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